super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 362 Wu Guanxi sucks blood!

Chapter 362 Wu Guanxi sucks blood!

Chen Zheng said suddenly.

"What?" Liu Li moved, and subconsciously took out a silver-white pistol from her waist.

But at this moment, there was a roar, and the door of the apartment was kicked open, and a murderous aura gushed out from inside, and a man was sitting inside. It's Wu Guanxi.

"Wu Guanxi!" Liu Li exclaimed for a while, she felt that Wu Guanxi's aura seemed to have become stronger.

Chen Zheng used his spiritual sense to probe into Wu Guanxi's body. He was a little surprised: "Brother Guanxi, I didn't expect to see you in a week, and you have become an ancient killer. It's really surprising!"


Wu Guanxi let out a sinister laugh, he stood up, and said coldly: "Chen Zheng, do you think you are the only ancient killer? My ancestor crawled out of the coffin, and he made me an ancient killer , I’m here today to settle accounts with you!”

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: "Your ancestor made you an ancient killer, but he didn't tell you, shouldn't you come to me before you become a strong man?"

Wu Guanxi's face turned cold.

In fact, that old ancestor did ask him to completely surpass Chen Zheng before he could come to seek revenge on Chen Zheng.

But Wu Guanxi is impatient. He felt that he could fly, so he immediately came to look for Chen Zheng. Now that he heard Chen Zheng's ridicule, his face became angry, and he stepped on the floor fiercely. They were all cracked, and I heard the panicked voices from the residents downstairs: "The building is cracked...the building is cracked..."

Soon, the residents downstairs rushed up. When they saw Chen Zheng and Wu Guanxi, their faces changed drastically: "What's the situation?"

I saw an aunt walking towards Wu Guanxi: "Why is the building cracked?"

Wu Guanxi made a move, and suddenly pinched the aunt, opened his mouth, revealing two sharp and long zombie teeth, and bit it, the aunt's face was terrified, struggling desperately, but within half a minute, the aunt was sucked by Wu Guanxi Drained of blood, turned into a dead body.

This incident happened too fast, and everyone's face changed drastically.


Soon, everyone reacted and yelled in horror. The aunt's relatives rushed towards Wu Guanxi desperately, while other residents rushed outside, shouting continuously: "There are zombies, there are Zombies, biting people... sucking blood..."

With such a cry, the whole community boiled up, and the residents ran out one by one, but they were unwilling to disperse, so they stood in the park downstairs, watching the situation on Chen Zheng's side.

"kill him……"

Aunt's relative roared wildly, and then rushed towards Wu Guanxi, but was stopped by Chen Zheng with his spiritual breath.

"You all go down immediately!" Chen Zheng ordered.

These people ignored Chen Zheng at first, but when Chen Zheng punched the elevator next to him hard, piercing the entire elevator, these men and women were terrified and stared at Chen Zheng: "Why are you so powerful... ...You can definitely kill this blood-sucking maniac... Please, kill him..."

"It's done, you go down first, it's not safe here!" Chen Zheng said hastily.


Everyone nodded heavily, and then ran downstairs.

"Liu Li, you go down too!" Chen Zheng hurriedly told Liu Li.

Liu Li hesitated at first, but she glanced at Wu Guanxi, Wang An, and Chen Zheng, and knew that the three of them were all ancient killers, and she really couldn't help much by staying here, so she nodded and walked on.

Now, only Chen Zheng, Wang An and Wu Guanxi were left.

"Quack... This blood is delicious!" Wu Guanxi made a quacking sound.

"So you were the one who sucked blood in the prison?" Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique to investigate, and found that Wu Guanxi's body was full of blood.

"Yes, it's me!"

"Well, I'll catch you today!"

Chen Zheng said something, and then went up to Wu Guanxi, his speed was very fast, he had already arrived in front of Wu Guanxi in a flash, and then he raised his palm and slapped him hard.

"Well done, well done!"

Wu Guanxi snarled, and then raised his palm to hit him.

There was a roar, and the two palms hit each other, and a strong spiritual breath came out fiercely, Wu Guanxi stepped back with a bang, Wu Guanxi opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of rotten blood, he raised his head, firmly Looking at Chen Zheng, he didn't expect that Chen Zheng's palm was so powerful.

"Why didn't you listen to what your ancestors said?" Chen Zhengxiao asked.


Wu Guanxi was furious. His ancestor asked him to find Chen Zheng after he became stronger, but he refused to listen. Now that he faced Chen Zheng with a palm, he was beaten back and forth, and even vomited rotten blood with his mouth open. gap.

"There are even more powerful ones!"

Chen Zheng smiled, and patted Wang An's little hand next to him.


Wang An gave a low cry, then flew towards Wu Guanxi, stretched out a palm and hit Wu Guanxi.

"court death!"

When Wu Guanxi saw Wang An coming up to provoke him, he was also angry, thinking that Wang An is a little girl, what strength does she have?He wanted to regain his position on Wang An, so instead of retreating, he slapped Wang An hard.

With a loud noise, Wu Guanxi flew upside down, smashed through the wall, and then fell out.


Downstairs in the community, all the residents of the community were guarding there, watching the situation in mid-air, and seeing Wu Guanxi being thrown from the building, everyone's expressions changed drastically: "This person will definitely die if he falls from such a height." !"

But soon, they discovered in horror that Wu Guanxi turned over in mid-air and was actually floating in mid-air.

"What's the situation? He can actually float in mid-air?"

Everyone's face changed greatly.

Wu Guanxi's eyes were full of anger in mid-air. He thought that Wang An had no strength, but he didn't expect that Wang An's palm was even more terrifying than Chen Zheng's. A murderous look flashed in his eyes, and then he directed towards the crowd below fly away.

"Xiao An, we want to catch this Wu Guanxi!" Chen Zheng said.

Wang An nodded his head.

"Everyone, go away, this is a blood-sucking maniac, my mother was sucked out of blood by him!" a young man roared.

At the beginning, everyone was full of doubts, but it wasn't until Wu Guanxi rushed up, dragged a girl, and then flew in the air, desperately sucking blood, after a while, the girl was sucked into a mummified corpse, and everyone reacted Coming over, his face changed drastically, and he ran around: "Oh my god, it's really a vampire. How can there be such a person in this world? Oh my god, let's run away, no one can subdue him!"

Everyone fled in all directions, their eyes full of panic.

But at this moment, a man and a woman flew down from midair. The pair of men and women slapped the vampire in midair, and hit the vampire with two bangs, sending the vampire flying.


Everyone was shocked, staring fixedly at Chen Zheng and Wang An in mid-air, their eyes full of excitement: "Oh my God, the righteous man has come out! The righteous man who can fight against the blood-sucking maniac has come out! We are saved!"

(PS: The new book "Almighty Little Security Guard in Girls' School" has been released, you can click on my author name to search and read it, and ask for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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