super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 314 I Killed Grandma

Chapter 314 I Killed Grandma

"I'll beat you to death, you prodigal son!" Wu Xianguang looked angry, picked up the crutches in his hand, and hit Wu Guanxi. He was very angry because he gave Wu Guanxi 5000 million, just because he wanted Wu Guanxi to bribe those Kongkas The person in charge of the company.

But what made him angry was that he used 5000 million Wu Guanxi to bribe the people of Kongka Company, but in the end it was nothing.

When he thought of this, he became very angry, picked up his crutches and hit Wu Guansha.

"Grandpa, don't hit me..."

Wu Guanxi raised his hand to block, his arm was hit, and he felt a burst of burning pain. Seeing that his grandfather also wanted to kill him, he screamed and ran into the hall.

"Prodigal son, don't run away, I'll kill you!" Wu Xianguang shouted, and chased after Wu Guanxi.

"what happened?"

An old woman came out with doubts in her eyes.

Seeing this old woman, Wu Guanxi jumped into her arms with a snap, and cried out loudly: "Grandma, save me, grandpa is going to kill me, stop grandpa..."

The old lady turned her head to look at Wu Xianguang, and said hastily, "Old man, what are you doing? Why did you beat your grandson?"

"I'll kill him, the prodigal son!" Wu Xianguang snorted, and hit Wu Guanxi's head hard with the crutch in his hand, causing Wu Guanxi to let out a cry of pain, and covered his bleeding head, while the old grandmother became angry and blocked In front of Wu Guanxi, he shouted at Wu Xianguang: "Why are you beating Guanxi? He is our grandson, and you beat his head to"

Wu Xianguang knocked down with a cane again, cursing: "He is a prodigal son, he defeated me by 5000 million!"


The old lady was also shocked when she heard 5000 million, her face was pale and bloodless...

"I'll beat you to death, you prodigal son!" Wu Xianguang picked up his crutches and hit Wu Guanxi, but unexpectedly, Wu Guanxi shrank back quickly. Just like that, the crutches hit the old lady hard, and she was knocked down with just one blow. Hit the ground.

"Grandma was beaten to death, she was beaten to death..." Wu Guanxi yelled.

At this time, Chen Zheng, Wang Ting, Ling Hui and others went to the hotel for a meal. At the reception, Ling Hui and Chen Zheng kept toasting each other, but after half an hour of eating, Ling Hui passed out heavily. He got down, lay on the table, and fell asleep soundly.

Chen Zheng pulled Wang Ting and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Ling Hui raised his head from the table: "Little brother... If you leave... you won't be my brother..."

I go!

Chen Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and then pulled Wang Ting to go out. The two drove towards the suburbs. Since the car was on the expressway between the Huanshi Road and the flyover, they probably drank alcohol and the car Driving forward, after driving for about ten minutes, it stopped on the emergency passage.

"Honey, what are you doing here?" Wang Ting shuddered.

"Play some exciting games with you!" Chen Zheng laughed, untied his seat belt, and rushed towards Wang Ting, pressing Wang Ting down, his hands up and down, but made Wang Ting gasp for breath: "Husband, don't, Don't... If you want, let's go to the hotel..."

"No! It's going to be here!"

Chen Zheng chuckled, then hugged Wang Ting and played Che and Zhen once.

I don't know how long it took, but the car window was knocked. Chen Zheng and Wang Ting looked up, and saw two cute little girls in a Qili QQ car opposite, smiling happily, and said to Chen Zheng: "Uncle, are you having fun playing car-shock? If you don't leave, the traffic police will catch up!"


Chen Zheng and Wang Ting panicked for a while. They looked back and saw two traffic policemen driving towards this side. Their faces turned pale, and they sat up in panic. They didn't even put on their clothes, and they didn't even buckle up their seat belts. They drove directly towards the distance, and after driving for a long time, the traffic police were thrown away. The two got off the high speed, then stopped on the side of the road, and quickly put on their clothes.

Wang Ting's face turned pale, and she couldn't help complaining to Chen Zheng: "You are too impatient, you tore my top when I took it off just now, and tore my bottom when I ran away..."

Chen Zheng laughed, and asked after a long silence: "I find it very exciting, how about you?"

"It's not bad, but being chased by the traffic police, I have no interest..." Wang Ting said with a bitter face.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Zheng laughed and hugged Wang Ting tightly in his arms.

The two snuggled together quietly until noon, when they separated, Wang Ting went to her company, and Chen Zheng also returned to Science City.But when he just walked into the Science City, his eyes lit up, and he saw a pile of roses on the grass in front of him. There were a total of 99 nineteen roses, and these roses formed a heart shape.

"I'll go, who put this up? So romantic?"

Chen Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and saw a word "Ying" in the center of the heart shape.

"Wait, this heart-shaped rose is placed under my company, and there is a Ying, is it to confess to Xu Ying?" Chen Zheng hurried into the company, but found that the company was very bright, as if everything had been washed once, And male and female colleagues are full of energy.

"Brother Xiaozheng, you are back..." Wang An cheered, and ran over with Xu Ying: "Brother Xiaozheng, today is sister Ying's birthday."

"What?" Chen Zheng was very surprised: "Is today the birthday of our company Lolita?"

"I hate it to death, she will be 19 years old after today, not a loli anymore!" Xu Ying said with a red face.

"Okay." Thinking of the roses downstairs, Chen Zheng couldn't help but ask, "Xiaoying, is there someone proposing to you below? There are nine hundred and ninety-nine roses."

"This..." Xu Ying's expression turned cold when she thought of this, "Anyway, they are some annoying people!"

"The nine hundred and ninety-nine roses, do you want more?" Wang Anle looked at Xu Ying happily: "It's very expensive."

"This..." Xu Ying just wanted to say something, but she glanced at Chen Zheng, but fell silent again, not knowing what she was thinking, and Chen Zheng walked into the company, clapped his hands, called all his colleagues over, and said with a smile : "Today is the birthday of Xu Ying, the little beauty of our personnel department. Everyone, stop your work and come over to celebrate and eat cake."


Soon, the whole office erupted in joy.

And Xu Ying received one gift after another from everyone, but this little girl kept looking at Chen Zheng silently, not knowing what to think.

bell bell!

A phone rang, Chen Zheng took out his phone, it was an unfamiliar call, he answered it quickly, and heard Wu Guanxi's murderous voice: "Chen Zheng, tell me honestly, what is your relationship with Ling Hui? "

"Yo, it's Brother Guanxi..." Chen Zheng smiled.

"Tell me immediately!"

"I'm sorry, you'd better use your own mind to find out the truth!" Chen Zheng laughed, and hung up the phone quickly, and on the other end of the phone, Wu Guanxi put down the phone, and then shouted at the people behind him: "Have you found out? "

A young man walked in cautiously: "I found out, Chen Zheng and Ling Hui formed a deep brotherhood because they were looking for a woman together..."

"What!" Wu Guanxi's face changed: "You mean, that bastard Chen Zheng was called a brother by Ling Hui because he went to the red light district with Ling Hui to find a woman?"


"Damn it, which one is this? It's too fucking annoying, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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