Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 26 First Kiss

Chapter 26 First Kiss
The blue medicinal liquid in Sun Yu's body was not much, part of it died with those cancer cells and dead cells, and the other part continued to fight against those cancer cells and dead cells.Ye Wentian knew that Wang Shuling didn't dare to overdo it because of Sun Yu's physique. After all, these liquid medicines were too powerful, and there might be backlash if they were overdosed.

Ye Wentian withdrew the silver needle, and the original divine power in Sun Yu's body instantly receded like a tide. Sensing this change, Sun Yu opened his eyes and looked at Ye Wentian questioningly. Wang Xin and Wang Shuling quietly stood beside him. Waiting for Ye Wentian's answer.

"Sister Shuling's medicine is very good for my aunt's condition. I believe that within a week, my aunt's health will be better than that of the young man!" Ye Wentian laughed.

"This... is this true?" Sun Yu and Wang Xin couldn't believe their ears when they heard this, while Wang Shuling looked at Ye Wentian happily, as if the boulder on her chest had finally fallen.

"Yeah!" Ye Wentian nodded, turned to look at Wang Shuling and said, "All this is due to Sister Shuling, the blue liquid medicine is almost 20% consistent with my aunt's condition. Use it, Auntie, your body will only get better and better, and then Auntie, you will look like a girl in her [-]s, young and beautiful, full of youthful vitality."

"Hehe~~ I'm old, but I'm not a young girl. Wentian, don't make me happy. As long as my health is healthy and I don't bring burdens to Brother Xin and Shuling, I will be satisfied!" Sun Yu shook shook his head.

Ye Wentian smiled and did not explain further. He knew that no matter how much he explained, Sun Yu and Wang Xin would not believe it. However, Sun Yu and the three of them were very curious about Ye Wentian's miraculous medical skills. I lied, saying that I got an ancient medical scripture by chance

Self taught.

This lie was hidden from Wang Xin and Sun Yu, but it was not hidden from Wang Shuling, and Wang Shuling did not expose Ye Wentian's lie. After all, everyone has their own secrets.

The chatting time passed quickly, and before we knew it, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Ye Wentian stood up and bid farewell to the three of them. Wang Xin and Sun Yu asked Wang Shuling to send Ye Wentian out.

"Wen Tian, ​​you are welcome to visit my house often in the future!" Wang Shuling said.

"Okay, Sister Shuling, I'm leaving, you go back!" Ye Wentian nodded.

Seeing Ye Wentian turn around, Wang Shuling couldn't help being annoyed: "Wentian!"

"What's wrong, Miss Shuling?" Ye Wentian turned around and asked curiously.

"Can't you see my parents' intentions?" Wang Shuling said angrily.

"What intention?" Ye Wentian pretended to be stupid.

"You!" Seeing Ye Wentian's stupid and stunned expression, Wang Shuling really wanted to beat up the guy in front of her: "My parents want you to be their son-in-law, don't say you can't see it!"

Wang Shuling glared at Ye Wentian, her cheeks were reddish, a little cute, after all, she was a woman, and she was a little shy when it came to talking about marriage for the first time.

"Oh, I know!" Ye Wentian nodded, looked at Wang Shuling and said with a smile, "Sister Shuling, what do you think?"

"I'm the one who asked you how you are first!" Wang Shuling glared at Ye Wentian.

"Uh..." Ye Wentian was at a loss for words immediately, and said helplessly, "Of course I wish for it. If I can marry a beautiful and virtuous woman like Sister Shuling, then I, Ye Wentian, have accumulated merits for several lifetimes to ask for it. What else do I have to say, tell me, Sister Shuling!"

"Hmph~~ Sweet talk!" Wang Shuling rolled her eyes at Ye Wentian, and then said, "Although I have only been in touch with you for a few hours, I have to say that you are indeed a rare good man. Although you are younger than me, but The experience seems to be no less than mine. If a woman can marry you one day, she will be very happy. I can be sure of this. I believe my parents think the same way, but there are many helplessness in life. It's not up to you to decide!"

Hearing this, Ye Wentian didn't speak, just looked at Wang Shuling quietly, under the cold moonlight, she, beautiful and lonely, was alone, seemed so small, so small that she could almost be ignored and forgotten, like a woman in the sea. A drop of water dripped into it without a trace.

Ye Wentian didn't know what Wang Shuling had gone through and what unforgettable experiences she had, but in his eyes, she was a woman who needed love and affection from others.

Ye Wentian walked over step by step, met Wang Shuling's eyes, stared at it for a long time, and finally hugged Wang Shuling tightly, smelling Wang Shuling's very pleasant body fragrance, stroking her soft hair, Quietly feel the rare peace and tranquility of the mind at this moment.

"If you have any difficulties, you can come to me at any time, and if you have any concerns, you can always come to me and talk to me. Even if we can't make lovebirds in the sky, I can still be your blue-faced confidant!" After a long time, Ye Wentian broke Silence, deep tone, from the heart.

Hearing Ye Wentian's flirtatious words, Wang Shuling's heart was shaken, her hands holding Ye Wentian's back tightened tightly, feeling Ye Wentian's thick chest and that indescribable sense of security.

It took a long time for the two to let go, looking at the young man in front of her who was more mature than her, Wang Shuling pursed her delicate lips, as if she had made a decision, she stood on tiptoe, her hot lips met Ye Wentian's tightly Paste, feel each other's temperature and enthusiasm.

Ye Wentian was stunned by Wang Shuling's sudden act of getting up, feeling Wang Shuling's affection, Ye Wentian began to respond jerky, and slowly, the two "first-time brothers" seemed to form a tacit understanding, gradually getting familiar with each other, and gradually getting involved.

Ye Wentian's consciousness was strong, and he felt that someone was watching, so he quickly let go of Wang Shuling, raised his head slightly, and a pair of familiar eyes upstairs were looking at them, seeing that Ye Wentian had spotted him, the person quickly let go Open the curtains to block it.

Looking into Ye Wentian's eyes, Wang Shuling understood something instantly, her pretty face became more rosy and more gorgeous.

"Uncle seems to be... looking at us!" Ye Wentian brushed Wang Shuling's hair behind his ears, revealing that delicate face, with a gentle tone and a smile on his face.

"Yeah!" Wang Shuling nodded: "Wentian, this is my first kiss, I think this is your first kiss too, we're even, I'm in!"

After speaking, Wang Shuling left without looking back.

Seeing Wang Shuling's figure gradually disappearing in the corridor, Ye Wentian felt a little helpless. There were some things that Wang Shuling didn't want to say, and he couldn't pursue them. Turning around, Ye Wentian left, gradually disappearing in the light of the street lamps.

Ye Wentian left, and has been walking for a long time. From the window, Wang Shuling looked at the empty cement road, extending to the endless darkness. .

"No matter when, I will never forget you!" Wang Shuling whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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