Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 9 I'm Just Soy Sauce

Chapter 9 I'm Just Soy Sauce

After tossing and turning, the mysterious runes behind him couldn't be seen clearly. Ye Wentian frowned and looked at Patriarch Hongmeng in bewilderment.

"You haven't started yet, and you haven't even reached the first level of foundation building. Seeing the content behind it will not be conducive to your future cultivation. You can't chew more than you can chew. I believe you should know this truth.

In the future, every time your strength increases by one point, or when the time comes, the content inside will automatically appear in your mind. The first thing to do is to lay a good foundation. This is the most important thing. How strong your foundation is, the future potential That's how big it is.

This world lacks aura, so it is no longer suitable for cultivation, but your physique is different, and you can barely cultivate, but it is very difficult, so you have to be mentally prepared.

Misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, which instead provides you with an environment to lay a good foundation. If you practice too fast, it will not be conducive to your accumulation in the future. "Hongmeng Patriarch explained.

"In this way, I am still blessed." After thinking for a while, Ye Wentian asked: "Grandpa, there are no cultivators on the earth now, so are there any powerful people?"

"Boy, which ear did you hear me say that there are no cultivators on earth?" Patriarch Hongmeng said angrily.

"Didn't you say that the earth is not suitable for cultivation?" Ye Wentian muttered.

"It is true that the earth is not suitable for cultivation, but it is not that there are no practitioners. As far as I know, there are still a few strong people on this earth, but they are compared to you; there are also a few practitioners whose strength is not enough Or, they probably won't be able to hang around there any longer." said the ancestor Hongmeng.

Hearing this, Ye Wentian was taken aback, and asked curiously, "Grandpa, where is that?"

"Boy, when the time comes, you will naturally know. Why do you ask so many questions? Don't interrupt when adults talk, children don't understand this. How did your parents teach you? Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot that you have no father since you were a child. Mom." Ancestor Hongmeng smiled wickedly.

" old man, when I become stronger one day, I will pull your tendons and peel your skin!" Ye Wentian looked at the stinky asshole of the Hongmeng ancestor, and hated his teeth itching, but There's no way, I'm not even a poor guy in front of others, they can kill me with just one thought.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, don't take it seriously, don't I have no parents? Oh, yes, this world is my parents. In fact, you are similar to me, and you are all transformed by Tao. Your so-called parents are just a carrier." said the ancestor Hongmeng.

"Huh! But no matter what, they are still my parents, unlike you, they are... Huh!" Ye Wentian originally wanted to say the following words, but thinking about the old man opposite him, he was not a bad person, so he had to speak. Pay attention to your morals.

"Hey! You're not bad, and you know how to be careful. You are worthy of being the one favored by the universe." Ancestor Hongmeng smiled, and then flicked his fingers, and put an inconspicuous ring on Ye Wentian's middle finger: "We met for the first time, this is my little greeting gift, this is the Qiankun ring, it can contain everything, the usage is the same as before, just communicate with your mind, okay, you go out, don't look for me if there is no big thing in the future, I have to be careful With the help of Heaven and Earth Qiankun Pearl cultivation, restore strength."

"Wait!" Ancestor Hongmeng was about to let Ye Wentian go out, but Ye Wentian hurriedly stopped him.

"What else is there?" Patriarch Hongmeng asked.

"That! Grandpa, you are supernatural and omnipotent, so can you help me..."

"You want me to help that foodie?" Seeing Ye Wentian nodded, Patriarch Hongmeng yawned: "Don't worry, he is very well, he will be alive and kicking tomorrow, even if he kills a cow. "

"Really! Thank you, grandpa." Ye Wentian was overjoyed: "However, grandpa, if I encounter a very powerful enemy in the future, don't you...hehe!"

"You kid still expects me to help you deal with those little kids, it's fantastic! My purpose of coming here has been achieved, and I have nothing to do with your life or death." Ancestor Hongmeng said flatly: "Oh, I forgot to tell you Well, I'm just a soy saucer. If something happens to you halfway, it can only mean that Tiandi Qiankunzhu found the wrong person. At worst, you can find another person who is [-] times stronger than you. Okay, that's all I'll say Now, you should be mentally prepared."

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Hongmeng didn't give Ye Wentian a chance to speak anymore, and with a wave of his hand, he directly drove Ye Wentian out.

"Does the soy sauce maker need to be so powerful!" Ye Wentian shouted in his heart.

Back to reality, Ye Wentian opened his eyes, a dazzling light shot into his eyes, he squinted for a while, and finally got used to it.

"Ah! This sleep is really comfortable!" At this time, Wang Hu got up, stretched his waist, and suddenly felt a strange smell in his nose: "Brother Tian, ​​what's going on? What is so smelly?" ?”

"Fatty man, what's wrong with your face..." Seeing the countless black spots on Wang Hu's face, Ye Wentian suddenly remembered what happened in the forest that day.

"Fatty, hurry up and take a shower, I'm sure I'll surprise you after you're done." Ye Wentian smiled. Now, he's finally [-]% sure that everything before was not a dream, and with a thought, the mysterious rune of Hongmeng Daohuajue jumped into the air. into the eye.

"Ah! Good brother Tian." Wang Hu lifted the quilt, put on his shoes, just ran a few steps, his footsteps stopped immediately, turned around, looked at Ye Wentian and said in shock: "Brother Tian, ​​I! I It turned out to be completely healed, why do I feel that my strength has grown a lot, Brother Tian, ​​do you think my character has exploded! This awakening is surprisingly good, I think I can kill a cow now !"

Wang Hu also tried to wave his fist, but he could faintly hear the whistling sound of the air, showing how powerful he was.

"Okay, wash it up quickly." Ye Wentian urged.

"Brother Tian, ​​I am so touched, I know you did all of this, right? Since yesterday, I have noticed that you are different from usual, but I don't know exactly where you are different, but now, I am more sure The thoughts in my heart." Wang Hu looked at Ye Wentian affectionately.

"..." Ye Wentian was speechless again: "Fatty, if you don't take a shower, you will be late for self-study in the morning."

"Oh, yes, it's getting late! Hey!" Wang Hu looked at the sky and ran to the bathroom in the hospital.

Ye Wentian shook his head helplessly. I have to say, this fat man is pretty smart. No wonder every time the whole school takes the exam, he is either first or second. He always competes with Xiao Yuxin, the monitor and school beauty, to get the first place.

Ye Wentian came to the window, looked out of the window, inadvertently, in the mirror, he was wearing a silver-gray ring on the middle finger of his left hand. At a glance, there was nothing there, but when he looked closely, he would find that the ring on the top There are many strange runes engraved on it. Those runes are very familiar, and they are exactly the same as the runes on the Hongmeng Daohua Jue.

"What will happen in the future, I'm really looking forward to it!" Thinking of the supernatural powers of ghosts and gods, the ability to move mountains and seas, Ye Wentian couldn't help feeling excited, his blood boiled, and a strong fighting spirit gushed out.

"Hehe! This kid is really extraordinary, no wonder the Heaven and Earth Qiankun Pearl chose him." The ancestor Hongmeng who was sitting cross-legged on the Tiandi Qiankun Pearl suddenly opened his eyes, two bright lights flashed away, stroked his white beard, and praised the location nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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