super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 343 Killed

Chapter 343 Killed
"The prison was ransacked last night, with heavy casualties!" Liu Li said hastily when she saw Chen Zheng. This is a very important matter.

"It must be the cold old man!"

Chen Zheng had ordered Jin Zhongyuan before to send more people to strictly guard the prison, but unexpectedly, it exploded in the end. That cold old man must have rescued Wu Guanxi.

This is indeed a very important matter.

"Where's Xia Xue?"

Chen Zheng wanted to call Xia Xue, and then go back to find out what happened.

"Xia Xue is still asleep."

After Liu Li finished speaking, she felt a little guilty. She drugged Chen Zheng and Xia Xue last night to facilitate Wang An's work, and Xia Xue has not woken up until now.

"Still sleeping?"

Chen Zheng quickly walked into his room, and sure enough, Xia Xue was sleeping there peacefully, with her black hair loose, and her beautiful face was very fair.Chen Zheng walked up, performed the see-through eye technique, and probed into Xia Xue's body, but was suddenly shocked. He could clearly feel the medicinal power in Xia Xue's body.

It turned out to be drugged.

He looked up at Liu Li: "Liu Li, what's going on? Why does Liu Li have medicinal properties in her body?"

"This...may be caused by eating last night's meal...I don't know very well..."

Hearing Liu Li's nervous voice, Chen Zheng had a trace of suspicion in his eyes, and he felt that something was wrong.

Could it be that Liu Li and Wang An were drugged last night?
Then why are they drugged?

With a sudden shock, a gleam of light flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. Could it be that Liu Li and Wang An drugged Chen Zheng and Wang An to have a relationship?
All this is premeditated?
But why do you want to do this?etc……

Chen Zheng suddenly thought of something, he looked at Liu Li: "Liu Li, tell me honestly, you drugged me last night, and then let me have a relationship with Wang An, do you want me to become stronger?"

"No, Chen Zheng, don't think too much, we don't know how to make you stronger."

Of course Liu Li dared not tell Chen Zheng the truth.

Because Wang An has not recovered at all, if Chen Zheng feels something at this time, Wang An will not have a good time.

"never mind!"

Chen Zheng didn't care about it either, and activated the spiritual breath in his body to act on Xia Xue, making Xia Xue wake up: "Honey, the prison was ransacked last night! Wu Guanxi was taken away!"


Xia Xue was startled: "This is troublesome, all the credit is gone!"

"Don't be so nervous, I have a husband here!"

Chen Zheng comforted Xia Xue, and then rushed towards the Public Security Bureau with Xia Xue, and soon came to the gate of the Public Security Bureau, and saw Jin Zhongyuan walking out with a pale face: "Xiao Zheng, you came at the right time, you came at the right time, something really happened , something really happened, the prison was ransacked, and there were heavy casualties!"

"Take us to see immediately!" Chen Zheng said hastily.

"This way..."

Under the leadership of Jin Zhongyuan, Chen Zheng and Xia Xue got into the police car and drove towards the prison in the suburbs. Surrounded by mountains, in the largest prison affiliated to Donghai City, an armed policeman with a purse and live ammunition guarded the place tightly. .

In the last night, 20 people died here.

Eighteen prison guards, and two criminals.

The other man who was in the same cell as the two criminals disappeared. He searched the entire prison, but he couldn't find it. Finally, it was confirmed that the man had been robbed.

Such a big incident happened in the prison, which made the prison director Xu Zhengyang's face change drastically. He quickly called the armed police system and asked the commander of the armed police to send armed police with live ammunition to surround the place.

If this matter is exposed, it will definitely cause panic and boiling in the entire East China Sea.

When Chen Zheng, Xia Xue and Jin Zhongyuan arrived, it was already noon, and the forensic doctor had already cleaned up the scene and loaded the corpses into the car. They had already experienced corpses, and they came to the conclusion: "These Everyone was killed!"

"Bite to death?"

Everyone's face changed greatly.

"Director Xu, Director Jin Zhongyuan is here!" A prison guard ran in.

"Let him in!" Xu Zhengyang waved his hand and sat there motionless, his face very pale. He has been working as a prison warden for 30 years, and he has never encountered such a horrible thing like today. Bitten to death!

To be shot to death, to be killed by a knife, to be beaten to death is all justified.

But he was bitten to death!

This is so scary.

"Old Xu, what's the situation now?" Jin Zhongyuan walked in with Chen Zheng and Xia Xue.

"Brother Jin, I'm in big trouble!" Seeing Jin Zhongyuan, Xu Zhengyang quickly stood up, and said with a pale face, "Last night, someone ransacked the prison and killed more than 20 prison guards. They were not stabbed to death by guns or hacked to death by knives. He was not beaten to death, but bitten to death!"


Jin Zhongyuan's expression changed: "Old Xu, what did you say? He was bitten to death? How is this possible? Your words must go through your brain!"

"When is it, will I still lie to you? They were all bitten to death!"

"This... take me to see the situation immediately!"

Jin Zhongyuan's face was pale and bloodless, he started to panic, what attacked him?Attacked by wild beasts?Wild beasts will come to the prison to loot?There is only one possibility, and that is human beings!So this man killed all the prison guards?

The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Jin Zhongyuan shivered, and then asked Xu Zhengyang to take him to the scene.

Behind her, Xia Xue's face turned pale, and she tightly held Chen Zheng's arm. She was most afraid of zombies, and she said with a pale face, "Honey, why don't we stay here and don't follow."

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm here."

Chen Zheng smiled, patted Xia Xue's little hand, and then pulled Xia Xue up.

Those scenes have been sealed, and the police are here to collect evidence, but the corpse has already been moved to the car, after the forensic autopsy, it is ready to be sent to the crematorium, and the cremation will be carried out after the relatives identify the corpse.

"What about the forensic doctor?"

Xu Zhengyang yelled as soon as he came over.

A forensic doctor came running over: "Prisoner Xu, what are your orders?"

"Where are those corpses? Director Jin wants to see the corpses." Xu Zhengyang said.


The forensic doctor hesitated.

"What's the matter? Do I have to get the consent of your chief if I want to look at the corpse?" Jin Zhongyuan was a little displeased.

"No, I was afraid that you would be scared when you saw it!" said the forensic doctor.

"Stop talking nonsense, let us see the corpse immediately!" Jin Zhongyuan was also a little anxious, he really wanted to know what killed more than 20 people.

"If you want to see it, please come here!"

The forensic doctor led everyone to the car, opened the car door, and a gust of icy air rushed over. Inside was a huge freezer with ice beds on which lay corpses, all of which were covered with white cloth. covered.

"You can go and see..."

The forensic doctor said something, but didn't go up, as if he was a little scared. Seeing the forensic doctor like this, everyone's eyes flashed a little nervous...

(End of this chapter)

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