Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 10 Super Brain

Chapter 10 Super Brain
Ye Wentian ran downstairs, bought some breakfast, and reheated the chicken soup from last night. Just after finishing everything, Wang Hu came back after taking a bath, and changed his hospital clothes. He was wearing his own dirty clothes, but this only made his face more radiant.

"Hey! Brother Tian, ​​have I become more handsome?" Wang Hu posed, not to mention, he was quite a male god.

"Well, handsome is a bit handsome, but your face shape..." Ye Wentian shook his head.

"Hey! There is no way, this face is given by my parents, and I can't change it." Wang Hu said helplessly.

"Okay, let's have breakfast first, and after we're done, we'll go to school quickly. If I'm not wrong, your parents must be crazy!" Ye Wentian said.

"I've always been an obedient and good boy, and it's not bad to be a bad boy once in a while!" Wang Hu laughed.

The two of them trotted all the way after breakfast, but after a while, they arrived at the gate of the school.

Looking at the big characters "Jiangling City No. [-] Middle School" on the top of the gate, the two of them suddenly felt a new life. The trajectory of life, perhaps starting today, will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Let's go!" Ye Wentian said.

"En!" Wang Hu nodded heavily, and followed Ye Wentian's footsteps.

Walking into the classroom, the most conspicuous thing is Huangshan, with a band-aid stuck to his nose and a bandage on his right hand, obviously seriously injured.

Seeing Ye Wentian coming in, his eyes obviously dodged a little, and he didn't dare to look at him. Ye Wentian's ferocity had penetrated into his bones, but seeing Wang Hu who was in good condition and seemed to be better than before, Huang Shan's eyes flashed a hint of disbelief , but he didn't dare to look at the two of them too much. He lowered his head and pretended to be looking at the book.

When the students in the class saw Ye Wentian and Wang Hu, they suddenly had a feeling of acquaintance for the first time, as if the two had become more attractive.

Ye Wentian returned to his seat, raised his head, glanced at the classmates indifferently, and then continued his sleep work.

"Ye Wentian!" Xiao Yuxin's soft voice came from the front.

Ye Wentian had no choice but to raise his head and look at her indifferently: "Squad leader, what's the matter?"

"You! Are you okay? Where did you go yesterday?" Xiao Yuxin asked with concern.

For some reason, looking at Xiao Yuxin's affectionate eyes, Ye Wentian felt like he committed a crime.

"Oh, I don't want to go to class, I went outside to play." Ye Wentian told a little lie. For him, lying has become commonplace. His face is not red and his heart is not beating. He has reached the highest state of calmness and calmness. .

"Ah! Alright!" Hearing this, Xiao Yuxin was a little helpless. She didn't expect that the person who was so anxious to get her father to send someone to find her would go there alone, and it made her worry for so long for no reason. Thinking of this, Xiao Yuxin couldn't help feeling the urge to cry.She felt wronged, but she had no one to confide in.

Seeing Xiao Yuxin's sad expression, with tears in the corners of his eyes, Ye Wentian's heart softened. Although he can be regarded as a man who is not afraid of anything, what he is most afraid of is a girl crying, especially when he is so beautiful in front of him. A girl who cares about herself.

"Squad leader, what's wrong?" Ye Wentian asked softly.

"It's okay." Xiao Yuxin turned her head, not letting Ye Wentian see her tears: "The college entrance examination is going to be in a month, you should study hard, and if there is anything you don't understand, just ask me, I'm not afraid of trouble."

Hearing Xiao Yuxin's words, Ye Wentian's heart trembled. At this moment, his heart finally beat for her.Although I don't know why Xiao Yuxin has always been so kind to him, but being able to get the heart of such a beautiful woman is indeed satisfying.

"I took my words so seriously when I was a child. Maybe I was too persistent. Now she may have forgotten my existence. Ten years have passed without any contact or news. If she thinks about herself, she will I will not come to find myself, everything is just my own self-righteousness, maybe I should cherish the person in front of me more." Ye Wentian looked at the cover of the textbook restlessly, and thousands of thoughts rushed into his heart.

"Forget it, let's just let it go, I'm nothing now, what's the point of talking about love and love!" Thinking of this, Ye Wentian couldn't help shaking his head, put aside everything, raised his head, and outside the door, Wang Hu's parents came He was talking to Wang Hu outside, but when he saw Wang Hu occasionally looking at him, he knew that Wang Hu's parents must be talking about keeping Wang Hu away from rubbish, scum, and pests like him.

Perhaps in the eyes of the parents, a child like Ye Wentian who is so idle and only knows about fighting and making troubles is garbage in their eyes.

Ye Wentian opened a brand-new textbook, flipped through a few pages casually, and glanced at it from time to time. As a result, he discovered an astonishing secret.

"Why are my comprehension and memory skills so perverted!" All along, Ye Wentian is actually very smart, whether it is outside of class or in class, but he only showed his ability outside of class. In fact, he never showed himself.

Even though he only knows how to sleep in class, he still knows a little about the textbooks. It’s just that he has never really studied, and every time he sleeps in the exam, he hands in a blank paper, which makes the teacher and classmates mistakenly think that his grades are poor.

"It seems that my grandfather helped me." Ye Wentian thought, and was overjoyed. He continued to flip through the English book, and as long as he glanced at each page for a few seconds, all the content on the page seemed to be engraved in his mind. It is the same, as clear as the eye.

But a little, an English book has already been read, Ye Wentian quickly closed his eyes, and every word in the English book immediately appeared in his mind, and what made him even more unbelievable was that many things were different from some of the things he had learned before. The knowledge points are connected in series, but Ye Wentian's knowledge reserves are too small, the knowledge framework is scattered, and the scope of expansion is not wide.

"According to this speed, what others need three years to learn, I only need one day is enough, hehe! It seems that it is not so difficult to enter the university!" radian.

Now, with his confidence boosted, he took out another English book and continued to flip through it. Sure enough, his super-strong memory and comprehension instantly understood what he saw in his eyes thoroughly. Points are connected, and the framework structure of knowledge gradually expands.

Moreover, what excites him even more is that he found that with the gradual deepening, his super memory and comprehension are enhanced again, and he even feels that the number of neurons in the brain is gradually increasing, and the whole head is like a brain that can The universe that holds everything.

At this time, Ye Wentian is like a king who is thirsty for talents, wanting to continuously absorb all the knowledge that can be learned.

Originally, there was only one English book on Ye Wentian's desk, but in less than an hour, more than ten books had piled up on the desk, and all of this was just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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