Chapter 373

Hundreds of men and women who came to seek pleasure all knelt on the ground, looking at the cloaked man respectfully.

"Very strong momentum!"

Chen Zheng became even more curious. Why is this cloaked man wearing a cloak?Who is he?What does it have to do with Yin Yang Nameless?The most important thing is that there is a strange aura floating on the man in the cloak.

"Brother Chen, what should we do next?"

Dalizhen and Tiangong were terrified, where had they seen such an existence as the cloaked man?Needless to say, it must be the ancient killer, probably the same existence as Chen Zheng.

"You all step aside, I'm going to compete with him!"

After Chen Zheng said something, his figure flashed and appeared on the platform.


The man in the cloak snorted coldly, and also flew up. He stood opposite Chen Zheng, looking at Chen Zheng coldly: "As long as you beat me, you can go to Yin Yang Wuming. Similarly, I will immediately Arrange for the dancer to spend the night with you! She's still a virgin!"


Chen Zheng looked at the man in the cloak strangely: "Why do you want to betroth the dancer to me so urgently?"

"Because she is my maidservant, she is a seedling of martial arts, but she needs an ancient killer to break her bud, so that she can become an ancient killer!" The cloaked man said lightly: "So if you beat me, then You are stronger than me, so naturally I have to arrange for her to be played by you, so as to bring her into the ranks of ancient killers!"

"I go!"

Chen Zheng was speechless, what is this?

He is an ancient killer, but he would never take advantage of others to strike. Obviously, the dancer was forced to marry him by the man in the cloak.

"Don't worry, the dancer has lust, as long as you get her and become her man, she will always be loyal to you!" The cloaked man seemed to know what Chen Zheng was thinking.

"I'm surprised, the dancer is so beautiful, and she still has lust in her body, why don't you go and fuck her? Let me do it instead?" Chen Zheng asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, you don't have to care about this! You just need to tell me, are you interested in dancers?" The cloaked man said coldly.

Chen Zheng looked down at the dancers in the crowd.

And the dancer also raised her head, looking closely at Chen Zheng, her face was full of worry, seeing Chen Zheng looking down, her eyes were full of murderous intent.

Chen Zheng smiled.

Now that he has Xia Xue and the others, he doesn't want to have any more emotional disputes, but the dancer is betrothed to him to play, and he can pat his ass and leave after he can play.

This fits with his view of love.

So he nodded: "Of course I like it!"


When the dancer heard Chen Zheng say she liked it, she immediately gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Zheng fiercely.

In mid-air, the man in the cloak smiled coldly: "It really is a pervert!"


Chen Zheng couldn't help looking at the man in the cloak, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. He was silent for a while, and then used the see-through technique to lean towards the man in the cloak, shaking his head: "I think you are weird!"

"It's not important, what's important is that I'm going to kill you now!"

The man in the cloak gave a shout, and then came up to Chen Zhengyi. He raised his palm and hit Chen Zheng fiercely.

high speed!

Chen Zheng turned sideways to avoid it quickly, then he raised his palm and quickly made several handprints, hitting them cracklingly.

The man in the cloak swung his whip and smashed these handprints into pieces. He was about to bombard Chen Zheng, but suddenly, because in front of him, Chen Zheng had disappeared.

"What about people?"

Below the platform, hundreds of onlookers, men and women, stared blankly at all this. In their outlook on life, people were killed with guns, but now, two men killed with their breath and made fingerprints. Attacking back and forth, and they're flying back and forth in mid-air!
what is happening?
But what made them feel deep in their hearts was that Chen Zheng disappeared in an instant, and no one was seen on the entire platform.

"Where did he go?"

Everyone's eyes are full of doubts.

"It's normal that the people below can't find me, but what surprised me is that you can't find me either?" At this moment, a burst of cheerful laughter sounded behind the cloaked man.


The cloaked man was startled suddenly, and just about to look back, but Chen Zheng had already embraced him with both hands, tightly hugging the cloaked man's chest: "Spiritual breath, trapped cage!"

Chen Zheng let out a low cry, and the spirit in his body surged out, trying to trap the man in the cloak.


But the cloaked man's face became angry, and a spiritual breath erupted from him.

Chen Zheng stepped back, but before he could stand still, the man in the cloak charged up again: "I'm going to kill you!"

"I'm going! Have you eaten gunpowder?"

Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts. The man in the cloak was not so crazy just now. Why did he hug the man in the cloak with his hands, as if his tail was stepped on?So crazy?
Could it be that this man in the cloak is a cleanser?Can't stand being held?

The cloaked man charged up, Chen Zheng turned his hand into a handprint, and knocked out the cloaked man. Then his figure flashed again, and he came behind the cloaked man, stretched out his claws, and grabbed the cloaked man's chest.

With just one blow, he quickly retracted his hand.

But what made him move was that the man in the cloak was caught in the chest, and he let out a burst of angry shouts, all the spiritual energy in his body gushed out, and then turned into a palm, blasting towards Chen Zheng.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Zheng laughed. It turned out that this man in the cloak had a cleansing disease. Being hugged and touched made him crazy!
"I want you to die!"

The cloaked man's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he hit him hard with this palm.

This palm is the spiritual breath of the man in the cloak.

This is his strongest attack.

With this palm strike, the surrounding air boiled up, and the spiritual breath in the entire bar was drawn to rotate, forming a strong air current, and everyone was blown around, but they stared into the air: " This mysterious boss is too scary! His blow will definitely kill this guy!"

Everyone was staring at the air.

But Chen Zheng laughed, and the spirit in his body gushed out, and after being transformed by Princess Zhiyu, it turned into a vortex.

The vortex swirled, and then attracted the handprints made by the man in the cloak.


The cloaked man's face was startled, he didn't expect Chen Zheng to hit such a weird black vortex, but this vortex attracted the fingerprints and kept devouring them.

"what's going on?"

Everyone was very surprised.

With a wave of his hands, Chen Zheng saw the vortex fly out and hit the man in the cloak.

The man in the cloak was hit, flew upside down, hit the ground, vomited blood, the cloak on his body was torn to pieces, revealing his inner face, white arms, and slender figure, and when Chen Zheng saw the cloak clearly When she saw the man's appearance, she was shocked suddenly: "I'll go, so you are a woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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