super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 387 He Is Not My Grandpa

Chapter 387 He Is Not My Grandpa

"Brother Xiaozheng, stop!"

An anxious voice sounded from outside, and two women came in. It was He Feng and Xu Ying. Although Xu Ying had been missing for two days, she was fine. She glanced at Hong Xing on the ground, and quickly He came up and helped Hong Xing to sit up.


Chen Zhenggang wanted to say something, but saw Xu Ying's expression was extremely serene, she took out a handkerchief, and carefully observed the blood on Hong Xing's face.

Hong Xing's entire face was burnt to the point of burnt numbness. It looked very disgusting. A normal person would subconsciously turn his head away at a glance, not daring to look directly at it. But what surprised Chen Zheng was that Xu Ying Nothing happened at all, very calm, just wiped Hong Xing's face carefully with a cloth.

Originally very excited, Hong Xing, who was full of anger, calmed down at this moment.

He just stared at Xu Ying blankly.

Tears flowed from Hong Xing's eyes and wet the ground.

Hong Xing cried: "Woooo..."

"Grandpa, don't cry. Brother Xiaozheng is my friend. He didn't hit you on purpose. I'll call an ambulance immediately!" Xu Ying said, and was about to take out her phone, but was stopped by Hong Xing Hong Xing cried and said: "Xiaoying, in this world, you are the only one who treats me like this. Everyone runs away when they see me, saying I'm disgusting, but you look directly at my face, woo..."

Hong Xing cried, crying until the sky was dark.

And He Feng, who was next to him, watched all this, and for some reason, she also cried.

"Why are you crying?" Chen Zheng couldn't help looking at He Feng.

"I've never seen a person cry so sadly," He Feng said.


Chen Zheng nodded. Although he was very upset with this Hong Xing, there was indeed a reason for Hong Xing to cry like this. After all, Hong Xing looked really disgusting. Normal people would feel disgusted when they saw him. Only Xu Ying was able to look at Hong Xing at the same level, and even affectionately called Hong Xing Grandpa, Hong Xing did have a reason to cry.

I don't know how long we cried before Hong Xing struggled to get up, took out a token from his bosom, handed it to Xu Ying, and cried: "Xiaoying, this is a gift from grandpa, it represents With all the power and money of the Hongxing Gang in the world, there are probably more than 100 billion in it, I will not take revenge, and from now on, there will be no such person as me in the world..."


Xu Ying became anxious, she wanted to hand over the token to Hong Xing, but was stopped by Hong Xing.

But Hong Xing said anxiously: "Xiaoying, this is a gift from grandpa, you must accept it!"


Xu Ying wanted to say something, but Chen Zheng came up behind him and pulled Xu Ying: "Xiaoying, just listen to him and accept this token!"

"Grandpa, please stay, I can take care of you in the future!"

Xu Ying looked at Hong Xing seriously.

"Woooo..." Hong Xing cried again. No one has ever treated him so well. Whether it is a relative, a subordinate, or a stranger, the first time they saw him, they felt disgusted and subconsciously turned their heads away. , severely hurt his self-esteem.

But at this moment, Xu Ying looked directly at his disgusting face and said that she would take care of him. How could he not cry?

Rows of tears flowed out.

"Okay, okay, grandpa, don't cry..." Xu Ying hurriedly comforted Hong Xing.

Hong Xing nodded, stopped crying, and looked deeply at Xu Ying: "Xiaoying, I was full of hatred for your family and wanted to kill you, but because of you, I changed my attitude, thank you very much !"

After saying one sentence, Hong Xing left without looking back.

At this moment, Xu Ying turned her head and looked at He Feng behind her: "Sister He, is my grandpa a beast?"


He Feng froze, Xu Ying's grandfather was her boss, now Xu Ying called her boss a beast, how could she answer that.

"No matter what kind of competition there is, she shouldn't treat Hong Xing's family like this! No matter how guilty Hong Xing is, he shouldn't kill his son and turn his wife away! This is simply a beast. Go back and tell him, I didn't His grandpa! My home will always be in the Northwest Mountains, not this beast!"

Xu Ying said angrily.

"Miss, you don't need to care about these things. This is an organizational situation. I came here to protect you under the order of the boss!" He Feng said firmly.

"Then please go back, you are not welcome here, your dark organizations are all beasts!" Xu Ying cursed fiercely.


He Feng was in a hurry, she wanted to say something, but Chen Zheng stretched out his hand to stop her, Chen Zheng said indifferently: "He Feng, you go back first, and we will talk about the future later, Xiaoying is also stimulated now, and for a while I can't accept you guys, so go back first!"


He Feng was really anxious.

"Go back!" Chen Zheng said again.

"Okay." He Feng nodded, took a deep look at Xu Ying, and then walked out. As soon as she walked out of the villa, she immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call.

And inside the underground lobby.


Xu Ying burst into tears, and threw herself into Chen Zheng's arms: "Brother Xiaozheng, my grandpa is too cruel. He treats Grandpa Hong's family like this. He is simply a beast. I don't have such a grandpa!"

"Well, he's a beast, he's not your grandfather..."

Chen Zheng followed Xu Ying's wishes to comfort Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was also stimulated. After talking in Chen Zheng's arms for a while, she gradually fell asleep.

Looking at Xu Ying's tired little face, Chen Zheng also knew that Xu Ying had been too tired these days and hadn't had much rest. He circulated a trace of spiritual energy and guided it into Xu Ying's body, allowing Xu Ying to sleep peacefully. Sleep.

An hour later, Xu Ying woke up.

"Brother Xiaozheng..."

In the dark night, she kept waving her hands.

"I'm here!" Chen Zheng sat up and held Xu Ying in his arms. He comforted Xu Ying: "Everything is over, let's get out of here!"


Xu Ying nodded, and then walked out holding hands with Chen Zheng. Along the way, there were all corpses, those who were beaten to death, those who were bitten to death, and those infected by viruses. But Xu Ying was quite frightened.

Chen Zheng simply put Xu Ying on his back, and then walked out.

However, as soon as he walked out of the villa, Chen Zheng frowned, because there were men in black standing in front of him, and these men in black were all killers.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what's the matter?"

Xu Ying stood up, and she also saw the man in black in front of her, which shocked her: "Who is this?"

"Miss, Master has invited you to come back with us!"

A middle-aged man came out.

Xu Ying became angry when she heard this: "I'm not going back! He's not my grandfather!"

(End of this chapter)

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