super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 303 Will you not do it?

Chapter 303 Will you not do it?
"I have a way to keep up with them!" Chen Zheng said suddenly.

"what way?"

Both Dalizhen and Tiangong looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"You all get in the car!" Chen Zheng said, jumped into the BMW first, and then drove forward at a very fast speed. Along the way, he performed the see-through eye technique, and the spiritual energy in his dantian poured out , after the spiritualization of Princess Peiyu, and then acting on the eyes and ears, he can see farther and hear farther.

There was another roar of tigers.

Chen Zheng smiled. He knew that the purple-gold-eyed tiger had spotted the black truck and chased after it. The sound it made was telling Chen Zheng the exact direction.Chen Zheng observed carefully, and soon discovered that the purple-gold-eyed tiger had been spotted by the old man. He thought that the purple-gold-eyed tiger would be killed, if not killed, at least there would be a fight, but to his surprise, When the old man saw the Zijin-eyed tiger, he was very excited and invited the Zijin-eyed tiger to go in.

Chen Zheng smiled.

These scenes were all sent back from the Zijin-eyed tiger, because he had already signed a contract with the Zijin-eyed tiger, so Chen Zheng could receive the messages from the Zijin-eyed tiger without limit.

He said: "Dalizhen, continue to speed up, follow the direction and route I said!"


Dali Zhen drove the car forward.

And the girl in the car was trembling, her face was very pale. He glanced at Dali Zhenhe Tiangong who was driving, and then looked nervously at Chen Zheng: "Brother, where are we going?"

"Don't be nervous, we will catch up with the black truck and rescue more victims like you." Chen Zheng said comfortingly.

"Don't go, they are scary..." The girl became excited.

"Don't panic..." Chen Zhengang wanted to say a few words, but saw that the girl wanted to open the car door. He quickly activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and then acted on the girl. Under the caress of this spiritual breath, the girl gradually calmed down. A sense of drowsiness welled up, and the girl fell asleep peacefully.

"Brother Chen, is she okay?"

"It's okay, you guys continue to catch up!"


At the beginning, both Dalizhen and Tiangong felt that they could no longer keep up with the black truck, but gradually, they were surprised to find that when they got on the Huanshi Expressway, they could keep up with the black truck. The workers looked at each other, and felt that Chen Zheng was hiding something. Unexpectedly, after a few laps on the Huanshi Expressway, he really found the black truck.

Tian Gong couldn't help asking: "Master, how did you find out?"

"I heard it." Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"Did you hear it?"

Tiangong and Dali looked at each other, and they were both very shocked. At such a long distance, Chen Zheng could hear it with his hearing aid?This is too scary, right?
"That's right. Actually, it's not that I'm very powerful, but that purple-gold-eyed tiger is very powerful. It caught up and sent me a message." Chen Zheng laughed.

"Purple-gold-eyed tiger?" A nervousness flashed in Dali Zhen's eyes: "That uncle is so powerful, he can kill a whole bunch of people with a single bite, Brother Chen, when you catch them up, will you attack them? "

"No, it's enough to find this address. In fact, I don't want to do anything." Chen Zheng said lightly.

Dalizhen and Tiangong looked at each other, they both muttered in their hearts: Will you do it?lie!You are simply a devil, knowing that those beasts are not a good fruit, will you not do it?You must be the first person to rush forward!You must be the one who beats them as disabled!Because it's your character!

Although both of them murmured in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything on the surface.

The BMW continued to chase after the black truck. At this time, in the Tianhe District Police Station, the middle-aged police chief Jin Zhongyuan was holding a meeting with all the elites in the police station. On the screen behind him, a young girl appeared. In the photo, if Chen Zhengzheng is here, he will find that the girl he rescued is exactly the girl in the photo shown by Jin Zhongyuan!
An elite police officer is sitting in danger.

Xia Xue was also sitting there. She had just finished a case and then transferred to this case, and this case was about missing persons.

Jin Zhongyuan said: "Recently, people have been receiving reports that their relatives, friends, and sisters are missing. These photos are of people who have disappeared recently, and they disappeared in our Tianhe District. This shows that this human trafficker group is They committed crimes in our district, and the methods of committing crimes were very skilled. They captured people and then disappeared without video, records, or whereabouts. A few days ago, our colleagues tracked a truck, but the other party had superb skills. With our anti-reconnaissance capabilities, we actually lost track, and took all the videos of the entire section of the road, so hard that we didn’t find this truck appearing!”

All around was solemn.

Jin Zhongyuan said: "It means that this group is not ordinary people! It is likely to be the same existence as the ancient killer!"

There was an uproar all around.

A gleam of light flashed in Xia Xue's eyes. Speaking of the ancient killer, the first thing she thought of was Chen Zheng. Isn't Chen Zheng the ancient killer?I don't know if calling him here can solve the case?

Jin Zhongyuan glanced at Xia Xue, and suddenly asked: "This case is very important, and it is the second important case this year. Which of you is willing to lead this case?"

I saw an elite standing up: "I...I..."

Jin Zhongyuan was very happy with everyone's enthusiastic response, but he looked at Xia Xue who was on the side: "Xia Xue, how about you?"

"I..." Xia Xue said hastily, "If everyone has confidence in this case, I will definitely not intervene."

"No!" Jin Zhongyuan smiled: "Actually, I only have confidence in you! Don't forget, only you know the ancient killer here, and only you know the ancient killer best!"


Everyone was in an uproar, and then cursed: "I'm going, you should have told us a long time ago, Director, let us make a statement, but only Xia Xue knows the ancient killer, you should have told us a long time ago!"

"Ha ha……"

Jin Zhongyuan smiled and cast a look at Xia Xue.

And Xia Xue nodded heavily, stood up and said, "Director Jin, please rest assured, I will solve the case as soon as possible!"

At the same time, Chen Zheng, Dalizhen and Tiangong chased the black truck to the outskirts, and saw the black truck parked at the foot of the mountain, the old man got out of the car with several men and women in white coats, Running up the mountain, Dali was shocked: "Brother Chen, if it's not bad, this human trafficker group is near this mountain!"

"Not bad!"

Chen Zheng nodded, and was about to tell Dali Zhen and Tiangong to follow, but at this moment, he frowned, and found seven or eight motorcycles driving ahead...

(End of this chapter)

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