super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 301 Teasing the Speeding Party

Chapter 301 Teasing the Speeding Party

"Brother Chen, something is wrong, Wang An has been caught!" Dali Zhen ran over in a panic.

"Caught? Who caught it?" Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts. Wang An was fine. Why was Mao suddenly caught?
"Backed by the female boss of the Speeding Party!"

Dalizhen said this sentence, which made Chen Zheng vomit blood: "I'm going, don't tell me that Xiao An was targeted by the female boss of the Speeding Party because of her fair and handsome appearance?"


"I go!"

Chen Zheng was speechless, and hurried forward with Dalizhen. From a distance, he heard a burst of cheers. When he got closer, he saw a cute little boy surrounded by flying cars. It made a rumbling sound, and kept spinning around Wang An, but Wang An was already frightened, standing there, neither walking nor staying, his face was very pale, and he kept rushing. Looking at Tiangong and Liu Li outside, he shouted: "Go and call Brother Xiaozheng to come back and save me, go and call Brother Xiaozheng to come back and save me..."


I saw a speeding car rushing over, and there was a female man in the car, spinning along Wang An non-stop. When the car was running at high speed, I saw the woman suddenly hugged Wang An's neck, and her whole body was tight. She went up and kissed Wang Anna's cute little face.

The female man quickly got back on the flying car.

The whole movement was done in one go, very quickly, which caused cheers from the entire speedway. All the men and women kept shouting, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him..."

"Grass him, grass him, grass him..."

There were bursts of cheers.

And Wang An's face was pale, her eyes were full of panic, she kept looking around, as if she was looking for Chen Zheng's figure, but she couldn't find Chen Zheng, so she burst into tears, woo... …

At that moment, Chen Zheng saw it and couldn't help laughing, especially looking at Wang An's helpless look, it was so cute, even Wang Ting next to him couldn't help laughing: "This boy is so cute He was surrounded to kiss him, and he was surrounded by a woman."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Zheng couldn't help laughing, he walked forward, and saw Tiangong and Liu Li coming up, and said to him: "Master, hurry up and save Xiao'an!"

"Ha ha!"

Chen Zheng smiled, then took a step forward, and shouted at the group of speeding gangsters: "Okay, you all stop, this young man is from my side, if you mess around again, don't blame us for being rude." Already!"

"Ha ha……"

I saw the female speeding gang hugging Wang An, holding her alive in her arms, and then yelled at Chen Zheng: "This brother, I have already taken a fancy to this handsome guy. Let me play for one night, and I will be full tomorrow!" Return him to you intact, I wonder if it is possible?"

"Ha ha……"

The people around immediately broke out into a roar of laughter, fearing that the world would not be chaotic and shouted: "Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him, play him, play him, play him!!!"

I go!

Chen Zheng was speechless. All the men and women around wanted to play Wang An with female bikers. It seemed that this Wang An really caused women to go crazy!
Wang An looked at Chen Zheng pitifully: "Brother Xiaozheng, come and save me, woo woo, come and save me, woo woo..."

Chen Zheng smiled and took a step forward: "How do you want to let him go?"

"Want me to let him go? Then, you compete with me for speeding cars. If you can beat me, I will let him go. If you can't, then he must be my plaything tonight! My old lady is Tianfeng Mother, the boy who can be liked by my mother has never been able to escape from my palm!" The female speeder said provocatively: "If you want to save him, you have to defeat me!"

"to make!"

Chen Zheng nodded, then stepped forward, and came to a speeding car.

"Very good!" Tianfeng Niang shouted coquettishly, called a companion to give a speeding car to Chen Zheng, and then she started to perform first, and she drove the speeding car towards the front: "Look at the performance of my old lady." Run across the ditch!"

Everyone opened their eyes wide and watched closely.

But seeing that Chen Zheng grabbed an extra stone, and smashed it quickly, hitting the engine of the speeding car with a bang, with a loud bang, Feng Niang fell to the ground that day, causing everyone to panic. Leng.

Chen Zheng laughed: "You're too disgusting and rubbish to go straight across the ditch, don't you need me to perform? Haha..."

"This..." Tianfengniang got up from the ground again, driving the speeding car, and suddenly lifted it up, the whole speeding car was lifted halfway, the rear wheel touched the ground, jumped up non-stop, jumped up and down and came With a sharp spin, a stream of flames spewed out from the rear of the car: "Watching the performance of my old lady is full of anger!"


Everyone around couldn't help admiring.

But at this time, Chen Zheng grabbed another stone and smashed it hard, hitting the rear of the car with a loud bang. The strong air flow could not rush out, and everything was blocked, reaching a critical point. Immediately afterwards, it exploded, and a burst of flames sprayed towards Tianfengniang's body, and quickly devoured Tianfengniang.


Everyone was shocked, they all froze there, staring blankly at all of this, they didn't expect Tianfengniang to miss.

"Go up and save people!"

Those speeding gangsters all rushed up, and then rescued Tian Fengniang. The speeding players were all wearing protective clothing. Feng Niang had no accident that day, and she recovered completely after being rescued, and Chen Zheng laughed: "This What is so angry, I really can't learn it, and I don't want to compete anymore, haha, I'm sorry, you lost completely today, haha..."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone around laughed.

And Wang An cheered, threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms with a swipe, and smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, you are so powerful, I love you to death..."

Chen Zheng wanted to scold Wang An, but looking at Wang An's bright red face, he was so cute, he couldn't bear to scold, so he gave Wang An a glare, pulled Wang An off, and beckoned everyone to leave here. But at this moment, a roar of tigers came from a distance, and the whole Times Square erupted: "There are tigers! My God, how could there be tigers here?"

"What's the situation? Why are there tigers?"

And Chen Zheng heard the roar of the tiger, and he heard it immediately. If it was right, it should be the purple-gold-eyed tiger. How did this beast escape?
Chen Zheng quickly activated his spirit breath, and then sent his spiritual consciousness over, telling the purple-gold-eyed tiger, don't bite people randomly!

Soon, the sound of the tiger quieted down. Chen Zheng knew that the purple-gold-eyed tiger had already left Times Square. He smiled and greeted Wang An, Liu Li, Wang Ting, Tiangong and Dalizhen, and was about to leave here , but he suddenly moved and looked towards the black truck in front of him. He could clearly feel a strong aura inside the truck. There was a young girl lying there, and this young girl was the one who called him for help when she saw him before.

Later, two medical staff came up and said that the girl was mentally ill.

Chen Zheng felt that something was wrong before, but now seeing the girl lying in the truck, he was even more puzzled, and soon he found a man sitting next to him, and when he saw the man's appearance clearly, he was shocked...

(End of this chapter)

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