Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 27 Zhang Jing Has an Accident

Chapter 27 Zhang Jing Has an Accident

"Is this my first kiss? Maybe!" Ye Wentian thought to himself while walking.Counting it, the first person to kiss him was a seven or eight-year-old girl. At that time, they were just two little guys with hairless hair. The second person to kiss him was Xie Wanting. It was an accident at the time, and the two I went to climb a mountain, but Xie Wanting slipped and fell on Ye Wentian, and the two ended up kissing mouth to mouth by accident.

At that time, Ye Wentian was 15 years old and Xie Wanting was 14 years old. Although the two knew a little about love and love, they were still in the stage of minors, and it was not a real kiss; now Ye Wentian and Wang Shuling are both adults People, and from the heart, it can be regarded as a real kiss, and it can also be regarded as a first kiss.

"Phew~~ The feeling of kissing is really good!" Thinking of Wang Shuling's fragrant and soft taste when the two kissed passionately, Ye Wentian's heart was tingling and itching.

It was already very late, Ye Wentian trotted all the way to the No. [-] Middle School of Jiangling City.Wang Xin didn't sell barbecue tonight, and there were a lot fewer students eating supper outside.

Arriving at the gate of No. [-] Middle School in Jiangling City, Ye Wentian went straight in. The guard surnamed Liu was slightly taken aback when he saw Ye Wentian, but he continued to study the *** in the computer. If Wentian said anything wrong, seeing Ye Wentian's skill in beating those social gangsters, he was already deeply convinced, and he didn't have the guts to dare to find fault with the tiger.

Arriving at the door of Zhang Jing's apartment, Ye Wentian knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no movement at all, and under the perception of his spiritual sense, he couldn't help frowning.

It stands to reason that Zhang Jing's spider venom has just been forced out. Although her body is recovering, she still needs to rest for a while. It is impossible for Zhang Jing not to know this. Not the kind of woman who likes to stay out all night.

"Is nothing wrong with Mr. Zhang?" Ye Wentian suddenly had a bad premonition.

After pondering for a while, Ye Wentian came to the school gate, and saw the guard surnamed Liu in the guard room wearing a headset, with an agitated expression, swallowing his saliva non-stop, and ravaging something with both hands.

Listening carefully, Ye Wentian was sweating profusely, the guy in love was so lonely, he was doing wretched things by himself.

"Crack!" With a loud noise, Ye Wentian slapped his palm on the concrete platform of the window sill, shaking the window glass so that it almost shattered.

"Who's who~~" The doorman surnamed Liu was taken aback, and his first move subconsciously was to shut down the computer with one click, destroying the evidence first, and seeing Ye Wentian outside the window, like a deflated ball, immediately I lost my temper.

"Ye...Young Master Ye, it's you! What's the matter?" The guard immediately made a 360-degree turn, nodded and bowed, and was so affectionate that those who didn't know thought the two were relatives who had reunited after a long absence.

Ye Wentian didn't want to talk nonsense, so he asked, "Brother Liu, do you know where my homeroom teacher Zhang Jing has gone?"

"Zhang Jing!" Hearing this, the doorman surnamed Liu pondered for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he immediately replied: "Young Master Ye, at about six or seven o'clock, Teacher Zhang seemed to be leaving in Teacher Yao's car , I don’t know if I went on a date!”

When the word "date" was mentioned, the guard paid special attention to Ye Wentian's expression, so as not to be afraid of saying the wrong thing, and to allow room for maneuver.

"Yao Shi!" Ye Wentian's face changed suddenly, and he thought in his heart that something bad might happen.

"Ye...Young Master Ye!" The guard looked at Ye Wentian tremblingly, fearing that he would be dissatisfied, he punched him down.If it was before, he wasn't so afraid of Ye Wentian, but after seeing Ye Wentian's miraculous skills this morning, what he felt deep in his heart was only deep awe.

As for the leader in the morning, he had heard about it for a long time. The name of that person was Zheng Yan. He was born in a special soldier. Wentian got it done with one punch, and he was just a small man who was not even a soldier, so how dare he show his strength in front of Ye Wentian.

"Do you know where Yao took Teacher Zhang?" Ye Wentian frowned.

"This... I don't know..." the guard surnamed Liu whispered, seeing Ye Wentian's increasingly gloomy face, the sweat on his face was almost frightened.

"Huh~~" Ye Wentian couldn't help being annoyed, he punched the concrete window sill, and there was a loud bang, and the solid concrete window sill was actually punched out by Ye Wentian's fist.

"Ye...Young Master Ye...I really don't know..." The guard saw the deep fist mark, his whole body trembled, and he subconsciously swallowed his saliva. Explanation.

Seeing the guard's actions, Ye Wentian was speechless. As for being afraid of this, but seeing the masterpieces left by him, it is true that ordinary people really can't do this.

Ye Wentian shook his head helplessly, pondered for a moment, and said, "Brother Liu, I don't mean to blame you. By the way, can I borrow your mobile phone?"

"Yes, yes~~" The guard heard Ye Wentian's words, and immediately took out his mobile phone and offered it respectfully with both hands.

Ye Wentian took it, asked for the number of the Jiangling City Police Station, and got through the call. After Ye Wentian reported his name, the other party immediately knew which god it was.

After asking about the situation, I learned that the tigress was not there, so I had to ask for Zhou Xiaotong's number, and then called again.

"Hello! Who are you?" Zhou Xiaotong's voice came from over there.

"Ye Wentian!" Ye Wentian replied.

"It's you! Did you do something bad again?" Hearing that it was Ye Wentian, Zhou Xiaotong immediately lost his temper, but he didn't yell because of it, but his voice became a little louder.

"Help me find out where the car of Yao Shi, the teacher of No. [-] Middle School in Jiangling City, went tonight. Hurry up!" Ye Wentian spoke quickly, but spoke clearly.

"Heh~~ Why should I check for you?" Zhou Xiaotong said angrily.

"Officer Zhou, I know that we are a little bit at odds, but this matter is not just for me, but also for you!" Ye Wentian's tone was heavy, as if there was a sense of irresistibility: "Ms. Something may have happened, and the culprit is Yao Shi, I need the exact location of that bastard Yao Shi right away, go check it out!"

"An accident happened to Zhang Jing!" Zhou Xiaotong frowned, and thought for a moment: "Okay, I believe it once, if you dare to lie to me, see how I deal with you, don't hang up the phone!"

Ye Wentian calmed himself down and waited for ten minutes before Zhou Xiaotong's voice came from the phone again.

Knowing the situation, Ye Wentian threw the phone to the guard and left immediately.

At night, the traffic on the street was much less. Ye Wentian was like a black ranger, running all the way on the expressway. His speed was almost as fast as that of a car, and Ye Wentian took a shortcut. It is calculated that the relative speed is faster than that of a car.

According to Zhou Xiaotong's information, Yao Shi's car finally passed a commercial street, but did not pass the next street intersection, which means that his car was parked between these two street intersections, and among them , there is the best five-star hotel in the city, the Yunxi Hotel of the Yunxi Group. According to Yao Shi's family background, it is still affordable to go to a place like the Yunxi Hotel a few times occasionally.

(End of this chapter)

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