super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 323 Xia Xue's Surprise

Chapter 323 Xia Xue's Surprise

Chen Zheng hugged Xia Xue tightly. He felt Xia Xue's trembling. He operated the spiritual breath in his dantian, passed through the spiritual transformation of Princess Zhiyu, and then poured into Xia Xue's body. This spiritual breath quickly made Xia Xue calmed down.

It was peaceful all around.

Xia Xue leaned quietly in Chen Zheng's arms, and she felt unprecedented comfort.She wished that time could stop at this second forever.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, there was a cold shout: "Is this the female police officer who killed the innocent citizens? What are you still doing? Catch her immediately! When will our police station show up?" Such a scum? Capture her!"

Chen Zheng looked back and saw a familiar face, it was none other than Pan Junjun.

Seeing Pan Junjun, Chen Zheng smiled coldly in his heart.

Jin Zhongyuan nodded, glanced at Chen Zheng, and said to the police officers behind him: "Don't be here, all of you, go up, take Xia Xue back first."


Those police officers nodded, then walked towards Chen Zheng and Xia Xue, and said, "Captain Xia, something happened now, you should go back with us first."

Xia Xue didn't make things difficult for everyone, she nodded and walked forward behind these police officers, but Chen Zheng grabbed Xia Xue and said forcefully: "She didn't make a mistake, why did she leave?" ?”

"What did you say?" When Pan Junjun saw that Chen Zheng came out of nowhere, he knew at a glance that he was not from the police station, and he dared to come here to point fingers, he said majesticly: "Where are you from?" ? Our business, what do you care about? We are here to handle the case, you just leave here!"

"This is my person..."

Seeing that Pan Junjun got angry, Jin Zhongyuan hurried up to say good things, but before he finished speaking, Chen Zheng who was next to him stopped Jin Zhongyuan and said directly: "Xia Xue did not commit a crime. The person who died last night was bribed. She fell into someone else's trick. The homeowner who called the police deliberately lured Xia Xue over, let Xia Xue shoot and wound the man who ran first, and then lured Xia Xue away, resulting in the death of the injured. They were all designed!"

"What? What did you say?" Everyone was startled, staring at Chen Zheng closely.

That Pan Junjun has ghosts in his heart, but he is the biggest one here, he said directly: "Stop bewitching the crowd here, there is no place for you to intervene here, take Xia Xue back immediately!"


Several police officers were about to rush towards Chen Zheng as they spoke.

And Chen Zheng was unreasonable, he just started to fight, he wanted to get angry, Xia Xue was his wife, but she was tricked again and again, if he didn't show some color to these beasts, they would think she was a sick cat Woolen cloth?Chen Zhengyi went up, and then beat people, knocked the policeman at the front to the ground heavily with his fist, then kicked the other policeman over with a side kick, and then jumped up to avoid the last policeman Then he pinched the opponent's arm with his hand and pulled it hard. There was a bone groan, and the pain caused the opponent's whole body to freeze on the ground, his face pale and bloodless.

Chen Zheng clapped his hands, then walked towards Pan Junjun coldly.

"What do you want to do?" Pan Junjun was also frightened by Chen Zheng, how could he have thought that Chen Zheng would solve everyone by dividing five by three?
"What do I want to do? Obviously, Xia Xue was framed!" Chen Zheng said coldly.

"You said you were framed, so you framed it? What are you?" Pan Junjun's face became angry.

"If it's good, you framed it!" Chen Zheng said.

"What!" Pan Junjun was startled suddenly, but he was also a very tough master, and shouted at Jin Zhongyuan: "What are you still doing in a daze? This guy is here to make trouble, you catch him immediately, catch him immediately!"


Jin Zhongyuan didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried forward, trying to catch Chen Zheng, but before he could do anything, Chen Zheng said something that shocked Jin Zhongyuan: "Director Pan, why are you so overreacted? Obviously, it's you and Wu Guanxi Cooperate, and want to frame Xia Xue, so as to eliminate a future trouble!"

"What!" Pan Junjun was really surprised this time. When Chen Zheng said that he framed Xia Xue, he was very surprised. Unexpectedly, he also said that he was cooperating with Wu Guanxi. Now he has to be afraid. scared.

And Jin Zhongyuan who was next to him deliberately stopped to see what Pan Junjun would do.

When Pan Junjun saw Jin Zhongyuan staring at him, he became angry too, and yelled: "What nonsense are you talking about? Go up and catch him immediately, catch him, take him back for interrogation, I suspect he has ulterior motives when he spouts like this, so take him back Interrogate slowly!"

"Are you guilty of being a thief?" Chen Zheng smiled coldly.

"I say you are a fucking thief!" Pan Junjun snarled, then walked up and slapped Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng turned sideways to avoid Pan Junjun's slap, and then punched Pan Junjun with his backhand, hitting Pan Junjun's face, and sent him flying with one fist. This Pan Junjun was also very heavy, and he hit the ground with fat All twitching.


Jin Zhongyuan's complexion changed. He didn't expect that Chen Zheng would hit Pan Junjun with his hands. This would be a big trouble. Even Xia Xue's face turned pale. Pan Junjun is Jin Zhongyuan's boss, and Chen Zheng's hands would be a big trouble. She nervously To Chen Zhengdao: "Chen Zheng, this is a big trouble, Pan Ju can't fight."

"You're dead, I'll let you die without a burial!" Pan Junjun yelled.

Chen Zheng smiled, took out his phone, opened a video, leaned up to it, posted it in front of Pan Junjun, and smiled coldly: "Take a good look!"

That Pan Junjun wanted to slap Chen Zheng's cell phone, but suddenly, he noticed the video on the cell phone. He saw a man and a woman rolling over. Cursing: "You still don't call me grandpa!"

Pan Junjun immediately recognized that it was him!

It was the video of him rolling around in the hotel with Xiaosan last night, why was it captured by Chen Zheng?His complexion changed drastically, after all he was also a scumbag, he quickly nodded and bowed down and said: "Talk about things slowly!"

Chen Zheng smiled lazily, stood up, and patted Pan Junjun's belly: "I hit you, what do you want from me?"

"You hit me? No, where did you hit me? You just tickled me." Pan Junjun laughed.


Both Jin Zhongyuan and Xia Xue were startled, they froze there, screaming for life and death one second, why did they shrink like this the next second?
"Then Xia Xue was framed, what do you think?" Chen Zheng asked again.

"Yes, yes, Comrade Xia Xue is a good comrade of the people. She will never neglect her duties. She must have been murdered. Don't worry, I will investigate this matter immediately when I go back! Because I also found that in this whole matter, It is indeed very strange!" Pan Junjun said hastily.

"what's going on?"

Both Jin Zhongyuan and Xia Xue were extremely puzzled: Why did the Pan Bureau change so quickly?
(End of this chapter)

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