super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 313 I will beat you to death, you prodigal son

Chapter 313 I will beat you to death, you prodigal son


Chen Zheng frowned, wasn't this too sudden?
Wang Ting said that Baoqi Group has cooperated with Confucius Company for a long time, but it is really too sudden to terminate the contract today!

"This Confucian company is the largest ore company in Brazil. It specializes in providing a large amount of ore for our Baoqi Group. The original cooperation period ended at the end of this month, so we invited them to come to Huaxia to re-sign the contract, but we didn't expect them to come here just now. In less than two days, they sent us a request to terminate the contract!" Wang Ting's voice was very cold, and even she thought it was too weird.

"Where are you now? I'll go find you!"

After asking for an address, he got up and was ready to go. Seeing Xia Xue woke up, he opened his eyes and looked at him suspiciously. He smiled, lowered his head and kissed Xia Xue: "Honey, what are you talking about when I come back!"

"But it's so rare that we have some time to spend together, don't you want to stay with me?" Xia Xue looked at Chen Zheng longingly.

Chen Zheng laughed loudly, hugged Xia Xue, then moved his hands up and down, kissed Xia Xue at the end, and said, "It's okay, I will accompany you when I come back!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Zheng picked up the bread and ran out.

Xia Xue, who was behind her, picked up the pillow fiercely, threw it out, and said angrily: "Smelly man, you made me feel uncomfortable all over, and then ran away. I've hated you for the rest of my life!"

Chen Zheng jumped into the BMW and drove towards Baoqi Group.

There was no traffic jam on the road, and Chen Zheng arrived soon. When he walked in, he was stopped by the front desk and security guards. He made a phone call and saw Wang Ting walking out.Today's Wang Ting is wearing a lady's suit, with her jet-black hair coiled up, she looks noble and solemn; her deep eyes, delicate nose, vermilion red lips, and graceful chin, all of which are constructed into a beautiful In the landscape painting, under the pattern of the lapel, it is the white and sexy skin, half-covered by the flesh-colored inner shirt, and the pair of firm peaks are tightly wrapped, but it looks even more arrogant and charming.

"Are you here?" Wang Ting came up, and then grabbed Chen Zheng and walked out.


The girl at the front desk and the security guard froze, staring blankly at Wang Ting pulling Chen Zhengyuan away. They had never seen President Wang being so close to a man.

"Uncle Biao, drive directly..."

Wang Ting pulled Chen Zheng into the car, and immediately ordered the driver to drive.

Soon, the Rolls-Royce arrived at the Hilton Hotel. Chen Zheng and Wang Ting got out of the car and went straight to the VIP room on the eighteenth floor. She was on the phone all the way, and when she put down the phone, her expression was very gloomy. .

"What's the matter?" Chen Zheng couldn't help asking, he had never seen Wang Ting's expression like this.

"My people told me that the reason why Conca Company wants to terminate the contract with us is because someone intervened and wanted to take away the source of our ore resources!" Wang Ting said.

"Who? Have you found it?" Chen Zheng asked.

"Ling Hui from the Ling Group in the capital!" Wang Ting said with a cold expression.

"Ling's Group? Could it be that it is the largest jewelry group in China?" For some reason, Chen Zheng always felt that he had seen the logo of Ling's Group somewhere.

"That's right, that's right!" Wang Ting snorted coldly: "If it's true, the Ling Group may want to start the Baoqi Group. Once they snatch the Kongka Company, they will cut off the source of the Baoqi Group. No wonder Kong The card company will terminate the contract with us, it turns out that Ling Hui is intervening! Very good, very good!"

Wang Ting snorted coldly and fell silent completely.

Chen Zheng had never seen Wang Ting look like this before.

Just as the two were talking, they had already arrived at the VIP room on the eighteenth floor, and saw several men coming up, saluting Wang Ting respectfully.Wang Ting waved her hand: "You guys take Chen Zheng to the next lounge, don't come in without my order!"

Then Wang Ting pushed open the door and walked in.

Chen Zheng was sitting in the lounge next to him, but his hearing was very strong, and he heard Wang Ting arguing with another man in the meeting room.

"Ling Hui, let me tell you, your Ling Group is not qualified to occupy the East China Sea! If you use some tricks today, we will do the same to you tomorrow!" Wang Ting's face was cold.

An old man in the meeting room smiled and said, "Niece Wang, are you too arrogant? We are just some people who do business. Your contract with Kongka Company has expired. I will offer a higher price, and then I will negotiate with Confucius. Is it wrong to sign the only partner in Huaxia?"

This old man was none other than Ling Hui.

"I know you are coming to Donghai to kill our Baoqi Group!" Wang Ting said coldly.

"Haha..." Ling Hui laughed loudly: "In business, this is called competition!"

"Don't forget, our two families have agreed that you will not come to the East China Sea, and we will not leave the East China Sea. Have you forgotten it?"

"Niece Wang, don't delay any longer, I'm already here, I'm going to sign a contract today, and then I'm leaving!" Ling Hui said, then nodded towards the two Brazilians, The two Brazilians immediately looked at Wang Ting and said in English, "Please sign the contract, we will formally terminate the contract, and we will take legal form for compensation!"

Wang Ting's face was cold, and she stood there, trembling with anger.

Hearing this, Chen Zheng hurriedly opened the door and walked in, saying: "Tingting, you don't have to sign, if they are tougher, let me take action!"

"Chen Zheng, why did you come in?" Seeing Chen Zheng, Wang Ting was about to let Chen Zheng go out, but when she heard Ling Hui behind him exclaim in surprise, she saw Ling Hui walking towards Chen Zheng with an excited expression on her face Authentic: "Little brother, why did I see you again? Are we really destined?"

Chen Zheng took a serious look, it was the old man he met in the red light district that night.

When I went to rescue Dalizhen and Tiangong that night, I met this old man. He also came here to play, but he was also afraid of being caught by the police. Chen Zheng took the old man out. At that time, the old man also said that he recognized Chen Zheng as his brother. , Chen Zheng didn't pay much attention...

Wait, could it be that this old man is Ling Hui?
Chen Zheng looked at the old man and couldn't help but said, "Old brother, are you Ling Hui from the Ling Group?"

"Exactly!" Ling Hui was not stupid, he realized it immediately, looked at Chen Zheng and said, "Could it be that you are from the Baoqi Group?"

"I'm Wang Ting's boyfriend!" Chen Zheng said bluntly: "I came here today to express my gratitude for my girlfriend, because I think someone is going to embarrass her on purpose, but I didn't expect it to be you, old brother..."

"That's it..." Ling Hui was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "The flood really washed away the Dragon King Temple, I didn't expect that I would hit my brother! Don't worry, I, Ling Hui, have relied on my brothers all my life. You are my brother, of course I am on your side. I was originally instructed by the Wu family to come over and destroy the Baoqi Group, but now I have changed my mind. I am willing to pay for Kongka Company to renew the contract with you !"

"What!" Wang Ting froze for a moment.

And Ling Hui said a few words to the two Brazilian men, and the Brazilian man laughed, nodded, and said in blunt Chinese: "Of course!"

"I'm really sorry! I'll make a call first!" Ling Hui smiled at Chen Zheng, then went out with his cell phone and made a call, which was to Wu Guanxi. As soon as the call was made, he said, "Wu Guanxi, I'm telling you, I won't play with you anymore! There are my brothers in the Baoqi Group, and I won't kill my brothers because of you, so our cooperation will come to an end!"


On the other end of the phone, Wu Guanxi's expression changed drastically. He wanted to call back, but the other party reminded him that the phone had been turned off.

For a moment, his eyes were full of anxiety and doubt: Who is the brother Ling Hui mentioned?In the end what happened?
"What's wrong with Guanxi?" Wu Xianguang's voice sounded behind him.

"Grandpa, Ling Hui said that he will not cooperate with us... Brazil Conca will continue to cooperate with Baoqi Group..."

"What! Didn't the 5000 million I gave you come in vain?" Wu Xianguang's face changed drastically, he picked up the iron crutches and hit Wu Guanxi: "I'll kill you prodigal son!"

(PS: Because some chapters are repeated and cannot be deleted, I want to compensate everyone, so please join the group: [526732122] and then read some chapters for free, as I compensate everyone)

(End of this chapter)

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