Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 320 The Secret in the Parchment

Chapter 320 The Secret in the Parchment

As he continued to watch the contents of the Emperor's Heart Sutra, Ye Wentian felt the power of the Emperor's Heart Sutra, and also felt the unusualness of this piece of parchment.

Since ancient times, this exercise should have been written on this parchment, but this parchment doesn't look old and damaged at all, which is really incredible.

Ye Wentian gathered his spiritual sense to check the past, and immediately discovered that this parchment really contained a universe, and inside it were all the subsequent exercises and some introductions about the Xuanyuan family.

About 5 years ago, in order to protect this land, the Xuanyuan family fought against the Chiyou demon god from outside the territory.The Chi You Demon God was originally not an existence on the earth, but a species from another interface. Their homeland was destroyed by a powerful meteorite from outside the sky, and they were brought into the earth by the turbulence of time and space when they fled.

Both of them were trying to survive, they couldn't understand each other, they couldn't communicate, and finally they fought.

Chi You's racial body is very strong, it is a kind of physique in the legend, this kind of system has a very strong physical body, it is very difficult for anyone in the same level to be their opponent, even if they have powerful weapons, it is difficult to win.

Unless their heads are chopped off or their internal organs are excavated, their bodies will become stronger every time they fight, just like an artifact that can be upgraded infinitely.

Later, as time went by, both sides basically understood the language, but it was impossible to stop this battle.

After decades of fighting in that battle, the number of human races decreased rapidly, and the human race, which was originally a thousand times larger than the Chiyou clan, only had a population of a few 10.

However, there are still two thousand people in Chi You's family, and those who survived are the most powerful ones. If this continues, the human race will definitely be over.

However, at this moment, Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Xuanyuan clan, used a strange flying stone from the sky to create a weapon that transcended a time and space——Xuanyuan Sword!

It is said that when the Xuanyuan Sword was forged, a golden glow appeared in the entire sky, reflecting on the Xuanyuan Sword, a strange creature suddenly emerged from the clouds.

Its whole body is golden yellow, with a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, ears like a cow, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, and palms like a tiger. Cylinder, majestic and majestic, dominates the world.

After seeing the Xuanyuan Sword, it roared loudly, and the sound was like a nine-day bell, shaking the entire space.

In the end, the huge monster rushed towards Xuanyuan Sword suddenly, before Xuanyuan could react, that big thing had already entered into Xuanyuan Sword, merged with Xuanyuan Sword, and became the soul of this divine sword.

Xuanyuan used this Xuanyuan sword to wipe out the Chiyou family at that time, but the Xuanyuan sword was too powerful, it could directly split a space, and the members of the Xuanyuan family escaped dozens of people by taking advantage of the space crack, and among them was the most powerful Chi You.

In fact, Chi You's strength was already very strong, surpassing all the people on the earth, but the power of the law of heaven on the earth is very strange, which made them unable to exert the strength they should have at all, and finally let Xuanyuan hold Holding the Xuanyuan Sword was almost slaughtered.

After the earth returned to calm, one day, Xuanyuan Sword suddenly turned into that big thing, hanging in the sky, with eyes as big as lanterns, overlooking all the creatures on the earth, like a monarch who despises everything, majestic Rin, full of domineering.

All the creatures on the earth knelt down when they saw it. It was a kind of worship from the heart, a worship of the faith in their hearts.

The big thing didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, just blinked its golden eyelids, and finally flew up, roared, and the sound moved the world, and when it reached a thousand meters above the sky, the big thing suddenly turned around, He swooped into the ground and never appeared again.

I don't know when, that big thing that is sacred in people's hearts was given a name - dragon!

Since then, Shenlong has become the patron saint of human beings on the entire earth, and has been living in peace. However, just 1 years ago, another major disaster occurred on the earth.

A group of people were also brought in by the turbulence of time and space. They looked very strange, like animals, but they had never been seen before.They are dressed in strange clothes, wearing strange armors, and can fly rapidly in the sky.

After they arrived on the earth, the two sides did not bother each other and lived their own lives, but later, those things were actually doing research on all creatures on the earth, and some of the things they made were out of control, not only killing their people but also It also killed many people and animals on the earth.

The contradictions between the two sides began to intensify rapidly, and finally a war broke out.

Basically everyone in the human race is a cultivator, and their cultivation base is also very strong, but they still can't completely defeat those aliens, and both sides have casualties.

At that time, the Xuanyuan clan was still the leader of the human race. They deeply felt that they were not our race, so their hearts must be different, and the war broke out in full scale.

The technological power of the aliens is extremely powerful, and the human race doesn't understand it at all, and the casualties exceed the opponent's.And those laymen were able to turn the dead human race into a killing machine, causing the human race to retreat steadily.

At that time, another super-genius figure appeared in the Xuanyuan clan, named Xuanyuan Ling, a woman in her thirties, agile and charming, glamorous, and a woman that everyone loves.

Back then, Patriarch Xuanyuan didn't use up the meteorite from the sky, but she used the rest of the meteorite to create a divine sword called Chengying, an elegant sword with a shiny black body, clear and fast, Light as nothing in the hand.

The appearance of Chengying didn't have the slightest splendor, but without the slightest splendor, it was just magical and quiet!

Xuanyuanling, who merged with Chengying into one, began to be completely reborn, with a sense of fairy spirit on his body, his speed was as fast as the wind, but he was so quiet that he couldn't detect it, and this is the horror of Chengying Sword.

Xuanyuanling slaughtered all the aliens with the Yingying Sword with just one person, and destroyed all the research results and materials of those aliens.

However, the other party was not a vegetarian either, and Xuanyuan Ling was irreparably damaged by the powerful technology. In the end, Xuanyuan Ling could not escape the catastrophe of death.

Xuanyuanling just left like this, but Chengying stayed forever and became a legacy of the Xuanyuan clan in the past, but at some point, Chengying disappeared without a trace, and the members of the Xuanyuan clan could never find it again trail.

The time when it disappeared was just 5000 years ago. At that time, the Xuanyuan clan had gone downhill and was no longer the leader of the human race. There were endless civil wars and gunpowder smoke everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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