Chapter 4
"Where did Lightning go?" A police officer looked around, a little speechless about Lightning's performance.

"Captain Zhou, look, where is the lightning!" A policeman pointed to the place where the lightning fainted, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Zhou Xiaotong's eyes were like lightning, he took off his clothes, showed a proud figure, ran over quickly, jumped up, jumped more than three feet, jumped into the water, hugged Lightning and swam towards the shore.

Whether it's the police or those security guards who have been special forces, they can't help but admire Zhou Xiaotong's skills.

After inspecting Lightning's body, he found that there was a mark between his eyebrows, and he passed out, but he did not die.

Zhou Xiaotong put on his clothes, looked around, and then ordered: "Xiao Li, you take Lightning back, and the others continue to look for the whereabouts of that kid Ye Wentian."


Ye Wentian ran out of the forest in one breath, stopped, turned his head and looked at a large area of ​​forest, thinking of the military dog ​​that he "beat to death" at once, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry bro, if you want to blame, I can only blame you for chasing me so closely." Ye Wentian sighed, and then walked towards the school.

I took a taxi, but after a while, the car stopped at the gate of No. [-] Middle School in Jiangling City.

When I walked into the school, I found that school was over, and those who stayed in the school were boarding students.

After thinking about it, Ye Wentian decided to report the situation to the class teacher Zhang Jing first. After all, Zhang Jing treated him well and didn't mean to look down on him in the slightest.

Walking into the office door, I found that the door was closed.

"Why did it close so early!" Ye Wentian wondered for a while, he didn't know that his class teacher Zhang Jing was worried about him, and had already followed him to find him.

Looking at the snakeskin bag in the palm of his hand, he suddenly felt happy, made up his mind, walked out of the school gate, and headed for Jiangling City Hospital.

In order to save time, Ye Wentian was about to take a shortcut and walked into an alley, but after a while, he vaguely heard a familiar voice coming from the front.

"Fatty man, now I see how you are still mad at me, get up! You hit me, aren't you awesome? Now your brother Tian is gone, dead, and going to hell. In the future, Jiangling City No. [-] Middle School is our Brother Fei’s world, I want you to lie in the hospital every day, and you can’t take the college entrance examination, I see how you are still talking to me!” Huang Shan punched and kicked Wang Hu, and some other people watched the wonderful Good show.

"Huangshan, you have to die! When Brother Tian comes, all of you will be beaten to the ground by my Brother Tian!" Wang Hu's mouth was swollen from the beating, his voice quality changed a bit, and one of his legs was also beaten. It was swollen and almost broke, but he endured it without moaning, let alone begging for mercy.

"Yo~ You thought your brother Tian would come back, I tell you, he is dead!" Zhao Fei patted Wang Hu on the cheek, and said viciously: "I tell you, even if your brother Tian is not dead, I will I will also beat him to the ground, and if I dare to snatch my default wife, I am courting death!"

"Really? I want to see who is looking for death!" Ye Wentian walked over and looked at everyone, basically they all knew each other: "Is it you who is looking for death? Is it you? Or you!"

Ye Wentian pointed at Zhao Fei for the last time, his eyes turned cold: "You are my brother who hurt others?"

"Ye Wentian, I didn't expect you to be alive yet! So what if you are? So what if you are not? Are the dozen of us still afraid that you will fail!" Zhao Fei stood up, walked out, and looked at Ye Wentian with disdain.

"If yes, then don't blame me for being rude!" Ye Wentian creaked his hands and walked forward step by step. However, every time Ye Wentian took a step, Zhao Fei and his group subconsciously took a step back.

Thinking back to Ye Wentian's vicious beatings in the past, he beat more than a dozen people by himself at that time, although Wang Hu was still there at that time, but Wang Hu was just pretending to be a fool, not a fart, but a drag , Ye Wentian was asked to save him in the end.

"Don't think it's great because you have a large number of people. I didn't beat you so much that you peeed in your ass and cried for your mother." Ye Wentian sneered.

"Hmph~ Ye Wentian, today is different. Recently I learned a set of boxing techniques, which is specially designed to deal with you. I just want to practice with you!" Zhao Fei rubbed his hands, looking quite professional.

"Oh, really? Then why did I see the fear in your eyes!" Ye Wentian walked forward again.

"Don't come here! If you come here again, I'll step on it, and he won't be able to take the college entrance examination again." Zhao Fei said anxiously, stepping on Wang Hu's right hand with his right foot.

"Heh~ Zhao Fei, I didn't expect you to be so cowardly by me, and even threatened me with my brother, tell me, what do you want to do." Ye Wentian stopped and glanced at Wang Hu, whose face was swollen. , There was a pain in my heart, but it didn't show on my face.

"Hmph~ Don't be complacent, you go first, let him know how powerful we are." Zhao Fei said, but his tone was obviously lacking in confidence, because he was defeated by Ye Wentian several times, let alone this time Let them practice against Ye Wentian first.

"Fight~" Huang Mao knew that he could only fight hard at this time, so he went up first, followed by the younger brother.

"Good time!" Ye Wentian kicked his feet hard, leaning his body and rushing towards the nearest yellow hair.

Even Ye Wentian himself didn't expect such a fast speed, when he punched out, there was a whistling wind.


There was a sound of broken bones, and then Huang Mao's 100-pound body flew towards the back like a kite with a broken string, bumping into four or five people who rushed up, and fell backwards together.

"Pfft!" The yellow-haired body sprayed out a long stream of blood in the air, fell to the ground, tilted his head, and passed out.

Seeing this astonishing change, Zhao Fei, Huang Shan, and a few younger brothers were stunned. They immediately stopped their rushing up and retreated subconsciously.

"Is this still a human? Why is this strength so great!" Everyone in Huangshan sighed in their hearts.

Just now Ye Wentian realized that his strength had increased a lot, so he immediately withdrew half of his strength, but he didn't expect the consequences to be so great.

Zhao Fei stared at Ye Wentian dully, as if he didn't know each other anymore, and it was only a few days since he saw each other, Ye Wentian turned out to be so awesome, it made him want to spank, so much strength, what? Boxing is a fart, others can finish you with a single punch.

"What? Zhao Fei, you must have been scared!" Ye Wentian held back the shock in his heart and smiled evilly.

"You~~ Don't come here! I'm not in good shape today, so I'll fight another day, let's go!" Zhao Fei resisted the trembling of his body, forced himself to calm down, turned around and was about to run.

With a stride, Ye Wentian kicked at the knee joint of Zhao Fei's left leg, and with a snap, Zhao Fei immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Ye Wentian, you have the guts! You are the first person who dares to make me kneel down. If you don't kill me today, you will not have a good life in the future!" Kneeling has seriously injured Zhao Fei His self-esteem touched his bottom line.

"Hehe~ Barefoot people are not afraid of those who wear shoes. I'm a bachelor. If you have the guts, come here and be crazy with me. I'll slap you to death!" Ye Wentian slapped him, and the sound was clear and loud.

Seeing that everyone in Huangshan trembled in their hearts, they originally wanted to run, but if they did, they would face Zhao Fei's endless torture, which was more painful than Zhao Fei's beating a few times.

"Why, not convinced! Then do it again, so as not to be asymmetrical and unsightly, isn't it, Zhao Fei!" After finishing speaking, Ye Wentian slapped him again, and immediately, Zhao Fei's face turned red stand up.

Zhao Fei learned his lesson this time, and stopped cursing, and stared at Ye Wentian with staring eyes.

"Huangshan, come here for me too!" Ye Wentian said in a deep voice.

"Then... that, brother Tian, ​​we are classmates after all, you have a lot, please let me go!" Huang Shan backed back and forth, begging for mercy.

"Classmate! Hmph~~ When you beat Wang Hu, did you ever think that you and him were classmates, Wang Hu is an honest man, and you still bullied him like this? It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson today, you don't know what It's called unforgettable!" Ye Tianlong stood up and walked towards Huangshan.

Huangshan was startled, turned around and ran outside. It has to be said that people can often stimulate their greatest potential when they are in danger. At this time, Huangshan's explosive speed is not much worse than that of an Olympic champion, but even so, How could he escape from Ye Wentian's palm?

(End of this chapter)

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