super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 324 I'm a Mess!

Chapter 324 I'm a Mess!
Everyone was very puzzled, why last time, this Pan Junjun was so angry that he wanted to kill Chen Zheng, and then wanted to arrest Xia Xue, but in a blink of an eye, he became so docile. What happened?Chen Zheng just approached with his mobile phone and waved in front of Pan Junjun, everything changed.

what is happening?
Xia Xue looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously, but Chen Zheng smiled and patted Xia Xue's hand: "It's okay..."

Then Pan Junjun made a haha, and then took the initiative to invite the protagonist to find him another day, saying that he had something to talk about slowly, and then Pan Junjun wanted to leave, and Chen Zheng caught the handle in his hand. If he messed up, he would definitely be fooled Dead, he nodded and bowed, smiled at Chen Zheng, and then walked out, but before reaching the hall, all the police officers who maintained order came up, and anxiously said to Pan Junjun: "No, outside The family members and reporters of those patients poured in, saying they wanted to catch the devil and bring her to justice!"


Pan Junjun nodded and looked back at Chen Zheng. Seeing Chen Zheng's expression was cold, he hurriedly said: "Let them all come in, I have something to announce to them!"


Those police officers were very puzzled, why is Pan Junjun so talkative?Didn't they keep saying they wanted to arrest Xia Xue and bring her to justice?

There was a sound of brakes, and one man and one woman rushed towards this side. There were reporters and family members, all of whom were furious, but before they could speak, Pan Junjun stretched out his hand to stop him. Pan Junjun stepped forward, Then he said very seriously: "Please calm down, everyone. The situation is very complicated. I thought it was something wrong with someone in our police force, but as far as I know just now, it turned out that someone deliberately designed it, and then let our police officers Jump into the pit!"


Everyone was shocked.

The family members of the deceased stared at Pan Junjun, their eyes full of doubts. Didn't they say that the murderer had been caught?It's that female devil, why did she change her confession in the blink of an eye?
Of course, the families of the deceased do not agree, they want to make trouble.

And Pan Junjun glanced at Chen Zheng, and quickly said to the patient's family: "Please rest assured, your relative died in an accident, and our police station will pay an extra 100 million yuan. In addition, we will soon find out the truth and arrest the real one. After the murder, the real murderer will be punished severely, and there will be an additional hundreds of thousands!"

The family members of the deceased were very excited when they heard that there were more than 100 million people, and they stopped making so much noise.

After all, sometimes, money is more important than loved ones!

But the eyes of those reporters were full of doubts, why did Pan's situation change so quickly?However, as journalists, they are more humble than prostitutes, and they are all about money. All the news strives to achieve the effect of attracting public attention and attracting attention. They can say that even the dead are alive, yes Good things can be said to be bad by them, so these animals are very excited: "This is cool, the more twists and turns, the more money we can make. We will report this on the front page when we go back!"

Everyone was very excited, and said to Pan Junjun, "Be more specific."

Pan Junjun nodded, and then said: "Probably the situation is like this. We think someone designed it, and then let our police officers jump into the pit. We need to find out the details. Okay, that's it for today, please go back. .”

Those reporters were very excited, and hurried back to write their manuscripts, preparing to write twists and turns of the news.

As long as they can gain attention, they even want to falsify the facts!
The family members of the deceased followed several police officers to the police station to register.

Pan Junjun turned his head, smiled and said to Chen Zheng: "I will come to you some other day when I am free. I have something to do now, so I have to go back."

After speaking, Pan Junjun left.

As soon as Ju Pan left, everyone became puzzled, and looked closely at Chen Zheng one by one: "Why was Ju Pan very powerful last time, saying that he was going to kill Xia Xue, and then changed in a blink of an eye? What is this?" Condition?"

Jin Zhongyuan also looked at Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, tell us honestly, what's going on?"

Chen Zheng made a haha, and then said: "It's nothing. I just called him brother and brother. I called him brother, and he helped me. In fact, I also messed around. I don't know him. It's Bureau Pan, a big shot in the police station, I'm just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse."

When everyone heard this, they felt a little crazy: Damn, Ju Pan is a terrifying existence, very strong, no one can call him a brother and brother, let alone make him change his mind, but you let him become like this, you actually And you said you were messing around?Can you make people live?You asked him to defend Xia Xue in front of all the reporters, yet you still said it was a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse?Can you make people live?
Chen Zheng let out a haha, then grabbed Xia Xue and walked out.

Chen Zheng called Liu Li, and after a while, Liu Li, Wang An, Xu Ying, Dali Zhen and Tiangong rushed over from the company, and then began to eat dinner, Xia Xue gradually relaxed, she ate some things, and then fell asleep leaning on Chen Zheng's shoulder.

Don't blame her. After today's incident, she was indeed too nervous. Now that her nerves relaxed, she fell asleep.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what's wrong with Sister Xue?" Wang An leaned forward, then hugged Xia Xue from Chen Zheng's shoulder, put her in her arms, and looked at Chen Zheng with his black eyes open.

"She's too tired..." Chen Zheng smiled and told what happened today. Everyone was very angry after hearing this, and Wang An was even more angrily said: "Someone must frame Sister Xue, Mrs. There's no reason for that!"

"Hehe..." Chen Zheng touched Wang An's cute nose: "Eat."

"That's right..." Wang An blushed.

And Xu Ying next to her looked at Wang An and Xia Xue enviously, she lowered her head, her heart was full of longing, in fact, she also wanted Chen Zheng's care, and she also wanted Chen Zheng's little flirtatiousness, and Liu Li next to her was also a vixen , knowing what Xu Ying was thinking at a glance, she suddenly smiled at Xu Ying: "Xiaoying, you can get off work earlier recently."

"Why?" Xu Ying wondered.

"Because I think you can spend more time with Chen Zheng."

"What? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm talking nonsense? You just stared at Chen Zheng's eyes, water could drip out..."

"I hate it!" Xu Ying glanced at Chen Zheng, blushed, and quickly ran into the toilet: "I'm going to relieve myself."

"Hehe..." Liu Li's laughter sounded from behind.

Let’s talk about Pan Junjun, after he went back, he thought that Chen Zheng had evidence that he was taking care of Xiaosan, he shuddered all over, took out his mobile phone and called Wu Guanxi, and as soon as the call was connected, he said: "Young Master Wu, we can't If you cooperate again, don't come to me!"


(End of this chapter)

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