super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 299 I Am A Genius

Chapter 299 I Am A Genius

"We are brothers!" Xiao Shang cried loudly. He opened his hands and wanted to rush forward and hug Wu Guanxi, but Wu Guanxi kicked him away. Wu Guanxi wanted to leave here directly, but Xiao Shang crawled over again and died. Hugging Wu Guanxi's thigh tightly: "We are in the same dormitory of the university, we are friends, we are brothers, because of you I want to attack Chen Zheng, and now I am killed by them, do you want to abandon me?"


Wu Guanxi kicked Xiao Shang away with a vicious kick.

Xiao Shang fell to the ground, his face was pale and bloodless, and he cursed: "You bastard, you have no feelings at all, bastard, you are simply a bastard!"

"Damn it, you're just an AIDS dog, what do I have feelings for?" Wu Guanxi cursed, then walked up and kicked Xiao Shang's head hard, bleeding directly from the kick, and Wu Guanxi's face became even more serious when he saw the blood Panicked, he scolded an AIDS dog, and left in a hurry, leaving Xiao Shang lying on the ground alone, crying bitterly.

On the balcony, a man filmed everything that happened in the house with his mobile phone.

It was none other than Tiangong. Looking at Wu Guanxi who left angrily and Xiao Shang who was crying bitterly, a smile flashed in Tiangong's eyes, he crawled out along the balcony, slipped out directly, and landed on the ground. Dalizhen ran up: "Tiangong, how is it? Did you take the picture?"

"They are fighting, I have already filmed it!"

Tiangong handed over the phone.

But Dalizhen took a serious look, and sure enough, in the video, Wu Guanxi and Xiao Shang were arguing and shouting, very happy, he smiled, and quickly sent the video to Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng was having dinner with Wang Ting and Wu Li when his phone vibrated, and a MMS message was sent. Click on the video to watch, and in the video, Wu Guanxi and Xiao Shang were arguing and cursing, and Wu Guanxi said something about AIDS. He scolded Xiao Shang all the time, and finally Xiao Shang fell to the ground, heartbroken, weeping bitterly, with a painful expression on his face.

Wu Guanxi also ran away in panic.

Seeing this, Chen Zheng smiled, feeling very refreshed. He put away his mobile phone, walked in, and said with a smile, "Auntie, you have just recovered, you should pay attention to rest, and don't get tired."

"It's okay! I'm very happy today. I didn't expect my daughter to find such a good husband. This is the blessing of our Wang family. It's really lucky to be able to climb up to a doctor like you." Wu Li's face was very excited. , she took the time to ask: "By the way, when are you going to get married?"


Chen Zheng and Wang Ting looked at each other, both smiled, and said in unison: "Get married when the time comes."

"Ha ha……"

Wang Ting was very happy. She cooked herself and made good dishes. Then she sat down with Chen Zheng and Wang Ting and had a dinner in a harmonious and happy atmosphere. Going out to play, Wu Li smiled, knowing that the two of them were going to live together, she pulled Wang Ting, and said secretly: "Tingting, if you and Xiaozheng are impatient, go to some clean hotels. Remember to wear gloves!"


Wang Ting's face was completely red. She dared not tell her mother that she and Chen Zhengzao had done it many times without any safety measures.

Chen Zheng and Wang Ting got into the car under Wu Li's warm eyes, and then drove out. Halfway, Chen Zheng called Dali Zhen and Tiangong and knew that the other party was in Times Square. Driving towards Times Square, on the way, Chen Zheng got out of the car and bought two gold watches, a precious Zoppo watch worth 40 yuan, which was produced in Europe and represented a symbol of identity and status.

"Chen Zheng, why are you buying these two watches?" Wang Ting looked puzzled.

"it works."

Chen Zheng smiled, and drove the BMW towards Times Square. Soon, the BMW stopped, and Chen Zheng made a phone call. After a while, Dalizhen and Tiangong walked over and said excitedly: "Chen Brother, have you received the message from the two of us? There is a very exciting video in it!"

"Received!" Chen Zheng smiled, took out the two gold watches from the car, handed them to Dali Zhen and Tiangong, and said, "I rewarded you, this time, you did a good job!"


Both Dalizhen and Tiangong were startled, they looked closely at the two gold watches inside the box, the golden light was shining, very majestic, representing identity and status, the two looked at each other, very excited, Because it was given to them by Chen Zheng.They knew very well that Chen Zheng was an ancient killer, very noble, but now, the dignified ancient killer gave them such a precious gold watch, they were very shocked!

Tiangong knelt on the ground with one foot, and said excitedly, "Master, I can't accept it!"

"You guys have done a good job, so I gave it to you! This is encouragement!" Chen Zheng laughed.

Tiangong was very excited: Oh my god, I didn't expect an ancient killer like Master to appreciate me?I'm just a normal guy who also gets his appreciation?Omg this is so cool.

Seeing Tiangong's excited face and excited eyes, Chen Zheng smiled and patted Tiangong's shoulder: "Keep working hard!"

Dali Zhen's eyes on one side were also very excited, and he punched Chen Zheng on the shoulder: "You have known you for so long, and you have never given me anything, but now you gave me a gold watch, so you can see , I really did something that made you very happy, haha, let me just say, I am a genius!"

"Smelly, you..."

Chen Zheng smiled, quickly took out his mobile phone, called Wang An and Liu Li, and asked them to come out to play.

Everyone waited in Times Square for more than ten minutes, and saw Wang An and Liu Li rushing over. As soon as Wang An came up, he dragged Chen Zheng into the square: "Brother Xiaozheng, I heard that there will be a speeding show tonight." , let's go and see!"

Liu Li and Wang Ting also followed.

And Dali Zhen and Tiangong behind him also followed, but along the way, Tiangong was very excited, and kept saying that an ancient killer like Chen Zheng appreciated him, and finally he sighed and looked at the golden man. With a painful expression on his face: "Master gave me such a gift, I'm going to lose sleep again tonight!"


There was a burst of machine honking, and in Times Square, more than a dozen speeding cars kept rolling back and forth, which made people very excited, and there were bursts of screams around.

Wang An was very happy to see it.

But Wang Ting lacked interest. She suddenly grabbed Chen Zheng, and then walked out cautiously. After walking out of the crowd, her expression became hesitant, and she hesitated to speak.

"Tingting, what do you want to say?" Chen Zheng looked puzzled.

"Well, I see that your medical skills are very good, why don't you take a look for me too... I have a scar under my armpit..."

"Haha... your armpits are fragrant!"

"I hate it to death, so can you take a look for me?"

"of course can!"

(End of this chapter)

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