Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 99 The Sad Sniper

Chapter 99 The Sad Sniper
Ye Wentian's driving skills can be said to be perfect now, compared to those professional racing drivers, it can be said to be even worse.

Soon, Ye Wentian saw the shadow of the commercial vehicle in front of him. Seeing this, Ye Wentian stepped on the accelerator fiercely, and the speed of the car increased rapidly.

In an instant, the distance between the two cars changed from 2000 meters to 500 meters, and then from 1000 meters to [-] meters.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes 500 meters.

But suddenly, after a small bend, Ye Wentian saw a potential safety hazard on the ground in front of him. Three rows of steel needles were placed horizontally in the middle of the road, and there was some leather cloth between the steel needles. Obviously, someone deliberately For that.

If the car goes on at such a fast speed, the steel needles will puncture the tire, and then the cloth will jam the tire, causing the car to lose balance instantly. Such a fast speed will definitely turn the whole car over.

In desperation, Ye Wentian instantly pulled the handbrake, slammed on his bicycle, and at the same time downshifted to slow down, but it was difficult to stop in such a short distance at such a fast speed.

Ye Wentian was also a little anxious, there was no way, in order to keep the car as much as possible, Ye Wentian thought of the drifting action in the TV, let the car drive sideways, almost to the place where the steel needles were, and then slammed the steering wheel instantly.


A series of piercing sounds sounded, and the strong friction caused the tires and the ground to rub sparks, dazzling, like welding the road.

Finally, the car stopped a decimeter away from the steel needles and survived.

At this moment, some people dressed in black jumped out from both sides of the road, and walked towards Ye Wentian, holding sticks in their hands. Not far away, Ye Wentian felt a pair of eyes staring at him. It felt like Ye Wentian couldn't be more familiar with it.

"It's a sniper!" Ye Wentian's heart trembled.

He didn't know what level this sniper was. If he was as powerful as the sniper that time, then he might inevitably be injured.

Ye Wentian detected the sniper with his divine sense, but he did not find the sniper within 300 meters, which means that the sniper was 300 meters away, which greatly increased the risk factor for him. The difficulty of killing the opponent has also increased a lot.

But fortunately, Ye Wentian's keen perception was still able to determine the position of the sniper.

Right now, the main thing is to deal with these small fish and shrimp. With the cover of these small fish and shrimp, it can also disturb the sniper's perspective.

Ye Wentian quickly got out of the car, not waiting for those thugs to make a move, and took the lead in making the move.

"Boom! Boom~~"

Before those little fish and shrimp could react, they felt a sharp pain in their body, and they flew out instantly.

Ye Wentian's hands and feet were quick, but in less than ten seconds, more than a dozen people on both sides of the road had already fallen to the ground, wailing everywhere.

Fortunately, Ye Wentian didn't kill him, otherwise these people would have already become underground dead souls, and just now, Ye Wentian tested the level of the sniper in order to win steadily, so it took only ten seconds , otherwise, within five seconds, these little fish and shrimps would be lying on the ground.

After this trial, Ye Wentian felt relieved, the sniper in front of him was not as awesome as he met last time.

"It seems that I scared myself!" Ye Wentian smiled secretly.

At this moment, Ye Wentian was hiding under a tree, and suddenly there was an extra steel needle in his hand, and there was a gap missing in the front row of steel needles on the ground. Pinch it down.

"Now it's your turn!"

Ye Wentian muttered to himself, his eyes froze, his feet moved quickly, his figure changed, and he appeared under another tree.

After probing with his spiritual sense, he finally found the motionless figure hiding in the dark, but to Ye Wentian's surprise, that guy had already turned his back.

"What's the situation, what is this?" Ye Wentian was puzzled.

At this moment, that guy's eyes were wide open, and he was staring straight ahead, because the man was lying in the grass, so the front was where Ye Wentian's car was.

The man seemed to have died not long ago, and he could still feel the heat of his body, and the culprit of his death was not a human being but a poisonous spider that Ye Wentian had been harmed before, but the poisonous spider that apparently bit this guy It was even more poisonous, causing him to be brought into the Palace of Hades without anyone noticing before he could react.

"What a sad guy! He died unjustly!" Ye Wentian shook his head: "Brother, it seems that you have done too many bad things in this life, and God chose to let you die for no reason, oh~~ Remember, do something good in your next life to accumulate virtue!"

Ye Wentian mourned silently towards the man, then scanned the surroundings with his consciousness, and finally, in the grass five meters away from the corpse, Ye Wentian found the murderer.

This is the first time Ye Wentian has seen that kind of poisonous spider. It is relatively big, with several colors on its body, and a few small white flesh cells on its petite head. It seems that it is not easy to mess with.

Seeing the poisonous spider, Ye Wentian's whole body couldn't help trembling. He really was bitten by a "snake" once and afraid of well ropes for ten years.

Ye Wentian flicked the steel needle in his hand, "Ding", after a slight sound, the poisonous spider was pierced through the back by the steel needle, stuck tightly to the spot, and its eight legs kept moving , trying to escape from the sky, but the strength of the whole body is getting weaker and weaker, and the things in the body are constantly flowing out, and finally there is no more strength, and the body is frozen in place.

"Brother, I have already avenged your revenge, and you can rest in peace. Remember, do something good in your next life!" Ye Wentian bowed to the man, turned around and drove away quickly, continuing to follow.

"Brother Li, the six fugitives still have helpers..." Ye Wentian told Li Qing what happened just now while driving.

"There is even a helper!" Li Qing was shocked, but at the same time he was a little puzzled: "Wen Tian, ​​the scope of their activities was not in Jiangling City, so could it be said that they still have people they know in Jiangling City?"

"Looking at this situation, there is no need to guess. They must be related to the largest dark force in Jiangling City." Ye Wentian analyzed.

"Wen Tian, ​​you mean the Black Dragon Gang?" Li Qing said.

"Well, it should be. Otherwise, why would they suddenly have such good equipment on them? In Jiangling City, except for the Black Dragon Gang, no one can provide them with such good help. This matter must be due to their collusion with the Black Dragon Gang I did it." Ye Wentian said.

"Wentian, you helped me again this time. The Black Dragon Gang has always been a thorn in the side of our police, but it's hard to find evidence." Li Qing said.

"Hehe~~Brother Li, I think it's not that you can't find any evidence, but that someone blocked it. You have to hurry up and catch those guys who were injured by me, otherwise something will happen on the way. "Ye Wentian exhorted.

"Don't worry, we're almost there, that bastard Wu Yuan can't stop me this time even if he wants to." Li Qing said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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