Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 25 Mysterious Liquid Medicine

Chapter 25 Mysterious Liquid Medicine
"You two know each other?" Wang Xin looked at them suspiciously.

"Ha~~Old Wang...Uncle Wang, Sister Shuling was sitting next to me when I was riding today, so Sister Shuling and I knew each other. I really didn't expect that Sister Shuling was your daughter, Uncle Wang. It seems that Sister Shuling and I are really destined!" Ye Wentian originally wanted to call Wang Xin Brother Wang, but after thinking about it, if he called Wang Xin a brother and then called Wang Shuling a sister, wouldn't it be related? Messed up.

Ye Wentian was clever and knew that Wang Xin must not have been told what happened on the bus today, so he didn't say that Wang Shuling had encountered a hooligan.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Wang Shuling gave Ye Wentian a grateful look, and personally brought Ye Wentian a cup of hot tea to express her gratitude.

The meals were ready, and Wang Shuling and Wang Xin began to busy arranging tables, chairs and dishes. Today, Wang Shuling cooks in person, and the dishes are all served. There are a few unique styles. Ye Wentian knows that they should be American style, but most of them are The home-cooked side dishes can be described as good intentions. From this alone, it can be seen that Wang Shuling is a woman who manages the house well and has a clever mind.

When the dishes were served, Wang Xin confessed to Ye Wentian. Ye Wentian knew that Wang Xin had to take care of his wife himself, or seeing that Wang Shuling and Ye Wentian were about the same age, there might be some small intentions.

"Wen Tian, ​​do you mind if I call you that?" Wang Shuling said.

"Of course, I wish for it!" Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"I often live abroad, and occasionally I cook some local dishes by myself. The craftsmanship should still be delicious, but I don't know if it suits your appetite. How about you taste it first? And these are American dishes. Flavor, you should taste it too!" Wang Shuling said.

"Sister Shuling knew at the first sight that she was a rare good daughter at home, a good woman outside the family, and even a good wife in the future. This skill must be very good." Ye Wentian praised.

"Spoof!" Wang Shuling gave Ye Wentian a blank look, and then said, "Hurry up and taste it, it won't taste good if it's cold!"

"Okay," Ye Wentian nodded, took a bite of green vegetables, chewed carefully, nodded slightly, and tried other flavors, all of them felt good, and it was more than enough for a housewife.

"Hmm~~ Very good, Sister Shuling's cooking skills are better than those of those big hotel chefs!" Ye Wentian gave a thumbs up and praised.

"My cooking skills are good, but I think one person's cooking skills are better!" Wang Shuling said noncommittally.

Ye Wentian was slightly taken aback, thought for a while, and said: "Could it be Uncle Wang's cooking skills, no, Uncle Wang's cooking skills should be slightly worse than yours, sister Shuling, it should be Auntie's cooking skills, Sister Shuling, do you think I guessed right?"

Hearing this, Wang Shuling shook slightly, and looked at Ye Wentian firmly: "It's yours!"

"Mine!" Ye Wentian was stunned for a while, and shook his head noncommittally: "My cooking skills are not bad, but they are not as good as yours, Sister Shuling!"

"You! Just pretend!" Wang Shuling gave Ye Wentian a blank look.

Ye Wentian smiled, but there were a lot of calculations in his heart, the two of them were chatting and eating at the same time, a bit like a husband and wife after a busy day telling each other new things.

After some conversation, Ye Wentian knew that the man on the bus today was named Yao Lei. What made him speechless was that the counselor turned out to be Yao Shi's cousin, which made Ye Wentian sigh that they were not from the same family. If you don't enter a family, there is a cowardly cousin and a cowardly cousin.

A few years ago, Wang Shuling applied for a scholarship to the University of California in the United States. Wang Xin and Sun Yu strongly agreed for her to go to the United States for further studies. She didn't want to go at that time, but with the support of her parents, she agreed.

At the University of California, it was not easy for a fledgling girl. Yao Lei appeared when she was struggling and lonely.

Yao Lei is a nice person and has helped her a lot. After a period of time, she gradually adapted to the pace of life there and found a good job. Yao Lei wanted to pursue her, but originally she wanted to agree. , but later she discovered that Yao Lei lived a rough life, and being friends was okay, but being a boyfriend or even a future husband was not suitable, so the two have always maintained a close relationship.

The two returned to China together and found a good job in Yunxi Group together.But unexpectedly, something like that happened on the bus today, which made Yao Lei feel very embarrassed, so he left alone.

After dinner, Wang Xin came out and said hello to Ye Wentian.Ye Wentian knew that Wang Xin had already finished feeding his wife, Sun Yu, but seeing that the two had a good conversation, he didn't come out to disturb them.

Regarding Wang Xin's small thoughts, Ye Wentian also guessed a little bit, but he didn't understand a little bit. He Ye Wentian had no money and no power, so why did he fall in love with him, but Ye Wentian was just Just guessing, he wasn't so narcissistic yet, and then he put all those thoughts behind him.

"Uncle Wang, Sister Shuling, I know a little bit about medicine, why don't you let me see how my aunt is doing?" Ye Wentian suggested.

Hearing this, Wang Xin and Wang Shuling were taken aback at the same time, but an inexplicable color flashed in Wang Shuling's eyes. Ye Wentian's spiritual sense was strong, so he caught it.

"Really?" Wang Xin smiled all over his face immediately: "I knew Brother Ye was not an ordinary person!"

"Ahem~~ That...Uncle Wang, you can just call me Wentian from now on!" Hearing this address again, Ye Wentian felt uncomfortable.

"Ah~~ Good good!" Wang Xin glanced at Wang Shuling and nodded quickly.

"Then I'll trouble you." Wang Shuling smiled slightly: "I brought a liquid medicine from the United States, and I just gave it to my mother last night. I don't know if it will work. It just so happens that you, a little genius doctor, are here, help me see it." one look."

"You don't dare to be a little genius doctor, just don't take me as a charlatan." Ye Wentian laughed.

"Hehe~~ Mr. Ye... Uh, my God, I know the situation of my wife. I'm glad that you have the heart to take a look. Let's go, I'll take you there." Wang Xin said.

Wang Xin opened the door, and the three of them walked in. The smell of herbs inside was relatively strong. Seeing someone coming, Sun Yu opened his eyes and saw a stranger with a smile on his face.

"You are Ye Wentian. Brother Xin often mentions you in my ears. Thank you for your help these years!" Sun Yu's face was pale, covered with a quilt, his face was slightly bloated, and his appearance was about the same as Wang Shuling's. Similar, very beautiful.

"Auntie, it's nothing, you don't need to be so out of touch, I'm just doing things that are easy to do." Ye Wentian waved his hands and said, and then, Ye Wentian saw a small bottle of blue liquid on the table.

"That's it?" Ye Wentian asked.

"That's the medicine that Shuling brought me back from the United States. It works really well. I feel that my complexion is much better today!" Speaking of Wang Shuling, the smile on Sun Yu's face became even stronger: "My daughter is very filial, and she is very filial. Remember my old mother who is lying in the hospital bed!"

"Mom, you... I am not filial to my parents and you, who will be filial to you! Besides, you are not old, you are younger and more beautiful than me!" Wang Shuling sat next to Sun Yu, holding her slightly sickly hand. white hand.

The two mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled, Ye Wentian felt that this family was very happy, and the ups and downs of the past had passed.

"Oh!" Ye Wentian nodded, picked up the bottle of liquid medicine and put it down again, and walked to Sun Yu's bedside: "Auntie, I know a little bit about medicine, do you mind if I see how your condition is?"

" have studied medicine?" Sun Yu was very surprised.

"I've learned a little bit, and I'm just a fledgling, so I'm afraid I won't see why, so I just ask my aunt not to make jokes." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"You have a heart, how can I blame you!" Sun Yu looked at Ye Wentian more and more kindly, and even looked at Wang Xin intentionally, with a hint of relief in each other's eyes.

This subtle change naturally did not escape Ye Wentian's divine sense, and this time made him more certain of the suspicion in his heart. Letting him come today was simply for Sun Yu to see his future son-in-law.

Ye Wentian was sitting beside Sun Yu's bed. At some point, he had an extra embroidery needle in his hand. This embroidery needle was exactly the one that forced Zhang Jing to poison him last time. The sudden change made the three people's eyes shine. But Wang Shuling had more doubts in her eyes, while Wang Xin and Sun Yu were just surprised.

With his left hand, Ye Wentian gently inserted the embroidery needle into Sun Yu's right arm, closed his eyes, and performed the Hongmeng Dao Hua Jue mental method. The original divine power in his body rushed out quickly, and entered her body along Sun Yu's arm.

"Hmm~~" Sun Yu felt a tremor all over her body, and then a sense of comfort that she had never felt before poured into her body, it was warm, and that feeling made her obsessed and intoxicated.

The original divine power is like Ye Wentian's eyes, passing through the blood and meridians in Sun Yu's body, and finally stopping at Sun Yu's paralyzed legs.

Seeing that blue medicinal liquid, Ye Wentian was shocked: "What kind of medicinal liquid is this, it feels so powerful!"

Ye Wentian's spiritual sense felt that the blue medicinal liquid was gradually devouring those dead cells, and at the same time promoted the proliferation and differentiation of living cells. Overall, Sun Yu's body was gradually improving, and maybe after a certain amount of medicinal liquid Afterwards, Sun Yu will become like a normal person, or even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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