super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 372 The Mysterious Cloaked Man

Chapter 372 The Mysterious Cloaked Man
Chen Zheng looked up, frowned, and saw two men and women walking in with a group of black-clothed youths, the woman was the dancer just now, but the man was wearing a black-clothed Doufeng, Wrap yourself in a cloak.

But what made Chen Zheng move was that there was an aura floating around the man in the cloak.

It is the breath of the ancient killer.

If it is correct, this man in the cloak should be the owner of the dancer. The dancer has the aura of an ancient killer, but it is very small, and it should be injected into her body.

"Master, he is the one who watched me dance!"

The dancer pointed at Chen Zheng, and said to the cloaked man next to him.

"Yeah." An old voice sounded, and the cloaked man took a step forward. The whole dance floor was boiling, the wine was floating, and the glass was breaking.

"Strong breath!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, because the man in the cloak seemed to have only 20 years of cultivation, but the aura he displayed was extremely large and mighty, like an existence that had lived for 200 years.

"Are you from Yin Yang Wuming?" the man in the cloak said, his voice very old.

"So, you know Yin Yang Wuming?"

Chen Zheng came to look for Yin Yang Wuming, but he met the dancer and the man in the cloak. These people were all related to the ancient killers. Could it be that Yin Yang Wuming came for the assessment?

"I asked you a question, but you didn't answer me? You're courting death!"

As soon as the man in the cloak shook his hand, a sharp whip came out and hit Chen Zheng heavily.

Chen Zheng stretched out his hand to grab the whip, and he caught the whip that came up. He felt his hand tighten, and a powerful aura surged from the whip. It seemed that it was only 20 years of cultivation, but it was 200 years old. exist.

"Your breath is weird!"

Chen Zheng let out a low cry, and the spirit in his body surged out, transformed into the spirit of Princess Zhiyu, and then poured into Libian.

Seeing that the whip was burning, it was reduced to ashes in an instant.

"You are amazing!" The man in the cloak looked at Chen Zheng coldly. His face was hidden in the cloak, and he couldn't tell what it looked like, but his chin was very sharp and white, a pale white.

"What is your relationship with Yin Yang Wuming? Where are they?" Chen Zheng asked.

"You want to know? Well, I'll give you a chance. If you beat me, I'll tell you. Not only that, I'll marry the dancer to you!" the cloaked man said coldly.


Chen Zheng was taken aback for a moment.

And the dancer next to her got anxious, her eyes were full of anxiety: "Master, please don't marry me to him, he is a pervert, just saw my body, I wish I could kill him!"

A crisp slap sounded, and the dancer was slapped down to the ground.

The man in the cloak looked at Chen Zheng coldly: "This is a maidservant I took back. Whether it's figure or beauty, it's enough for you to play for a few years. You fight me once. If you can win, I'll take it back." Betroth her to you!"

"Why are you fighting me?"

Chen Zheng asked curiously.

"Because Yin Yang Wuming said that you have been approved by the old lady of the Tang family, and you are going to become the official emperor of the Tang family!" The cloaked man's eyes were full of murderous intent: "There are so many young talents in the world, they are not worthy of them, why is it their turn? You? That's why I want to kill you!"

"very good!"

Chen Zheng smiled, no matter who this cloaked man is, one thing is for sure, if you want to find Yin Yang Wuming, you have to kill this cloaked man.

"Then let's reward the happy men and women who come here today!"

The man in the cloak gave a shout, and gusts of spiritual energy gushed out of him, and hit the surroundings, crackling, and the surrounding walls were smashed, and the second area and the first area were connected in this way. On the first area, those men and women were dancing happily. When they saw the situation here, they were all puzzled.

"what's going on?"

"What are these people?"

Everyone's eyes were full of doubts, but soon, they noticed the existence of the dancer: "Wait, isn't this woman the dancer? Doesn't it mean that anyone who looks at her will have his eyes gouged out?"


Everyone boiled up.

"This is the legendary Hongkou dancer? My brother just took a look at her last time, but she gouged out his eyes. A week later, he disappeared for no reason, probably evaporated!"

"Isn't this dancer too scary? But, she looks really good, very beautiful!"

"The dancer can be seen now?" Another man noticed that the dancer was standing behind the cloaked man with her head bowed. He was puzzled for a while: "Why does this dancer bow her head to that cloaked man? Could it be that this cloaked man is The legendary owner of Hongkou Bar?"

"It seems so!"

"Then what are they doing?"

Soon, everyone noticed the confrontation between the cloaked man and Chen Zheng.

"Fall to the roof!" The cloaked man waved his hand, and saw a 50-square-meter platform slowly descending in midair. There were several tigers on the platform, roaring non-stop, and jumped down towards the bottom of the crowd. , baring his teeth and claws, tearing blood at the crowd.


The whole bar was terrified, and everyone fled in all directions.

Some were bitten to death, some were frightened to death, and some ran too fast and collided with each other, trampling several men and women to death alive.

From the beginning to the end, those bar security guards did not move.

At this moment, the man in the cloak moved, and he flew up, and then fled towards the crowd. He stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, and he pinched a tiger's neck, but to his surprise, As soon as the man in the cloak lifted it alive, he picked up the platinum-eyed tiger.


The men and women who had fled in panic all stopped, looking at the cloaked man in surprise.

The man in the cloak slapped it with his palm, and beat the platinum-eyed tiger into a pulp with a bang. Suddenly, blood spattered out, covering the entire bar.


Everyone froze there, staring at the man in the cloak.

The three tigers around were roaring fiercely, but they also noticed the man in the cloak. They jumped out of the crowd and rushed towards the man in the cloak.

The cloaked man got up, and killed the three tigers with just three palms. Blood splashed out and smeared all over the ground, and the three tigers were killed directly.

"Is this the legendary mysterious boss of Hongkou?"

"That's right, it's him!"

Hearing this, everyone fell to their knees with a bang, their faces extremely terrified...

(End of this chapter)

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