Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 3 is so big

Chapter 3 What a big one
Hearing what Wang Hu and Huang Shan said in their quarrel, Xiao Yuxin's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

After thinking and thinking, I finally made a decision, trotted out, came to an empty corner, took out a newest iPhone, found a number, and dialed it.

When the call was connected, a loving voice came from the other side.

"Daughter, do you miss Dad? Call me at this time." There was a smile in the other party's tone.

"Dad, of course Yuxin misses you. You haven't been home for a week, so you are not afraid that your daughter will be abducted by others!" Xiao Yuxin said pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Hehe, I'm very relieved to have Lao Liu here." The other party said with a smile, and then changed his tone: "Daughter, tell me, what can I ask your father to help."

"Dad, how do you know that your daughter is looking for you?" Xiao Yuxin asked in surprise.

"Father Mo Ruo! Think about it, when did you call me during class, tell me, as long as your father and I can do it, I will pick you all the stars in the sky." Xiao Yuxin's father said seriously.

"Dad, a classmate of mine went to the forest in the north yesterday and disappeared. I want you to send someone to look for it." Xiao Yuxin said, her voice full of anxiety.

"Okay, you send your classmate's photo and name, and I'll send someone to look for it right away." Xiao Yuxin's father immediately agreed.

"Yeah." Xiao Yuxin then sent the photo of Ye Wentian secretly taken to her father, and gave some information about Ye Wentian.

During the phone call, hearing her father's immediate order, she finally felt much better. After exchanging a few words, Xiao Yuxin hung up the phone and returned to her seat.


"Ah! This sleep is so fucking comfortable!" Ye Wentian opened his eyes, stretched his waist comfortably, took a look at the sky, and was stunned: "I'm going, why is the sunset going down soon? No, I didn't sleep all day, did I!"

Ye Wentian stood up like a carp, looked around, and found that he was still in the forest.

"I actually slept here last night!" Ye Wentian turned pale with shock, checked his body, and found that there was nothing serious, and felt that his strength had soared several times.

"Hmm~~ What smells so stinky." Ye Wentian sniffed and sniffed, and finally set the target on himself, and pulled off his sleeves. Seeing this, he was immediately petrified.

"Why are there so many black spots! It's still sticky, there must be something wrong with my body?" Ye Wentian was puzzled again.

"Whatever, as long as you don't die, it's fine. It's a blessing or a disaster. If it's a disaster, you can't avoid it. Let's take a bath first. It's really uncomfortable!" Ye Wentian chose the direction and decided to take a bath under the waterfall on the other side first. Let's talk about the bath.

Suddenly thought of something, Ye Wentian stopped his movements, glanced at it slightly, and was overjoyed: "Hey~~ I didn't expect such a precious Ganoderma lucidum to still be there, God bless! Now I can save some money for them again. "

Ye Wentian took off the Ganoderma lucidum, and found a small hole in the snakeskin bag next to it, and the two snakes caught in it had already disappeared without a trace.

"If you run away, you will run away. They are just two little snakes. It is better to have the Ganoderma lucidum inside." Ye Wentian put the Ganoderma lucidum inside, and then walked to the other side, overjoyed all the way.

However, not long after Ye Wentian left, two groups of people came to find him, one group was a team of police officers, and the other group was a team of security personnel.

A police dog in the hands of a policeman sniffed and sniffed where Ye Wentian was in a daze, and suddenly broke free from the restraints of the policeman, and quickly ran in the direction Ye Wentian was going.

"Let's follow quickly! Lightning should have found the missing person!" A female police officer said at this time.

"Captain, why do I feel that Lightning's reaction is a bit abnormal?" A police officer asked.

Hearing this, the beautiful and heroic policewoman Xiuxiu frowned: "Let's talk to the past first!"

Ye Wentian came under the waterfall, took off his clothes, jumped into the pond.

In the water, Ye Wentian was like a fish, swimming so fast that he could even break the Guinness record.

"Pfft! It's so cool! It's been a long time since I've been so refreshed!" Ye Wentian stood up, poked the black spot on his body, and found that under the black spot, the skin turned a lot whiter.

"Could it be that I have become a badass!" Ye Wentian couldn't believe this fact. In his opinion, a badass is the most useless coward.

After poking and poking again, suddenly, his hands stopped, and he stood up, the water was up to his waist, his eyes couldn't help looking down, and immediately, his eyes widened wider than a bull's eyes.

"What a big one!" Ye Wentian was shocked again, touching himself again and again.

"What's the matter? My body has changed a lot." Looking at the reflection in the water, his appearance hasn't changed much, it's just a little whiter, and his muscles look more symmetrical and full of explosive power.

"Woof~" Not far away, a big black army dog ​​was rushing towards this side fiercely.

Ye Wentian was startled. He glanced at the clothes on the bank and the snakeskin bag wrapped with Ganoderma lucidum. He became ruthless and ran towards the bank with all his strength.

It doesn't matter if I run with all my strength, my whole body almost flies up, and I almost want to reach the ground.

Ye Wentian didn't care about this, grabbed his clothes and snakeskin bag and ran towards the pond again, paddling vigorously with one hand, while holding the snakeskin bag and clothes in the other hand, he held it up high, and quickly moved towards the pond. Swim to the other side.

Back on the shore, I was dumbfounded. The military dog ​​actually swam towards this side, with two powerful front paws sliding non-stop. It was swimming quite fast, but a little slower than Ye Wentian.

"Small sample, you still dare to chase me, see if I don't beat you to death today!" Ye Wentian was also a little nervous, after all, the dog in front of him seemed to have been trained rigorously, and ordinary people really couldn't do anything about it.

There were quite a lot of stones on the shore, Ye Wentian didn't even think about it, he just picked up a stone and threw it towards the approaching military dogs.


With a crisp sound, the stone hit the military dog's forehead, and the military dog ​​stopped instantly two meters away from the shore, floating motionless on the water.

"I'm in big trouble now, I can't be dead!" Ye Wentian swallowed his saliva, and was about to go into the water and drag the military dog ​​up to have a look.

"Let's catch up quickly, I don't know where the lightning went?" At this time, a voice came from the forest not far away.

"Why is this voice so familiar?" Ye Wentian paused, stared at it for a moment, a flash of inspiration flashed, and he was immediately startled: "It's that tigress again!"

Ye Wentian was startled, he mourned silently for the "dead" military dog, and then put on his clothes at lightning speed, 36 counts, running is the best plan, and fled irresponsibly and quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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