super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 325 Some cold woman!

Chapter 325 Some cold woman!


Wu Guanxi was very puzzled, he and Pan Junjun were friends, and Pan Junjun treated Wu Guanxi very well in order to get into the Wu family, but why did Pan Junjun say not to look for him in the future?
"Nothing, just don't cooperate anymore!"

Pan Junjun is about to retire, but he doesn't want to have no pension!
Wu Guanxi frowned, and said: "Then what I asked you to do for me? Have you finished it? Xia Xue's [-] bit me too tightly, I want you to kill her, what happened?"

"It's because of this that I can't cooperate with you!" Pan Junjun said directly: "Anyway, I can't offend Chen Zheng, and you don't come to me in the future, that's all!"

After speaking, Pan Junjun hung up the phone.

Wu Guanxi called back and saw that Pan Junjun had turned off the phone. He became angry and smashed the phone on the ground.

There was a sound of the mobile phone breaking, and an old man came in from the outside. It was none other than Wu Xianguang. He came up and looked at Wu Guanxi suspiciously: "Guanxi, what's wrong?"

"Grandpa, that Old Ghost Pan betrayed me. I told him what to do, but he quit!" Wu Guanxi scolded.

"What's the matter? Is it Wang Ting's business?" Wu Xianguang asked.

"Exactly!" Wu Guanxi was a little annoyed: "Damn, I almost got Wang Ting, and now I can't even kill Xia Xue!"

"If it's because of Wang Ting, I have a plan, which is much better than what you have now!" Wu Xianguang said.

"what way?"

"Tomorrow, I will hold a press conference, saying that Shanda Group will unite with other large groups, and then hold a big donation conference. At that time, I will also invite Wang Ting and her Baoqi Group to attend, and then at the conference, You have to behave well, strive to become the number one philanthropic entrepreneur in the East China Sea, and then kidnap Wang Ting with love and make her agree to your courtship!" Wu Xianguang laughed.

"How to kidnap in love?" Wu Guanxi was puzzled.

Wu Xianguang knocked Wu Guanxi on the head and scolded: "I don't know it's so simple? A rose is 99, and you confess to Wang Ting. If she accepts it, you donate money to the mountain area. A rose is 1000. Tomorrow you prepare [-] roses, and then woo Wang Ting, this is [-] million, I believe charities are happy to help us, and Wang Ting is under pressure, she will accept it!"

"What if she doesn't accept it?"

Wu Xianguang slapped Wu Guanxi on the head again, and said: "Even if she doesn't accept it, we have gained a reputation and changed the views of the rest of the Wang family. Wang Ting exerts pressure, if she does not agree, other members of her family will take the opportunity to make trouble, don't forget, Wang Ting is only a candidate for the chairman of Baoqi Group now!"

Hearing this, Wu Guanxi suddenly realized: "Grandpa, you really have a good plan! If Wang Ting doesn't accept it, you will lose your reputation, and other members of the Wang family will take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. Even if you don't get Wang Ting, you can make the Wang family fall into competition." , is also a blessing!"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Let's talk about Chen Zheng's side.

Chen Zheng had dinner with everyone, and then drove Xia Xue back, because Xia Xue was so tired, she didn't have a good rest from last night until now, now that the pressure is relieved, she can sleep peacefully .After sending Xia Xue back to the apartment, Chen Zheng drove back and found that Dali Zhen and Tian Gong had already taken their female companions to the hotel to settle the bill, and only Liu Li, Wang An and Xu Ying were sitting there.

Wang An was a man, but what puzzled Chen Zheng was that these three people were also a street together.

From celebrities, to fashion, to cosmetics, including what clothes to wear, the three of them always had endless topics to talk about, and it was superfluous for Chen Zheng to sit there.

However, Xu Ying looked at Chen Zheng from time to time, absent-minded.

However, Xu Ying's strangeness fell into Liu Li's eyes. Ever since Liu Li established a relationship with Chen Zheng, she was very worried that one day she would lose her status because of Xia Xue's return. Chen Zheng was looking for a few more women, and then slowly adjusted them so that they all centered on her to form a mistress, who would then be able to compete with the main wife.

Liu Li pressed her smooth feet against Chen Zheng's thigh under the table: "Chen Zheng, are you going out to play tonight?"

"Let's find Dali and encourage them to go out to play billiards later," Chen Zheng said.

But Liu Li stepped hard, Chen Zheng snorted in pain, looked at Liu Li suspiciously, and said, "Don't go out, go to bed early tonight."

As he said that, Chen Zheng cast a wink and told Liu Li that he wanted to be gentle with Liu Li tonight, but in the next second, Liu Li pinched her feet hard again, causing Chen Zheng to snort again in pain. Confused, Liu Li pointed at Xu Ying next to her with a wink.

Chen Zheng reacted.

Dare you say that Liu Li wants him to be tender with Xu Ying?
I'll go, what does this Liu Li want to do?She actually let her lover date another woman?Is this too much?
Chen Zheng shook his head quickly, indicating that he didn't want to pick up girls anymore.

But there was another pain in the foot, and Liu Li gave him a wink, a very firm wink, and made a scissors gesture: If you don't take Xu Ying down, I will wipe your things!
Chen Zheng shuddered and nodded, indicating that he would pursue Xu Ying.

"Okay, Xiao An, let's go back and rest." Liu Li stretched her waist, revealing her plump and firm upper body, making Chen Zheng swallow her saliva.

"So early?" Wang An was dumbfounded.

"Yes!" Liu Li pulled Wang An and walked towards the Honda Civic, but was stopped by Wang An. Wang An looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously: "Where is brother Xiaozheng?"

"He wants to send Xu Ying back."

"But..." Wang An still wanted to say something, but Liu Li had already pulled Wang An into the car, started the car and drove away.

Once Wang An and Liu Li left, only Chen Zheng and Xu Ying were left.

Xu Ying's face was pink, she lowered her head and didn't know what to think, while Chen was sitting there, looking at Xu Ying. Today, Xu Ying was wearing casual clothes, with a pure white lotus-leaf pagoda lapel cape on her upper body. That pure image is set off vividly.She lowered her head to play with her mobile phone, and the dazzling blue light reflected her beautiful face, which looked very beautiful.

Chen Zheng stood up: "Yingying, it's too late, I'll take you back."


Xu Ying nodded.

Chen Zheng paid the bill, then walked out with Xu Ying, and was about to get into the BMW, but at this moment, there was a sudden sound of brakes, and a Ferrari sports car stopped in front of him, and he jumped off the car There was a woman in black, wearing sunglasses, her hair formed into a curly plate, revealing her snow-white jade neck. Against the background of the black tights, her curves were completely exposed, and her uncontrollable waist was very slender. But the most eye-catching thing is her slender thighs, which look full of elasticity under the corset.

This is a superb woman, but she is a bit cold.

But when Chen Zheng and Xu Ying saw the woman's face clearly, they both frowned: "It's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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