super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 388 Go up and cut him to death

Chapter 388 Go up and cut him to death

"Miss, it's wrong for you to do this!" A man came out and said solemnly: "No matter what you say, the boss is always your grandfather. For your safety, I specially sent you to a farmer’s family in the mountainous area, now that the boss’s enemies are coming to hunt down his lineage, he specially sent us back to protect you, no matter what the boss has done, it is your grandfather!”

"I don't have such a grandpa!"

Xu Ying said angrily.


The man's face was a little displeased. After all, Xu Ying's grandfather was their boss, and no one wanted to hear their boss being scolded like this.

"Go back and tell him not to send anyone to protect me in the future, and it's best not to come to me!" Xu Ying said, then took Chen Zheng's arm, and was about to leave here, but the black man The man in black waved his hand coldly, and saw a group of men in black surrounding Xu Ying and Chen Zheng.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Ying was a little annoyed.

"I'm sorry, we're taking you back!"

That man was the leader of the Dark Organization, named Li Zhang. He came up, and was about to put his hand on Xu Ying's shoulder, and was about to take him back, but at this moment, Chen Zheng, who was next to Xu Ying, stretched out his hand and patted him. He slapped Li Zhang's palm away heavily.

"what are you doing?"

Li Zhang looked at Chen Zheng angrily, he didn't know why this guy Chen Zheng jumped out?There are hundreds of men in black here. Chen Zheng is not pretending to be stupid, but he dares to jump out and point fingers?
"She is mine, you can't take her away!" Chen Zheng laughed.

"You want to meddle in other people's business?" Li Zhang looked at Chen Zheng with great interest. He has been in the business for so many years, and he has never seen an existence as crazy as Chen Zheng. There are hundreds of people here, and Chen Zheng is a little afraid. Don't care?

"Is this guy stupid?"

Everyone around couldn't help scolding: "Didn't you see that there are hundreds of people here, and he is still so arrogant?"

"Damn it, this girl is really crazy. She doesn't even look in the mirror, but dares to fight against our dark gang? Single-handedly, she is a piece of trash!"

"This kid probably hasn't been taught a lesson yet. Let's rush up and slap him with a brick each, and we can slap him to death."

Everyone scolded.

"Brother Xiaozheng..." Xu Ying's face turned pale, she hugged Chen Zheng's arm tightly, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

When Li Zhang saw that the daughter of the dark organization was snuggling in Chen Zheng's arms, he felt a little uncomfortable. He had tried to persuade Xu Ying just now, but Xu Ying didn't change her attitude, but now he saw Xu Ying nestling in Chen Zheng's arms. He also became angry in his heart, and said to Chen Zheng: "You bastard, let go of Xu Ying immediately, she is the daughter of our dark organization, you can't touch her!"

Chen Zheng was speechless, obviously Xu Ying took the initiative to touch him, okay?
"Did you fucking hear that?"

Li Zhang shouted sharply.

Before coming here, he had found out that Xu Ying was still a virgin and had never made friends. Such a beautiful woman was pure and noble. If she married her, wouldn't she become the future successor of the Dark Organization?

Therefore, Li Zhang also came with a specific purpose.

But at this moment, a guy who didn't know where he came from stretched out his arms to hold Xu Ying's small waist. Isn't this courting death?And is this girl stupid?There are hundreds of people here, are you not afraid of death at all?

Chen Zheng was speechless. He opened his hands and made a helpless gesture: "Did you see that it was Xu Ying who touched me instead of me touching her?"


When Li Zhang saw it, his face turned from embarrassment to anger, and it was indeed as Chen Zheng said, it was Xu Ying who took the initiative to hold Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng slapped him straight up, and there was a crisp slap sound, and he saw a bright red slap print on Li Zhang's face: "Didn't you see it clearly? It was obviously your daughter who touched me." .”

"Damn, I'll kill you!"

Li Zhang was also angry, why didn't Chen Zhengya let him go down the steps?

A fist hit Chen Zheng fiercely.

"too weak!"

Chen Zheng shook his head. When the fist hit, Chen Zheng moved and kicked Li Zhang's abdomen. With just one kick, Li Zhang was thrown upside down and rolled on the ground several times. Finally, it hit the ground heavily.


Everyone around was taken aback for a moment, and they never expected that Chen Zheng would strike such a ruthless blow.

"Damn, what are you still doing, go up and cut him to death!" Li Zhang yelled fiercely, he recognized Chen Zheng as dead, but there are more than 200 people here, each of them can drown Chen Zheng with just a sip of saliva up.

"Go up and kill him, even more arrogant than me, kill him!"

A yellow-haired man couldn't bear it first, and rushed forward with a whistling sound, picked up a machete and slashed at Chen Zheng fiercely.

But the next second, Huang Mao was stunned, because he made a gesture to strike down, but the machete in his hand disappeared. For a while, he stood there in a daze.

"Killing people is not like this! You follow me to learn!"

Chen Zheng lifted the machete, and as soon as he slashed, the machete hit Huang Mao's shoulder, causing Huang Mao to hiss in pain.

"Haha, the yellow hair has been molested!"

Everyone behind laughed, and then rushed up. Dozens of people slashed at Chen Zheng, but Li Zhang outside was so frightened that his expression changed greatly: "Are you stupid? I told you to kill Chen Zheng!" , instead of dozens of people going up to kill together, it will hurt Xu Ying!"

When everyone heard it, they all felt that it made sense, and they were about to take back their knives.

"You don't have to stop, none of you are my opponents!"

Chen Zheng laughed happily.

"You bastard, you're so arrogant!" Everyone's eyes were full of madness, when is this guy still so arrogant?


But at this time, Chen Zheng made a move, roaring upwards, and within a few seconds, he kicked dozens of sharp kicks, all of them kicked on everyone, and kicked these dozens of men into the air. .


The onlookers were stunned. Just now they were worried that the 40 people would injure Xu Ying. In a blink of an eye, all 40 people were blown away by Chen Zheng. Isn't this too scary?what speed?

"What the hell is he doing? Go up and kill him!"

Li Zhang roared wildly.

"Do it!" The remaining 150 people did not dare to take it lightly, and were about to attack Chen Zheng, their eyes were full of murderous intent: "We 150 people go together, I don't believe that we can't kill you! Just now there were 40 people, you were so easy to deal with, now there are 150 people, can you still deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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