super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 344 Horror!

Chapter 344 Horror!
"What are you afraid of? Let's go and see!" Jin Zhongyuan walked towards a corpse bed first, and then lifted the corpse cloth. Suddenly, he was startled, then he screamed, ran out, and then opened his mouth to spit it out. .

"So scary!"

Xu Zhengyang's face was pale. He was afraid to go up to look, but his curiosity was still at work. In the end, he couldn't help it. He went up to have a look, but he was also shocked suddenly. His whole face was pale and bloodless, and he had already vomited before turning around up.

"very good!"

Chen Zheng wanted to see how the corpse was bitten to death.

"We don't want to go..."

Xia Xue held Chen Zheng's hand tightly.

"Don't be afraid, it's fine!" Chen Zheng said, and then walked up, but after just one glance, he was shocked, only feeling his scalp go numb.

The corpse's eyes were wide open, its mouth was wide open, and its tongue was gone, but what made people horrified was that there were two wounds on the neck of the corpse, one wound was bitten out alive, and it was covered with There are tooth marks of different sizes, but on the other side of the neck, there are blood-red holes, the holes are only as big as the ends of electric wires, densely packed, making one's scalp numb at first glance.

This is panic disorder!

Chen Zheng felt a little queasy in his heart.

He hurried out.

Seeing Chen Zheng, Xia Xue came up and held Chen Zheng's hand tightly: "Husband, what's the situation inside?"

"It's so terrifying that people's hair goes numb!" Chen Zheng pulled Xia Xue and left here directly. As soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw Jin Zhongyuan and Xu Zhengyang. The two of them had almost vomited, and they were a little collapsed. They sat there with pale faces. no blood.

A smile flashed in the eyes of the forensic doctor: "I have already warned you, but you didn't believe it, and you just ran to see it. It's not my fault!"

"What killed it?"

Jin Zhongyuan asked a quick question when his mood stabilized.

"We can't identify this yet! We have never seen a beast with so many tooth marks, and we can exclude humans, because these teeth are very messy!" The forensic doctor paused, and then said: "We need to take it back and test the blood slowly to be know what it is."

"More than 20 people were killed in one blow!" Xu Zhengyang's face turned pale: "I have already checked the surveillance video, and last night, all the surveillance video was destroyed! This shows that the other party does not want to be discovered!"

"If this is the case, then someone brought some kind of creature to rob the prison?" Jin Zhongyuan said.

"It's very likely so!" Xu Zhengyang nodded.

On the other side, Xia Xue couldn't help asking: "Besides the twenty dead, are there any other missing persons? Or are there other people who were taken away?"

"Among the twenty dead, eighteen were prison guards, and the remaining two were criminals from 402. There were originally three people in 402, but one was taken away! His name is Wu Guanxi!" Xu Zhengyang said.


A gleam of light flashed in Xia Xue's eyes, and she couldn't help but look towards Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng stood up and said, "Next, everyone has to stop for a while, because this involves an ancient killer, we try not to expose it, and don't send armed police over, everyone just pretend it didn't happen."

"What did you say?" Xu Zhengyang looked at Chen Zheng in surprise: "More than 20 people died in this prison, and you said that nothing happened? Who are you?"

"Old Xu, I haven't introduced you yet. This is my man, Chen Zheng. As long as it involves the ancient assassin, he will handle it!" Jin Zhongyuan said hastily.

"Brother Jin, do you mean to tell us to leave it alone and let him come to check it?" Xu Zhengyang was a little dissatisfied: "Brother Jin, you are not kind, more than 20 people died on my side, you want me to How to explain to the superior? How do you want me to explain to the family of the deceased? Now you are better off, just let me leave it alone?"

"No, I have to listen to Xiaozheng this time!" Jin Zhongyuan stood up.

"Who is he? Why do you listen to him?" Xu Zhengyang was a little displeased.

"He is an ancient killer!"

"What is an ancient killer?" Xu Zhengyang's eyes were full of impatience: "Brother Jin, you are a highly educated person, why do you listen to his nonsense? What ancient killer? Can you solve this case? If so So powerful, so tell us, what killed these people?"

The forensic doctors all looked at Chen Zheng.

Even the forensic doctor felt that Chen Zheng was unreliable.

"Killed by what? Of course he was killed by someone!" Chen Zheng said flatly.

"Was it killed? Or was it bitten to death?" Xu Zhengyang looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"Bite to death."

"You mean to say that these dead were all bitten to death?" The forensic doctor looked at Chen Zheng intently.

"That's right, they were bitten to death, and all their blood was sucked!" Chen Zheng said seriously.


Xu Zhengyang and the forensic doctor's expressions changed, but then they felt that it was a fantasy, and smiled coldly: "You are talking nonsense, how can someone bite someone in this world? Let alone a blood-sucking person! You are simply talking nonsense!"

Xia Xue next to him held Chen Zheng's hand tightly, her face turning pale.

"It's okay..." Chen Zheng patted Xia Xue's little hand, cast a comforting look, and then looked at Xu Zhengyang: "Director Xu, I want to ask, are there 20 people dead and one missing?"

Xu Zhengyang frowned, not knowing why Chen Zheng asked him this question.

But Xu Zhengyang still nodded: "Exactly, the situation reported from below is like this, 20 people died and one person is missing!"

"Actually, there are three people missing!" Chen Zheng said, "In addition to Wu Guanxi, there are two other people missing."


Jin Zhongyuan stood up and realized something.

"How is this possible? One person is obviously missing!" Xu Zhengyang stood up, then walked out, saying that he was going to check, and after a while, he came back with an extremely embarrassed expression: "Yes, I checked, and later found that he was missing Killed two criminals!"

"That's right!" Chen Zheng smiled and said, "These two missing people have been bitten to death and sucked into mummies. The perpetrators deliberately hid their bodies, so you can't find them." !"


Xu Zhengyang's face was pale, and he stared at Chen Zheng: "Then where are their bodies?"

"Come with me!"

Chen Zheng said something, then walked forward, and soon, he came to a stone wall.

"You mean, those two missing people are hiding inside?" Xu Zhengyang believed Chen Zheng's words just now, but now he shook his head: "This is absolutely impossible!"

"Is it?"

Chen Zheng raised his palm and slapped it hard, and saw the stone wall shattered, turned into powder, and scattered on the ground, but saw two corpses slipping out of it. When they saw these two corpses, everyone's expressions changed greatly: "Oh my God!" , was really sucked into a mummy!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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