super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 329 Brother Xiaozheng belongs to me alone

Chapter 329 Brother Xiaozheng Is Mine Alone


Wang An froze, she looked at Liu Li stupidly: "Sister Li, what are you talking about? Call you big sister?"

"Of course!" Liu Li smiled, pulled Wang An up, then took out a sweater from the closet, put it on Wang An, and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid to tell you, I am also Chen Zheng's." lover!"


Wang An was startled and froze there, a trace of anger, unwillingness, surprise, and doubt flashed in his eyes.

Anyway, what kind of taste is there.

She originally thought that Liu Li and brother Xiaozheng were just a cooperative relationship, but she didn't expect that Liu Li and brother Xiaozheng were lovers. She thought that Liu Li had clearly said that she had a boyfriend before: "Sister Li, you obviously said before, Do you have a boyfriend? Why did you become brother Xiaozheng's lover?"

Liu Li smiled: "I lied to you."

"Sure enough, you stinky sister!" Wang An got angry, took off his fur and threw it out fiercely, revealing his small fair chest.

Liu Li smiled, and ran to look for it for a long time, finally found a pair of small bras, and handed them to Wang An: "Xiao An, you are a girl, put it on quickly, or you will be exposed, if you let When Chen Zheng came back to see you, your image was greatly damaged."

"I don't wear it! You lied to me, you said you had a boyfriend, but you lied to me that you didn't! You hate it!" Wang An cursed angrily.

"Hehe, I didn't want to tell you at first, but after knowing that you are a girl, I just wanted to pull you in..." Liu Li smiled while helping Wang An put on a bra, and Wang An's jet-black Looking closely at Liu Li: "Where did you pull it? Why did you pull me?"

"Pull you into Chen Zheng's palace group! From now on, I will be the elder sister and you will be the second concubine!" Liu Li smiled.

"You are so annoying!"

Wang An was furious, took off the bra that Liu Li was wearing on her body, and threw it out fiercely: "I won't add it! Brother Xiaozheng belongs to me alone!"

"Hehe..." Seeing that Wang An was unwilling to wear a bra, Liu Li ran to turn off the air conditioner, then walked back, and rubbed her hands on Wang An's fair chest to increase the temperature for Wang An: "You don't want to wear a bra." Thinking of monopolizing Chen Zheng, he will never be yours alone, don't forget, Xia Xue is the real wife!"

Wang An got angry, and slapped Liu Li's hand hard: "I don't care, brother Xiaozheng can only belong to me!"

Liu Li smiled, and simply rubbed a towel on Wang An's body to prevent Wang An from catching a cold: "I think like you too, I just want to monopolize Chen Zheng, but the fact is that it is not allowed. Xia Xue will always be the main wife. I can get Chen Zheng's love, so I want to recruit some obedient girls to share with Chen Zheng."

"Oh, you mean you want me to call you big sister, and then follow you to fight against Xia Xue?" Wang An said.


Liu Li smiled, and the towel had already rubbed Wang An's fragrant armpit.

"You are so hateful, I won't listen to you!" Wang An said, and slapped the towel off Liu Li's hand heavily, saying, "You are not my eldest sister!"

"Little boy, why are you so disobedient? You will catch a cold if you are here naked." Liu Li ran to take out a large pajamas and put it on Wang An: "Don't be angry, If I can call you little sister, I will naturally not let you suffer, and I am not afraid to reveal to you that Chen Zheng is very strong in that area, and I will definitely not let you stay alone!"

But Wang An moved: "Tell me honestly, how many times have you had sex with Brother Xiaozheng?"

"Many times, we happened once when he came back last night." Liu Li said with a smile: "Don't worry, when you are willing to join, I will arrange for him to live a happy life with you every day!"

Wang An's small face was pale and pale: "So, last night I heard the noise, are you stealing the order? And it's still in this hall? Wait, when I came out to open the door last night, I obviously didn't see you guys ..."

"At that time, we hugged each other and flew on the ceiling..." Liu Li smiled.

"What!" Wang An was completely angry. He picked up the bra that Liu Li handed over and tore it into strips. He said angrily, "Sister Li, brother Xiaozheng, you guys hate it to death, woo..."

Let's talk about Chen Zheng at this moment.

After receiving Wang Ying's call, Chen Zheng immediately rushed to Donghai New District, located in the center of the new district, the commercial building is the highest symbol in the entire Donghai, and today, it has been surrounded by all kinds of famous cars , walking from the square, the water was blocked, Chen Zheng could only take the sidewalk, walked along the red carpet to the commercial building, but was stopped: "Excuse me, sir, do you have an invitation letter for this charity conference?"

Chen Zheng shook his head: "No, can I apply temporarily?"

The two men who checked the tickets looked at each other, a sneer flashed in their eyes, and said: "Sir, I'm sorry, we can't apply temporarily here, because our data is directly obtained from the bank. According to your property Whether it exceeds 5000 million depends on whether you can enter! In other words, generally those who want to take the initiative to apply for an invitation letter temporarily do not have 5000 million in assets!"


Chen Zheng touched his nose. To be honest, he did not have 5000 million.

"Sir, please stand aside for a while..." The two men smiled and invited Chen Zheng to the side very "politely". Came here to get acquainted with the upper-class celebrities.

"I'll call someone, okay?" Chen Zheng asked.

"I said buddy, don't even think about going in, it's full of high-class celebrities in society, not a poor dick like you can get in! It's not wrong to be poor, it's your fault that you run out and pretend to be rich!" the man smiled.

Chen Zheng didn't refute and called Wang Ting directly.

In fact, he is now in the process of starting a business, with 3000 million, not 5000 million, he is indeed poor.

Seeing that Chen Zheng didn't force his way in, the two men stopped paying attention to Chen Zheng, but after a while, they saw a queen-level woman walking towards this side. The woman was wearing a bottoming shirt with lotus leaves The decoration of the tower adds cuteness, the fluent colors contrast the glamorous, the straight streamlines add spirituality, the bottom body is wide, the upper body is narrow, and the white and sexy willow waist can't wrap it, and a mountain climbs out.

She is none other than Wang Ting of Baoqi Group.

Seeing Wang Ting, the two men who checked the ticket immediately said respectfully: "Miss Wang, you are here? If you have any orders, just call someone over..."

"My man is here, please let him in!" Wang Ting said lightly.

"What!" The two men were shocked and froze there. They stared blankly at Chen Zheng and cried out in their hearts: My mother, who is this guy?To let the boss of Tangtang Baoqi Group come out to register him?

"Mr., please come and register!" The two men were very polite. When Chen Zheng approached, the man on the left couldn't help asking in a low voice: "My buddy, are you rich?"

Chen Zheng smiled and said in a low voice: "Both buddies, I really don't have a deposit of 5000 million! I won't lie to you about this."


The two froze, Chen Zheng didn't have a deposit of 5000 million, so why did he let Wang Ting from the dignified Baoqi Group come out to pick him up?
"Okay..." After Chen Zheng registered, he walked inside with Wang Ting. Wang Ting naturally helped Chen Zheng straighten his collar, and then took Chen Zheng's arm. At that moment, two people behind him The man gave a thumbs up with a sound of swiping, and said to Chen Zheng's back: "Damn, buddy, you are holding it, there is no 5000 million deposit, a poor **** can be Wang Ting's little face, or you Cow!"

Hearing the compliments from the two behind him, Chen Zheng smiled and walked in with Wang Ting on his arm.

"Welcome all the guests. Today is the annual Donghai Charity Conference. On the other side of our motherland, there are a group of lovely children. They are left-behind children. Some cannot go to school, and some do not even have a home. They can only wonder Living in schools, even so, their schools are still dilapidated, and they can't even maintain the most basic educational conditions. It is indeed a blessing to be able to invite everyone to participate in the charity conference today..."

As soon as Chen Zheng and Wang Ting entered the lobby, there was an emotional voice, and they saw a handsome host standing on the stage, who was the very famous Brother Dan.

And under the stage, there are dozens of wine tables, each of which is seated by a rich man. They either took the initiative to come here to gain fame, or they were forced to donate money, but all of them Except, they are all rich.

And when Chen Zheng and Wang Ting appeared, they saw a middle-aged woman walking towards them, her face was displeased, and she lowered her voice: "Tingting, where did you go just now? You ran out so frizzy, It will attract attention, this is a gathering of successful people in Donghai, can you pay more attention to the image!"

Facing the reprimand of the middle-aged woman, Wang Ting frowned, but she was still very polite: "Auntie, I have a sense of proportion."

"I'm just thinking about your image." The middle-aged woman's eyes are full of concern: "You also know that your grandfather will abdicate soon, and then it will be the competition for the chairman's seat, and many members of the family It's a wolf, if you are not careful, you will leave something for them to catch, and they will attack you... You are the successor appointed by grandpa, and I am also for your own good..."

Then, the middle-aged woman nagged a lot.

Although Wang Ting was a little impatient, she didn't refute the middle-aged woman, let alone stop her, because in the whole family, only this aunt was very kind to her. The other brothers, sisters, and uncles wanted to trample her down, and then Climb over her dead body and board the chairman's seat.

"Tingting, who is this boy?" The middle-aged woman quickly noticed Chen Zheng beside her.

"Him?" Wang Ting smiled and took the initiative to introduce: "Auntie, you went to the United States before, and you didn't know. This is the bodyguard I invited back. Last time Wu Guanxi proposed in the mansion, he was driven away."

"What!" The middle-aged woman exclaimed, and looked closely at Chen Zheng: "This man is the one who came out to help you last time? That time, when my father handed over the family heirloom to Wu Guanxi and wanted to form an alliance, I heard that the heirloom jade that was given to Wu Guanxi was smashed by Wu Guanxi, could it be that this man did it?"

"Really?" Wang Ting looked at Chen Zheng who was on the side. She was also very puzzled, how did Chen Zheng do it at that time.

Chen Zheng smiled: "This is not me, how can I be so good!"

"You are so humble, I think it is you!" The middle-aged woman smiled: "I heard the news when I was in the United States. Later, Wu Guanxi personally ordered a big diamond ring to propose, but it broke Come on, revealing sulfuric acid, it is clearly intended to harm people, and you are also the one who planned this matter?"

Chen Zheng made a haha: "Everyone understands it."

When Wang Ting and the middle-aged woman heard what Chen Zheng said, they froze completely. They just guessed whether Chen Zheng did it. After all, those two things were too weird. What about hitting the ground?Why is there sulfuric acid in a diamond ring?And in the end the victim was only Wu Guanxi, Wu Guanxi wasn't stupid enough to throw a rock at his own foot, if it was said that someone else did it, it wouldn't make sense, there was no way to find out who was behind the scenes!
Even Wu Guanxi and Wu Xianguang used all their energy to find out who was behind the scenes.

Under such circumstances, there is only one possibility, that is ghosts!
The middle-aged woman and Wang Ting also doubted whether it was Chen Zheng who did it. Now that they heard Chen Zheng nodding his head in agreement and saying "under the hood", they froze completely, each of them was very shocked, and looked at each other. There was almost no cheer, expressing the excitement in my heart.

Because they saw that terrifying master!

Able to break the heirloom jade and make sulfuric acid gushes out from the diamond ring, this master is a terrifying existence.

Now, this expert is standing in front of them, how can they not be surprised and excited.

The middle-aged woman looked closely at Chen Zheng, looked him up and down, suddenly pulled Wang Ting, and said in a low voice: "Tingting, tell me honestly, is this Chen Zheng your boyfriend?"

Wang Ting's face turned pink.

The middle-aged woman came here, and she saw the situation at a glance. Her eyes were full of excitement, and she gave Chen Zheng a grateful look: "Chen Zheng, I really want to thank you for the Wang family, and let Wang Ting return to normal." , I am very clear about what happened to her before. She likes to conquer women, and doesn't like to be conquered by men. I once wanted to help her find a physiologist, but now I see her who is tall, handsome and capable like you Boyfriend, I'm really happy for her!"

Chen Zheng laughed.

The eyes of Wang Ting next to her were full of admiration. She never imagined that her boyfriend would meet with her aunt, and she would be attracted by her aunt. This proves that she is good at picking boyfriends!
The middle-aged woman looked at the upper-class celebrities in the crowd, and suddenly sighed softly: "It's just a pity, if Tingting was born in an era of family peace, she must be very happy with you, but now, she is caught in a family conflict." I don’t know if she will be able to sit on the chairman’s seat. Those so-called family members may even kill you for this seat! Tingting’s life in the future will definitely be very dangerous, it’s a pity that you This pair of men and women looks great!"

(End of this chapter)

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