Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 24 It's You

Chapter 24 It's You
"Brother, do you know your mistake?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Brother, I know I was wrong, so please forgive me. I have no other choice." The thief begged.

"It's a last resort! Everyone who does bad things says it's a last resort. If you don't have money, don't you know how to work on the construction site, where you can buy Chinese food and earn at least 200 yuan a day. If you rob, you will go to jail." Ip Man Tian shook his head, seeing that he was not a treacherous person, so he knelt down and took his leg again.

"Okay, remember not to do bad things in the future, or if I see you again, I will not only beat you up, but also send you to the police station to be imprisoned." Ye Wentian said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, brother! Thank you, brother!" the thief thanked quickly.

"Eat a banana, don't be shocked, I'm leaving!" Ye Wentian tore off a banana and stuffed it into the thief's hand, took out a banana, tore off the banana skin, and walked out while chewing. Quite like a ruffian hero.

Ye Wentian walked to the original place and found that the beautiful woman had disappeared. The crowd coming and going couldn't find the beautiful woman.

"The owner is gone, where can I return it to her?" Ye Wentian was speechless for a while, then a flash of inspiration flashed, and he patted his head: "Take a look at the contents of the bag and you will know. When did I become stupid!"

The bag hadn't been opened yet, when there was a burst of fragrance, Ye Wentian immediately raised his head, his eyes lit up, and he handed the bag over: "Ha! Hello beauty, your bag!"

"My name is Ruan Xiaoyu, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to get back my things!" Ruan Xiaoyu smiled slightly, like a spring flower blossoming in an instant, and the whole world was full of laughter.

"No! It's okay!" Ye Wentian almost lost his composure, and murmured to himself, "Why don't you look so sweet and attractive, and make people feel very itchy."

"Don't you plan to introduce yourself, benefactor?" Ruan Xiaoyu said.

"Ah! My name is Ye Wentian, a student of Science Class One, Senior Three, No. [-] Middle School, Jiangling City." Ye Wentian said casually, and even told others his specific address. I don't know if this guy did it on purpose or not. .

"You are a third year student!" Ruan Xiaoyu glanced at Ye Wentian's school pants, nodded, and said playfully, "Today seems to be Wednesday!"

"Ahem! That! I'm a genius, I don't need to go to class!" Ye Wentian was sweating profusely, feeling countless crows flying over his head in an instant.

"Hehe! Junior, you are really interesting. I am a sophomore in the Department of Medicine of Yenching University. For some reasons, I came to Jiangling City No. [-] Hospital for an internship in advance." For some reason, Ruan Xiaoyu felt that Ye Wentian was a very good person. , at least there is no such uncomfortable look in the eyes.

"Student of Yenching University's Department of Medicine! Ah! Coincidentally, I am also very interested in medicine. After I finish my college entrance examination, I will definitely apply to Yenching University's Department of Medicine. At that time, my sister will have to follow me through the back door!" Ye Wentian said .

"No problem, but the premise is that you can be admitted to Yenching University!" Ruan Xiaoyu obviously didn't believe Ye Wentian was a genius: "By the way, junior, do you have a mobile phone number? If you really go to Yenching University in the future Peking University, you can find me, and I will make up lessons with you at that time, and it will be fine."

"I'm too poor, and I can't afford high-end things like mobile phones." Ye Wentian spread his hands.

"Then I'll give you my mobile phone number. If you have anything to do, you can contact me, how about it?" Ruan Xiaoyu said.

"That would be great, but when the time comes, sister, don't blame me for being too annoying." Ye Wentian said.

"Young brother is always welcome!" Ruan Xiaoyu wrote the phone number to Ye Wentian: "Student, I still have something to do, I have to go first, thank you again."

"It's a small matter, senior sister, you are so beautiful, you have to be careful about everything." Ye Wentian said.

"Got it, bye!"

Ruan Xiaoyu left, Ye Wentian looked at Ruan Xiaoyu's back, and felt a kind of comfort that he had never experienced before. This feeling was very strange, and Ye Wentian himself felt very strange.

Ye Wentian was enjoying himself alone, and came to the playground to play around, looking for excitement, and soon, the day passed by quickly.

"Too bad, I haven't reported to Teacher Zhang yet!" Looking at the sky, there was only a streak of red left in the setting sun.

When Ye Wentian rushed to the school, all the students in the school had already finished school, but he knew that Zhang Jing lived in the apartment arranged by the school.

"Brother Ye!" At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Ye Wentian turned his head, was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Brother Wang, why is it you? Is there something wrong?"

This person is Wang Xin. Because of Ye Wentian's frequent help, the two got acquainted and gradually began to call each other brothers. In fact, at Wang Xin's age, being Ye Wentian's father is more than enough.

"Brother Ye, my daughter came back last night and found a good job today. Thanks to your help in the past three years, otherwise our family really doesn't know how to live, so I would like to invite you to my house for dinner. I don’t know if Brother Ye will appreciate it or not.” Wang Xin said.

"This..." Ye Wentian hesitated, glanced at the apartment where Zhang Jing lived, thought for a while, and nodded.

"I knew Brother Ye would give my old man face." Seeing Ye Wentian nodding in agreement, Wang Xin was very happy, and pulled Ye Wentian towards the house.

Wang Xin's home is still several miles away from No. [-] Middle School of Jiangling City, but the two of them did not take a car, and they talked all the way, basically Wang Xin was talking alone.

Wang Xin has a daughter named Wang Shuling, who is 24 years old and graduated from the University of California with a Ph.

Jiangling City is also very good. Although it is not as prosperous as Yanjing, it is also ranked first in the whole country, especially Yunxi Group, which is the number one big enterprise in Jiangling City and even the whole country, and Wang Shuling The job I applied for this time is the secretary of the boss of Yunxi Group.

The two walked for about half an hour, and it was completely dark. Fortunately, there were street lights, otherwise, Wang Xin would have been in the dark, but for Ye Wentian now, there is no difference between night and day.

This place is called Tingfeng Community, and the environment is not bad. Wang Xin and his wife Sun Yu lived here before it was developed. Paying money, if it is now, it is impossible to buy a house without hundreds of thousands of people living here.

Walking to the third floor, Wang Xin took out the key to open the door, and when he entered the house, he was greeted with a smell of medicine, but the smell was slightly weaker, not like the smell of medicine that came out today.

"Shu Ling, a distinguished guest is here!" Wang Xin pulled Ye Wentian in and shouted towards his daughter who was busy in the kitchen.

"Got it, Dad!" came a soft voice from the kitchen.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in a professional suit and a cooking apron appeared.

"It's you!" Ye Wentian and Wang Shuling were stunned at the same time and exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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