Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 321 Ice Beauty

Chapter 321 Ice Beauty

The exercises recorded in the parchment were created by Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Xuanyuan clan, and the subsequent exercises were further perfected by Xuanyuan Ling before his death.

There are only five layers of the Heavenly Emperor's Heart Sutra, the first two layers were created by Xuanyuan, and the last three layers were created by Xuanyuan Ling.

The first level is the foundation, and the next few levels are more about comprehension. This piece of parchment was forbidden by Xuanyuan Ling, and it needs to reach the primordial spirit stage to use divine consciousness to see the subsequent content. The meaning is natural It is for future generations to have a solid foundation and not rush to make progress, otherwise the progress of subsequent cultivation will be very slow and the achievements will be limited.

Only ten people left notes on this parchment, which means that after Xuanyuanling, only nine people reached the Yuanshen stage, and after 5000 years ago, only one person left notes, which is very likely Since then, the aura of heaven and earth on the earth has been greatly reduced, and it is no longer possible for people to cultivate to a higher level. Now, I am afraid that there is no strong person in the golden core stage on the entire earth.

"Wentian, what's the matter?" Seeing Ye Wentian staring blankly at the parchment and still not recovering after a while, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was a little puzzled.

At first, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu thought that Ye Wentian was thinking about something, so she didn't bother her. After more than ten minutes passed, Ye Wentian still kept the same movements and expressions, and couldn't help feeling worried.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu called Ye Wentian a few times, but Ye Wentian still didn't respond in the slightest. After pushing and shoving twice, Ye Wentian finally came back to his senses.

"Sister Xiaoyu, you must not lose this piece of parchment. When you reach the Yuanshen stage, you will discover more secrets about your Xuanyuan clan." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and put the parchment in his hand. Handed it to Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

"Prime Spirit Stage! What kind of realm is that?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"Uh... Maybe that realm is very far away from both of us now." Ye Wentian patted his head embarrassedly, and continued: "According to the classification of martial arts practitioners, they are yellow-level, mysterious-level, earth-level and Heaven level, after that there is the fifth heavenly level, then the golden core period, and then let’s talk about it later. The Heavenly Emperor’s Heart Sutra relies on the powerful blood power of the Xuanyuan family to condense the muscles, bones, and body, and more precisely, it is to continuously strengthen Every part of the body, this is the same as the internal boxing, but this technique is more powerful than the internal boxing in the hands of your Xuanyuan clan, you have to practice hard."

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu nodded with a half understanding, and then said: "But Wentian, you have to help me, I don't know anything about cultivation!"

"Don't worry, there are still a few days left. With your qualifications, it shouldn't be a problem to forcefully write down the things I gave you first, and then slowly digest them." Ye Wentian said.

"Wentian, are you leaving?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu frowned, feeling a little panicked.

"Of course, there is no feast that lasts forever, besides, sister Xiaoyu, you can't stop me from studying, right?" Ye Wentian smiled wryly.

"Ah... yes, it seems that your Yenching University will start in a few days, I almost forgot." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu just remembered this, and looked at Ye Wentian with some embarrassment.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu is always so good-looking, no matter when she is angry or happy, or when she is shy, she is always so beautiful and charming, making people want to hug her and kiss her.

Seeing Ye Wentian's obsessed eyes, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was overjoyed, a little proud, pinched the corners of her clothes with two white jade-like hands, tightened them, and suddenly quickly kissed Ye Wentian's corners of the mouth .

Ye Wentian was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, moved his feet, took a step back, and dodged in an instant.

"Hmph~~" Seeing that Ye Wentian rejected her, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu couldn't help being a little angry, this guy didn't appreciate that he had already taken the initiative.

"Sister Xiaoyu, it's getting late, pack up your things, let's go!" Ye Wentian quickly changed the subject.

"You keep it for me!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu stuffed the parchment to Ye Wentian.

"This..." Ye Wentian was confused.

"What is this! It's safe to put it here with you, but it will be stolen by my uncle and third uncle sooner or later." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said loudly.

"Okay." Ye Wentian originally wanted to say that your uncle and third uncle would no longer threaten you, but after thinking about it, it would be better to hide it from her. After all, it also involves her parents being set up by Xuanyuan Qiang and Xuanyuan Hao killing things.

Ye Wentian and Xuanyuanhao went downstairs, Xiao Yuxin and the three hurried over, glanced at Ye Wentian, then turned their gazes to Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

"Yu Xin, what's the matter?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

"Sister Xiaoyu, staying at home is really boring, the three of us want to go to your big company to have a look, okay?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Of course no problem!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu nodded briskly.

"Sister Xiaoyu is so kind!" Xiao Yuxin was very happy as she held Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's hand.

"Let's go, sister Xiaoyu's time is precious." Ye Wentian said.

Ye Wentian greeted Wang Ma who was busy in the kitchen, and then drove a few people to Xianyun.

Looking at Xianyun's building, the three of them were amazed. Even the tallest building in Jiangling City is not half of Xianyun's, let alone its grandeur.

Walking into Xianyun, I immediately greeted the curious eyes of countless people.Especially for some of the male employees, when they saw Xiao Yuxin, a school beauty, they had small thoughts, but when they thought about the relationship between Xiao Yuxin and Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, these small thoughts could only be nipped in the bud.

"Xiao Liu, take them to Xianyun to have a look around." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said to one of the counter attendants.

"Okay." The woman nodded, and secretly glanced at Ye Wentian, her little face flushed slightly.

"Yu Xin, the three of you will follow Xiao Liu to have a look. If you get tired of watching, Xiao Liu will take you to my place." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

"En." Xiao Yuxin and the three nodded.

"President, Young Master Long is waiting for you in your office." Xiao Liu continued.

"In my office!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu frowned.

"Yeah." Xiao Liu nodded.

"Okay, I see."

Ye Wentian and Xiao Yuxin explained a few words, and then went upstairs with Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

Passing by the door of Huo Xiaoyan's office, Huo Xiaoyan ran out quickly.

"President, Young Master Long is waiting for you in the office." Huo Xiaoyan said.

"It was you who let him in!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's eyes turned cold, and the cold air overflowed, looking like an ice beauty.

This was the first time Ye Wentian saw Xuanyuan Xiaoyu showing such a serious expression, not even when Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was angry last night.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's whole body was filled with an unattainable temperament, like a beautiful queen in a high position, that noble appearance made Ye Wentian unconsciously arouse the desire to conquer , but thinking of the agreement with Dongfang Ning, she threw away that dirty thought.

(End of this chapter)

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