Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 100 Marry Clothes

Chapter 100 Marry Clothes

After the two chatted, Ye Wentian continued to follow up, but after a while, a piece of bad news came from Li Qing.

Everything was within Ye Wentian's expectations, and Li Qing's actions were blocked in the end, and Director Wu's close subordinates took over the case.

Originally, Li Qing was unwilling to give up, and was going to continue to catch those little characters who had been knocked down by Ye Wentian, but a team of policemen rushed out on the way and stopped them abruptly, making Li Qing angry and helpless.

It is true that the official rank crushes people to death.Li Qing was not convinced from the bottom of his heart, but he knew that his rights were still too small.

After a delay on the road just now, the commercial vehicle in front of him disappeared without a trace. Fortunately, Ye Wentian still had the mysterious consciousness to follow the traces of the car and speed along.

Ten minutes later, the road surface was no longer a cement road, but a bumpy dirt road. Fortunately, it has not rained these days, and the road surface is still dry. Although there are occasional potholes, it will not affect the speed of the car if you pay more attention.

Of course, this is because Ip Man's skillful talent does not affect the speed of the car very much, and the speed of the commercial car in front has to slow down, because there is a danger of overturning if you are not careful.

Ye Wentian is a practitioner, able to maintain the center of gravity of the entire car at any time, if the car deviates slightly, Ye Wentian can use the jackhammer to adjust it in time, but the other party does not have such a superb method as Ye Wentian.

Soon, the distance between the two cars was shortened again, and the commercial vehicle in front had already appeared in Ye Wentian's field of vision.

"Dashan, hurry up, the police car behind is catching up again?" A big man in black shouted loudly.

Dashan looked in the rearview mirror, and sure enough, the car behind was only [-] meters away from them, and the police car behind was moving so fast that it didn't seem to be slowing down at all.

"Looks like he's an expert at driving!" Da Shan's heart trembled: "Old Wu, there is a broken tree in front of you. After we pass by, you can shoot and knock down the broken tree. Is it okay?"

"Don't worry, it's on me. How dare you drive so fast on such a road? I will make him die aggrieved." The fifth child smiled, opened the car window, his car passed the broken tree, and followed closely behind. The police car was also approaching under the broken tree.

Lao Wu calculated the time, quickly aimed at the broken tree, and fired a stream of bullets in an instant.

"bang bang bang~~"


In an instant, the broken tree fell down, and at the same time, the police car driven by Ye Wentian drove over like lightning. Ye Wentian knew that it was impossible to stop all at once, so he had no choice but to let the car hit straight into it.


There was a violent impact sound, and the entire car lost its balance under the high-speed impact and turned over instantly.

The fifth child was obviously a sharpshooter, so he seized the opportunity and pulled the trigger of the machine gun in his hand with a crisp sound.


Immediately afterwards, the entire police car burst into flames, and the raging flames enveloped the entire car, rubbed on the ground for a long distance, leaving a long deep mark, and finally stopped. Tree branches creaked inside the car.

"As expected of the fifth brother, this marksmanship is accurate!" Da Shan laughed heartily when he saw the situation behind him through the rearview mirror.

"That's right, it doesn't matter who my fifth child is!" The fifth child said without any humility.

"Hey~~ That kid died under the gun of Lao Wu, and he deservedly died." Another big man said.

"Hey~~ fourth brother, don't use words indiscriminately, I am a man, my 'gun' is only for such chicks!" the fifth child corrected quickly.

"Haha~~ Yes, yes, yes, it's my fault." The fourth child laughed loudly and said, "Boss, how are you doing? Does this chick feel good?"

"Well, except for the face, there is nothing to say about other places." The eyes of the big man in black were shining with evil light, and his big hands dishonestly kept groping the woman's body, and the whole body was patronized by the boss' big hands.

With tears in the corners of the woman's eyes, she endured the humiliation. Faced with the evil light of these culprits, she really wanted to bite her tongue and kill herself, but when she thought of her parents at home, she had no choice but to choose to live on.

"Hey! Big Brother, how do I feel that this chick looks particularly awkward." The fourth child was puzzled.

"You say that, I feel the same way." Lao Wu said.

The boss also discovered this situation, and tore off the woman's clothes, only to find that the color of the woman's chest and neck was completely different, the neck was slightly black, but the bottom was very fair, as if soaked in The milk in the cheese is mediocre.

The woman looked at the few people with a horrified expression, and there were more and more drops of water in her eyes. Facing the big hand extended by the boss, her whole body trembled with fright.


There was a piercing sound, and the body came to a sudden brake. The people in the car, except Dashan, were all staggered, and almost hit their heads on the glass.

"Dashan, what the hell are you doing?" Lao Wu shouted loudly.

"Boss, we're here!" Da Shan smiled embarrassingly.

"Hmph~~ You guy, you did it on purpose." The fourth child said dissatisfied.

"Get out of the car." The boss said, opened the car door, got out of the car first, carried the woman on his shoulders, kneaded the woman's upturned parts with his big hands, and seemed to enjoy it for a while.

In front of him was a mountain forest, and this place was where Ye Wentian often came.

The six people quickly walked into the forest with their things, but after a while, a slight whistle sounded into the ears of several people, and then the six people ran to follow the whistle.

Walking deep into the forest, a group of people was waiting for the six of them, and the leader was none other than Tie Long.

Once upon a time, after Tie Long became the leader of the Black Dragon Gang, he really didn't do such a thing. He ordered his subordinates to handle it all by himself, and he only needed to command and command.

But today, the new leader actually ordered him to carry out this task, which was a serious humiliation to him.

The iron cage was not reconciled, this feeling made him very unhappy, but under the eaves, he had to bow his head, so he could only forcefully suppress his anger in his heart, and promised with a sincere expression of loyalty.

The closer the six people got, the more cautious they became. The leader glanced at them, exchanged eyes for a while, and nodded, which was a code word to make sure there was no ambush around.

"Tie Junshi, long time no see!" The leader looked at Tie Long with a smile on his face, and was relieved to see that Tie Long had only four people with him.

Hearing the words Tie Junshi, Tie Long's face twitched, but he held back and said indifferently: "How is the matter going?"

"Hey~~ everything is here." The man waved his hand, and the third, fourth, and fifth children behind him put the things on the ground, opened the zipper, and a burst of golden light shone, making people dazzled.

"How is it? Tie Junshi, let's do a good job!" The second child said proudly.

"It's very beautiful." Tie Long nodded, changed his tone, and continued, "But..."

"But what?" The leader vaguely felt that the situation was not good, and his expression became tense, ready to fight at any time.

"However, you all have to die!" Tie Long smiled darkly.

As soon as the words fell, the machine guns of the six men aimed at Tie Long and the others, but the speed of the five Tie Long was faster, and a throwing knife in Tie Long's hand was already thrown out.

Before the leader could react, Tie Long's throwing knife had already pierced his throat, and blood spurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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