super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 363 If ​​You Are Huaying, I Love You!

Chapter 363 If ​​You Are Huaying, I Love You!

"A righteous man has appeared!"

Everyone cheered and stopped, watching Chen Zheng and Wang An moving towards Wu Guanxiyi in mid-air, they were all excited, just now Wu Guanxi flew out, and then dragged a girl in mid-air and slammed suck blood.

"Go up and kill him!"

Everyone shouted.


Wu Guanxi was also furious, seeing Chen Zheng and Wang An chasing desperately, he swung fiercely in mid-air, and saw the stern hand come out, turned into ghost claws, and struck towards Chen Zheng and Wang An.

The spiritual energy in Chen Zheng's body surged out, transformed into the spirit of Princess Zhiyu, and then transformed into a huge slashing palm, hitting towards the ghost claws in front of him, smashing all the ghost claws to pieces with just one blow.


Seeing that all his ghost claws had been wiped out by Chen Zheng, Wu Guanxi turned around and ran outside.

He couldn't beat him and ran away immediately.

"Want to run away?"

Chen Zheng smiled. It was hard for this blood-sucking beast to surface. If he escaped, how could he go back and deal with Xia Xue?
So Chen Zheng let out a low cry, flew up, and then slapped three palms.

These three palms blasted towards Wu Guanxi, the speed was very fast, but before they hit Wu Guanxi, Wang An next to him shot out three blood lights, and these blood lights flashed towards Chen Zheng's handprint .

Three roars sounded, and I saw the three blood glows combined with the handprints, burning completely, but turning into three different air masses.


Wu Guanxi's face changed drastically. He stared at the three different air masses in mid-air, which made him very frightened, because these three different air masses reminded him of his old ancestor. Three different air masses floated out.

But different from the air mass of the ancestors, the air mass on Chen Zheng's body represents the existence of light and holiness.

"what is this?"

Chen Zheng was also surprised. He just used his spiritual breath to hit three handprints, but after being stained by Wang An's blood, these three handprints became extremely terrifying. What is going on?
"This is your attack!" Wang An said.

Although her eyes are still blood red, one thing is certain, that is, she has completely recognized Chen Zheng as her closest person in her heart.

"Oh? Then tell me, what kind of attacks are these three different air masses?" Chen Zhengxiao asked.

"The one on the left represents hope, the one in the middle represents light, and the one on the right represents victory!" Wang An said.


Chen Zheng was a little excited. He never thought that his handprints would turn into hope, light and victory after being touched by Wang An's aura!


Chen Zheng squeezed hard, and saw the three lights of hope, light and victory blasting towards Wu Guanxi. The light of hope shone everywhere, causing Wu Guanxi to fall down in an instant, and then the flame of light was completely blown away. Burning, devouring Wu Guanxi in an instant.


Wu Guanxi hissed in pain. He was trembling all over, but he was burned by the fire of light.


The final seal of victory fell from the sky and hit Wu Guanxi fiercely.

Such a blow completely beat Wu Guanxi until he vomited blood and trembled all over. He fell from the sky, and before he hit the ground, his whole body was already scattered. He raised his head and looked at Chen Zheng in mid-air, his eyes full of horror , he has never seen a person capable of bombarding such a terrifying attack, except for his ancestors.

But his ancestors had practiced for 500 years!
"Return my daughter!"

There was a hissing sound, and a man who looked like an old man rushed up, punching and kicking Wu Guanxi.

"Go up and kill him!"

Everyone yelled and rushed forward, punching and kicking Wu Guanxi. After being hit by Chen Zheng's hope, light and victory, Wu Guanxi fell to the ground and vomited blood. His whole body was trembling. at the end.

After everyone vented their anger, Wu Guanxi was picked up and paraded to the public.

"What about the two heroes?"

Suddenly, an old man asked.

Everyone looked up, only to find that Chen Zheng and Wang An had already disappeared, and their eyes were full of doubts.

At this time, Chen Zheng and Wang An were standing on the top of the building, and Chen Zheng said excitedly: "Xiao An, it seems that you know a lot, and you actually turned my handprint into light, hope and victory. There is no one like you!"

Wang An stared blankly at Chen Zheng.

Her eyes were still so blood red, as if everything was still awake.

Seeing Wang An staring blankly at him, Chen Zheng smiled, Wang An's little face was flushed, very beautiful, those big eyes, although very blood red, were still a sister with big eyes.

younger sister?

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng's heart skipped a beat. He seemed to think that Wang An was a girl?

But all the things that happened during this period of time had already told Chen Zheng that Wang An was probably Huaying.

However, Chen Zheng still needs to find out.

He guessed that Wang An might be in the current situation because of his own reasons!

"Don't worry, I will help you restore Huaying!" Chen Zheng nodded, and then squeezed Wang An's rosy and cute little face.

Wang An stared blankly at Chen Zheng. She seemed to understand something, and suddenly asked, "If I were Huaying, Brother Xiaozheng, would you like me?"

Chen Zheng was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly Wang An would ask this question.

But looking at Wang An's bright red face, he still nodded without hesitation: "If you were Huaying, I would definitely love you!"


Wang An stared blankly at Chen Zheng, but a tear of blood dripped from those blood-red eyes. The blood tear fell down, looking a little sad, but at this moment, Chen Zheng's heart ached. For some reason, he I feel that Wang An has not been so happy during this period of time!
He hugged Wang An tightly in his arms.

"Brother Xiaozheng..."

Wang An's eyes were no longer so blood red, but instead regained a little clarity, looking so cute and cute.

"Xiao An..."

Chen Zheng also discovered Wang An's change, and he was very happy in his heart. As long as Wang An returned to normal, he could slowly unlock the secrets of Wang An. Wang An probably had a lot of difficulties, so Chen Zheng would Use all your strength to recover Wang An!

B hoo! B hoo! B hoo!
A police siren rang, and Xia Xue and Jin Zhongyuan rushed over. They jumped out of the car, and saw a group of people coming up: "Comrade police, you came just in time, the vampire has been caught!"

Xia Xue and Jin Zhongyuan hurried out of the crowd, and when they saw Wu Guanxi, they were shocked: "If it's true, he's the one who caused the mummified body in the prison!"

"But who caught the vampire?" Jin Zhongyuan asked hastily.

"This is Yiqing Community, if it's good, it should be Chen Zheng!"

"Oh? Chen is living here?"

"Of course!"

"That must be him! Because no one can catch a vampire except him!"

(End of this chapter)

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