super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 300 Single needs a boyfriend!

Chapter 300 Single needs a boyfriend!
"Can you take a look for me? I have a scar on my armpit, which was left a long time ago." Wang Ting looked at Chen Zheng seriously.

"Of course!" Chen Zheng was very excited. Seeing Wang Ting's beautiful president's fragrant armpits, can you not be excited?Although both of them did what they should do, but the first time was in a dark hotel, and the second time was very crazy, and he didn't have time to watch Wang Ting's fragrant armpits carefully. He glanced around, and then pulled Wang Ting towards Go to the nearby shopping mall.

"How about we go back, it's very inconvenient here." Wang Ting said.

"It's too late to go back, I can't wait!" Chen Zhengle giggled.

Wang Ting's face turned red instantly, and she whispered, "Why don't we go directly to the hotel."

"No, it's a waste of money to go to a hotel. For such a thing, we can just find a fitting room. Isn't that Uniqlo very popular before? Let's try it too." Chen Zheng smiled badly, Pulling Wang Ting, they ran to a nearby shopping mall. From a distance, they rushed into a huge clothes shopping mall, and then went straight to the fitting room. Under the strange eyes of the waiter, the two rushed into the fitting room. In the dressing room, Chen Zheng hastily asked Wang Ting to take off her shirt, revealing her smooth fragrant armpits.

Sure enough, there was a tiny scar.

Chen Zheng circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and then rushed out. After being transformed by the princess jade, he quickly stroked the scar.

These auras were very strong, and within a short while the tiny scar on Wang Tingxiang's armpit was healed and smooth, which made Wang Ting exclaim in surprise, and she looked at Chen Zheng excitedly: "Husband, you too Isn’t it amazing? Just one touch, and the scars on my arm were wiped away!”

"Hey..." Chen Zheng smiled.

A smile flashed in Wang Ting's eyes, and she wanted to put on her clothes, but was stopped by Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng smiled wickedly, approached Wang Ting's fragrant armpit, and took a deep breath: "It smells very fragrant."

Wang Ting's face turned red.

Chen Zheng then kissed Wang Ting's fragrant armpit, and then smiled: "Okay, wife, let's go out!"

Under the surprised gaze of the waiter, Chen Zheng pulled Wang Ting and walked out. Along the way, Wang Ting's face was pink. Seriously said: "Chen Zheng, I found out that a single woman really needs a man by her side! There are many things that a single woman can't do, such as small wounds, occasional colds and illnesses, broken light bulbs at home, etc., all need a man Accompaniment and care!"

"Then what then?" Chen Zhengxiao asked.

"I will follow you in the future!" Wang Ting said firmly: "You are not only an excellent bodyguard, but also a personal doctor!"

"You're too much!" Chen Zheng smiled, and kissed Wang Ting's rosy cheeks.

The two held hands and walked out.

The entire Times Square is very lively, full of youthful and energetic men and women. In internationally famous big cities, there is always a place that represents the most developed, civilized, and fashionable place in the city. Times Square is the image of the East China Sea.

Chen Zheng and Wang Ting held hands, and then sat on the bench by the river. For some reason, Wang Ting suddenly sighed quietly, and then said: "Chen Zheng, you don't know that I didn't like it a long time ago. Woman, my first boyfriend is my high school classmate. He and I are ranked first and second in the whole year. We will compete in every test, every mid-month test, and every city and province simulation. Either he is number one, or I am number one! Competing from the first year of high school to the third year of high school."

Chen Zheng listened quietly.

Wang Ting added: "At that time, he and I were known as the two sharpshooters in the forest! Because of the competition, we walked together. We held a platonic love. There was no kissing, no holding hands, and no confession. On the contrary, we walked together, competed together, told each other's goals together, and encouraged everyone together, but his background was not good. Many people said that I found a poor boy, but for the classmates and teachers at that time, we were Golden boy and jade girl!"

Suddenly, Wang Ting became sad.

A trace of anger flashed in her eyes: "Until one time, I went out to dinner with him, but he put drugs in my drink!"

"He wants to do bad things to you?" Chen Zheng clenched his fists, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"No!" Wang Ting shook her head.

"No?" A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

"That's right! He didn't want to get me, but he wanted to stun me, and then give it to a young man who was chasing me very closely. During the whole process, he got 100 million!" A sneer flashed in Wang Ting's eyes: "For him He said, I'm only worth 100 million! He said he loves me, but he can't beat the temptation of money!"

Chen Zheng didn't say anything, just hugged Wang Ting tightly.

Wang Ting leaned into Chen Zheng's arms: "Since then, I have hated boys, I think they are dirty!"

There was dead silence all around, and after a long time, Wang Ting raised her head and said, "Honey, let's go back."


Chen Zheng nodded, and then pulled Wang Ting to go out, but when he passed the corner, he saw a girl rushing out, hugged Chen Zheng's thigh tightly, and shouted palely: "Help me, Please save me, please save me..."

Chen Zheng frowned, and just as he was about to say something, he saw two men and women running over, holding the girl tightly. These two men and women were both wearing white coats, and they looked very tall. Hugging Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng wanted to make a move even more, they hurriedly said: "Sir, I'm really sorry to bother you, this girl is a patient from our side, suffering from mental illness, please allow us to take her back !"

"Mental illness?"

Chen Zheng quickly helped the girl up, and then handed it over to two men and women.

The two men and women bowed towards Chen Zheng, and then dragged the girl back, and the girl turned pale and kept yelling at Chen Zheng: "Help me, they are not doctors, they are bad people, they Kill me... Please, help me, I'm not mentally ill, I'm normal..."

Chen Zheng frowned.

Wang Ting next to her laughed and said, "Don't take it seriously. All mental patients say they are normal. In fact, they are not normal at all. They need to be locked up."


Chen Zheng nodded, smiled, and then led Wang Ting to Times Square, but before he arrived at the speeding scene, he saw Dali running back with a nervous expression. When he saw Chen Zheng, he immediately said, "Brother Chen!" , something bad happened, Wang An was caught..."

(End of this chapter)

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