Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 28 Two Idiots

Chapter 28 Two Idiots
Running all the way in the dark night, Ye Wentian thought of a classic saying: The night gave me black eyes, but I used them to find the light; now my black eyes are to find my teacher.

Light and shadow flashed, and in front of the main entrance of Yunxi Restaurant, a handsome boy in school pants suddenly appeared out of thin air, like a ghost, but no one noticed this sudden change.

Looking at the magnificent Yunxi Hotel, Ye Wentian inadvertently sighed: It is worthy of being the most famous hotel in Jiangling City, it is really luxurious and dazzling enough!
This is the first time that Ye Wentian has walked into the gate of Yunxi Hotel at his age. In the past, he could only stand outside and look around, but now when he walks in, he sees the luxurious decorations inside. The feeling of being sick came to him spontaneously, but he knew that this was just a fantasy, at least for now.

"Hi sister, may I ask which room Yao Shi is in?" Ye Wentian asked.

The beauty at the front desk took a look at Ye Wentian, feeling that the young man in front of him was quite sunny, and smiled, "May I ask who you are?"

"Oh~~ I'm his cousin." Ye Wentian thought about it and replied immediately.

"Oh~~" The beauty glanced at Ye Wentian meaningfully, and nodded slightly: "Wait for me first, I'll make a call."

After a while, the phone was connected, and the voice inside was very familiar, but it wasn't Yao Shi's.

Ye Wentian thought for a while, and a flash of inspiration flashed, and he immediately thought of who it was, and secretly said in his heart: "It turned out to be Yao Lei's cowardly voice!"

The beautiful sister hung up the phone, looked at Ye Wentian and said, "Sorry, sir, you should go."

Ye Wentian knew that the beauty at the front desk had already given herself a lot of face, because she knew that Ye Wentian had lied to her.

"Thank you for your kindness, but my teacher is in danger, I must save her immediately, I'm sorry, beautiful sister!" After speaking, Ye Wentian quickly jumped up and came to the counter.

Before the beauty at the front desk could react to this momentary change, she saw Ye Wentian approaching her, and was completely stunned. When she realized it, she was about to yell, but Ye Wentian quickly covered her mouth.

"Beautiful sister, don't call me, I won't hurt you." Seeing her nodding, Ye Wentian let go of her mouth, and glanced at the name of Yao Shi on the computer. The room is in 104, which means ten. The fourth room on the first floor.

"Thank you, beautiful sister!" After speaking, Ye Wentian took another leap, jumped out, walked up the stairs, and went straight up.

Seeing that Ye Wentian disappeared from sight in an instant, the beautiful sister couldn't help being surprised again. After thinking about it, she glanced at the monitor in front of her, and finally called the security room. Soon, three or four A security guard entered the elevator and headed towards the tenth floor.

Ye Wentian came to the door of Room 104, released his consciousness, and stretched it out, but the distance his consciousness extended was very short, no more than ten meters, just in time to see Yao Lei's wretched face, who was only wearing a pair of shorts at this time, Shirtless, with a wretched smile, holding a camera in his hand and kept pressing the shutter.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wentian immediately knew what was going on inside. Regardless of 21, he kicked it out, and the luxurious door was instantly kicked out, hitting the wall inside heavily, and shattered into several pieces. .

The door opened, and Ye Wentian heard Zhang Jing's murmuring voice from the room inside. This voice was very familiar, and it was very similar to the voice after he and Zhang Jing had side effects when he forced poison, but this time the voice was louder and more distinctive. allure.

This huge movement immediately alarmed Yao Lei and Yao Shi. Ye Wentian had already kicked the door of the room inside as soon as it opened.

The unlucky Yao Lei didn't understand what was going on, and was instantly kicked out by Ye Wentian, hitting Yao Shi behind him, Yao Shi fell to the ground instantly, his head hit the floor hard, rolled his eyes, and fainted In the past, Yao Lei fell to the ground, slid a certain distance towards the ground, hit his head on the wall, and passed out.

"It's so hot..." On the bed, there was nothing covering Zhang Jing's body, her proud figure stood out, and her body was covered in mud. Fortunately, Zhang Jing was not hurt by those two bastards.

Zhang Jing tossed and turned on the bed, her eyes closed tightly, as if she had been drugged, all these were just subconscious actions.

Ye Wentian was preparing to treat Zhang Jing, when he heard footsteps, very fast, like a well-trained special soldier.

Ye Wentian frowned involuntarily, and when the four came in, Ye Wentian rushed out, restrained the four of them instantly, and knocked them unconscious.

"What's going on? Xiao Wang, what happened?" A hurried voice came from the ear of a person lying on the ground.

After several emergency calls and waiting for a while, the man knew that something had happened to the four of them.

"Something happened to them, act!"

Immediately, the sound of their footsteps came from the earphones. Ye Wentian listened carefully, and no less than a dozen people were dispatched this time.

Seeing this situation, Ye Wentian couldn't help but frowned, looked around, changed his mind sharply, grabbed the four of them with both hands and threw them into the corridor, then moved another bed out of the room to block the door of the house, and used a cabinet to block it.

On the bed, Zhang Jing's voice became more urgent, Ye Wentian didn't waste any more time, took out the embroidery needle and pierced Zhang Jing's brain acupuncture point, put one hand on her lower abdomen, mobilizing the original divine power in the body to run crazily.

The original divine power is indeed very strong and has the magical effect of washing the meridians, but some of the medicine has invaded Zhang Jing's brain nerves, and the original divine power cannot be removed at all. However, Zhang Jing's body is no longer so hot and will not harm Her life, this is already the maximum limit Ye Wentian can do.

The people outside had already arrived at the door of the room, and they kept advising Ye Wentian to surrender, saying that he was already surrounded, but Ye Wentian was not in the mood to care about it.

Zhang Jing's whispering voice still came out from time to time, and sometimes she grabbed Ye Wentian, but Ye Wentian had no choice but to knock Zhang Jing unconscious.

To be honest, if he saw such a beautiful Zhang Jing, it would be deceiving for Ye Wentian not to be tempted. It's just that although he seems to be bohemian, he is still very principled in his actions.

Ye Wentian helped Zhang Jing get rid of the dirty things on her body, but she didn't put clothes on her, because she was still hot at this time, and covering her with anything would only make her worse.

People outside seemed to be waiting for the police to arrive and did not act immediately.Ye Wentian came to Yao Lei and Yao Shi's side, and slapped two palms on the back of the necks of the two of them respectively. He spit out his original divine power and instantly destroyed the brain nerves of the two.

"Hmph! Let's see how you two can still hurt people!" Ye Wentian has already turned Yao Shi and Yao Lei into two idiots. Many practitioners, otherwise it would be impossible to restore the damaged nerves of the two with the help of modern general medical technology.

(End of this chapter)

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