super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 302 I Will Kill The Old Man

Chapter 302 I Will Kill The Old Man
When Chen Zheng saw the black truck in front of him, he felt very strange. He used the see-through technique to explore and found a girl lying in the truck. This girl was the one who hugged Chen Zheng's thigh and asked the protagonist to save her. The girl rushed out two men and women in white coats at the same time, saying that the girl was mentally ill. Before that, Chen Zheng felt suspicious. Now that he saw the girl lying in the black truck, he was even more surprised.

And when he saw clearly the man next to the girl, he was shocked suddenly.

"Old man!"

That's right, the one in the black truck was the one who caught Chen Zheng before, and then took out a book of exercises, asking Chen Zheng to learn it within three days. If he didn't, he would kill Chen Zheng immediately. After Chen Zheng learned it, the old man Let Chen Zheng go.

This old man is also an ancient killer, and an existence who has practiced for 200 years.

At the same time, the old man is Wu Guanxi's servant.

But what puzzled Chen Zheng was, why did the old man appear here?And it was inside the black van, guarding the girl.

What's happening here?
Suddenly, Chen Zheng remembered that when he met this old man for the first time, the old man was also in the black van, and there were several captured girls in the van.This should be the old man's old line!
Could it be that the old man is a human trafficker?
Thinking of this, Chen Zheng suddenly became very interested in Wu Guanxi's background. I'm afraid this old man is also working for Wu Guanxi, why does the old man catch some girls?Could it be Wu Guanxi's instruction?
"Dalizhen, Tiangong, follow me!" Chen Zheng shouted.

"What's the situation?" Wang Ting asked quickly. Seeing Chen Zheng staring at the black truck in front of her, she felt that the black truck was very strange.

"Meet a human trafficker!" Chen Zheng simply ordered: "Wang Ting, Liu Li, Wang An, the three of you go back first, Dalizhen, Tiangong, follow me!"

After saying a word, Chen Zheng immediately jumped onto the BMW with Dali Zhen and Tiangong, and then chased after the black truck. At first, the other party didn't notice, but gradually, the other party noticed the existence of Chen Zheng. He wanted to throw Chen Zheng away, but he found that Chen Zheng was biting hard. Then, the black truck stopped by the side of the road, and a few big men jumped out of the car, and surrounded Chen Zheng viciously with machetes. : "What kind of rubbish are you? How dare you follow us? Court death!"

Chen Zheng jumped out of the car, and just as he was about to make a move, he heard a low voice: "Everyone stop!"

Those big men looked at each other, they were all puzzled, and respectfully said to the car: "Old butler, these people are obviously here to stop us, why should they stop?"

A crisp slap sounded, and no one moved, and the leading man had already been slapped heavily.Suddenly, everyone fell silent, and the old man's voice sounded from the car: "Boy, what are you doing here?"

"I want to see what's on the car!" Chen Zheng said.

"You **** dare to be arrogant? Cut you to death!" Seeing that Chen Zheng noticed the things on the car, the slapped man saw that Chen Zheng noticed the things on the car, his eyes were full of anger, and he quickly took out the machete as he said, They rushed towards Chen Zheng.

After a muffled sound, an old man appeared in front of the big man, and he was sent flying with a light punch, the old man's expression was very cold: "Didn't I already tell you to stop? He is my half-disciple, which one of you dares to do it? I will kill him, old man!"

There was a dead silence all around, and the big man who had been slapped obediently fell silent.

The old man turned his head and looked at Chen Zheng: "Boy, the things on the car are not your business!"

"Is there an abducted girl in the car?" Although Chen Zheng knew that the old man was a terrifying existence, he said directly: "I know this girl, she asked me to save her before!"


The old man nodded, and he snapped his fingers.

The big man behind him didn't dare to hesitate, he hurriedly stepped onto the black truck, and then helped the girl down. The girl was in a semi-conscious state, and when she opened her eyes in a haze, she saw that it was Chen Zhengshi, and she uttered a cry for help: "Help me, help me……"

"It's her!" Chen Zheng pointed at the girl.

"Success, hand her over to this kid!" the old man said.

"But..." The big man became anxious. He knew very well who had brought the girl back. Even the old man was just doing business. The real mastermind behind the scenes was still the Wu family.

The old man slapped him up again, and slapped the big man down to the ground. The old man said with a cold face, "I told you to let go, so let me go. What are you talking about? This kid is half of my apprentice. Is it your turn to point fingers?"

The big man was terrified of being beaten, he quickly helped the girl to Chen Zheng, nodded respectfully and bowed: "I'm sorry, I'm blind, it's me..."

"Okay, kid, take her back." The old man clapped his hands, and then jumped into the car with the big men and drove away. This old man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. With a breath, the entire truck was surrounded, and the truck drove forward, and soon disappeared at the end of the road.

"Brother Chen, I think it's too suspicious, do you want to go after him?" Dalizhen asked hastily.

Chen Zheng shook his head. He closed his eyes and used the see-through technique to look up, but was surprised to find that he couldn't track the black truck. He opened his eyes: "This old man deliberately cast a spell to prevent me from seeing it." Figure out its whereabouts! Let's go after it immediately!"

The three got into the BMW and chased forward.

But after chasing for a long time, the whereabouts of the black truck could not be found.

"We lost it!" Dalizhen and Tiangong looked at each other, and couldn't help but said: "This black truck looks very weird at first glance. If it is good, it should be a special human trafficker. If you find their lair, then you can Do things for the people!"

"Not bad!"

Chen Zheng nodded, he thought so too, but he couldn't keep up with the black truck, because the truck had been sealed by the old man.

On the black van, the big man hummed, because he found it easy to get rid of Chen Zheng behind him, and he was in a good mood. At this moment, a rush of phone rang, and it was his sister: "Brother, I was bullied just now!"

"Who dares to bully you?"

"A man who looks very arrogant! I originally fell in love with a cute little boy, and wanted to play with him for a few days, and then give it to you for sale, but a very arrogant guy jumped out on the way, and I compete in speeding skills, and I don’t know how he moves, so my car fell heavily on the ground after a few hits!” A female voice rang out from the other end of the phone: “Brother, I have sent someone to follow that The bastard's BMW, I want to kill him later!"

"Well, I'll deliver the goods, and then I'll kill him for you!" The big man said, and then hung up the phone.

Chen Zheng, who was far behind him, still wanted to find the black truck, because the girl in the truck was abducted and should be sent to a fixed location. If he followed up, he would be able to clear the case of the entire trafficker, but Now it's lost!

Both Dalizhen and Tiangong are aware of the importance of that black van.

It is a pity for them to lose their heels.

At this time, Chen Zheng suddenly heard a hissing sound, he opened his eyes suddenly, and said, "I have a way to keep up with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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