super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 330 My Boyfriend Chen Zheng

Chapter 330 My Boyfriend Chen Zheng
"It's a pity!" The middle-aged woman sighed, which made Wang Ting frowned, and said, "Auntie, don't worry, I will deal with the turmoil in the family one by one. This is the property left by my grandfather." , only belong to me!"

"I'm afraid of the enemy's attack from inside and outside! Outside there is Wu Guanxi watching, and inside there are other brothers and sisters waiting for you to make mistakes!" The middle-aged woman's face was full of worry.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will stay by Tingting's side and protect her!" Chen Zheng said seriously.

The middle-aged woman glanced at Chen Zheng, but sighed, and said, "You and Tingting are a talented couple. If you had known each other a few years earlier, you would definitely live a happy life. But now, the situation is very complicated. It's just a pain in your love!"

The weight of the middle-aged woman made Chen Zheng frowned.

It seems that the middle-aged woman is not optimistic that he and Wang Ting can be together. He pulls Wang Ting and casts an encouraging look at Wang Ting: I will always be by your side, all difficulties and dangers, As long as I am here, I will help you solve it.

Wang Ting felt warm in her heart. Aunt didn't think she and Chen Zheng could be happy, so she would fight for it!
"The next step is charitable donation. We have a real-name system here. Whoever donates how much will be displayed on the electronic screen. The No.1 donor will receive a medal signed by all the teachers and students of Hope Primary School in Guiyi Mountain. The medal was personally approved by the Donghai City-government, and now let everyone see its true face..." Dan Ge said, and lifted the curtain, and immediately, a medal as big as a glass table appeared When it came out, there were a few big golden characters plated in gold in the middle: "Star of Hope".

And around Star of Hope, names were signed one by one.

Although this is a bit of graffiti, it is definitely a medal representing justice, hope and reputation for the upper-class celebrities who are fishing for fame. If you get it, put it on the door of the company, or be exposed by the news, the reputation That's great, Donghai's annual philanthropists and outstanding entrepreneurs can't escape.

Moreover, there are all high-level celebrities here, and whoever gets the medal is also very prominent.

There is a famous reporter sitting around, once exposed, it will also cause a stir in the society.

Those men and women with specific goals are staring at this medal, their eyes are full of blazing light, while those who are forced to donate are secretly laughing, to see who is willing to spend a lot of money to be taken advantage of.

"Starting now, it's time for the next stage! Auction some cultural relics and souvenirs! The first one is a flower basket woven by Hope Primary School in Guiyi Mountain Area after several months of painstaking efforts. Please..." Dan Ge said In a word, two women in red cheongsams came up. They pushed a car table, and on the car table was a flower basket woven from fragments. The hard work of teachers and students.

"The base price is 100 million, and the price will be increased by at least 100 each time." Following Dan's voice, the upper-class celebrities in the audience began to compete. For the first time, they were very active. After all, they can still take out [-] million.

"110 million!"

"120 million!"

"130 million!"

Everyone began to raise prices, and Dan used his provocative words to push the emotions of the entire charity auction to peaks. Soon, the price reached 300 million. At this time, Wang Ting moved A: "500 million!"

Everyone in the venue was boiling.

It was an increase of one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand just now, and Wang Ting directly increased by two million, which is very shocking.

"Did this Wang Ting eat gunpowder? So hot?"

"I heard that she wants to consolidate her position in the Wang family!"

"Then Wang Fu is going to retire soon, right?"


Everyone was discussing with each other, and at this moment, a mighty voice sounded: "600 million!"


Everyone was shocked, looked into the crowd, and soon saw a man, none other than Wu Guanxi.Chen Zheng and Wang Ting also saw Wu Guanxi, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Zheng's mouth, but Wang Ting's eyes were all cold, she knew Wu Guanxi would come out to make trouble early in the morning.

The middle-aged woman next to her frowned: "This Wu Guanxi is really determined, it seems that he is really going to spend with us!"

Standing in the crowd, Wu Guanxi looked directly at Wang Ting, his eyes were full of desire, like a general who had won the victory stick, and when he saw Chen Zhengshi next to Wang Ting, his eyes flickered There was a hint of sarcasm, as if to say, I have money, do you have it?

"600 million for the first time, 600 million for the second time, 600 million for the third time, established..."

Following Brother Dan's order, the audience slapped their hands, and all the high-level celebrities stood up, showing their heartfelt respect to Wu Guanxi. These days, if someone wants to be taken advantage of, naturally there is no need to be stingy with the applause they deserve.

"Next, the second thing..."

Following the guidance of Brother Dan, another auction item was soon pushed up, and then there was another fight. Chen Zheng, who was sitting in the crowd, listened for a long time, but Wu Guanxi did not make a move. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. Smiling, he said to Wang Ting: "Let's make an offer this time!"

"Yes." Wang Ting nodded and held up the sign.

"150 million!" Brother Dan laughed and said, "Wang Ting from Baoqi Group is willing to bid 150 million. Is there any boss who wants to get acquainted with our beautiful president Wang Ting? As long as you pay more than her, maybe you can have a relationship with her." Date."

"Ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter in the hall.

Wu Guan, who was sitting in the second district, glanced at Wang Ting and Chen Zheng in the distance, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he was about to raise the sign, but the old butler-looking man next to him had already stopped him: "Master, the reserve price given by the master is 2000 million. The flower basket was auctioned just now, and it has already exceeded the budget."


A murderous look flashed in Wu Guanxi's eyes, but he thought of something and endured it alive. He didn't believe that he couldn't conquer Wang Ting later!

"150 million for the second time... 150 million for the third time... 150 million deal!" With Dan's final word, all the men and women in the audience looked at Wang Ting, and Wang Ting's face was very calm, because she felt that the 150 million Wan was donated to the Hope Primary School in the mountain area, and Chen Zheng who was beside him said in a low voice: "Tingting, you have auctioned it off, you must have some passion, right?"

"How is passion?"

"kiss Me!"

"This..." Wang Ting's face turned pink, but when she looked forward, she saw her brother Wang Lei staring back at her with a sneer in his eyes. Something attacked her, she gritted her teeth, then put her arms around Chen Zheng's neck, put her whole body on it, and then kissed Chen Zheng's mouth.


The entire donor meeting was boiling: "What's the situation? Wang Ting actually kissed this man? Who is this man?"

Then Wang Lei also stared at Wang Ting hotly, his eyes were full of doubts, according to his investigation, Wang Ting is the one who likes girls, he just wanted to collect these materials, and then stab Wang Ting at the family meeting If the reporter exposes it at that time, it will definitely damage her reputation.

but now……

Wang Ting also saw Wang Lei's fiery eyes. She gritted her teeth, took Chen Zheng's hand, and said, "This is my boyfriend Chen Zheng. It was his encouragement that made me choose this souvenir!"

"What? The beautiful president of Baoqi Group actually has a boyfriend?"

The crowd started to commotion...

(End of this chapter)

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