Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 34 The Iron Dragon Visits

Chapter 34 The Iron Dragon Visits
No matter who they were, they were all attracted by this pair of wooden chopsticks, even Ye Wentian was the same.

If it were him, he could indeed do this at a distance of more than 20 meters, but he couldn't control his strength precisely, which he couldn't match. How to use it to its full potential.

When did the Bai Gang, no, the Iron Fist Gang have such a powerful big brother?If there is a fight, they can be settled with just dozens of chopsticks, what a fart!
This is the heartfelt voice of the Dazhu gang, and this is what scares them the most. They couldn't help but look at the young man. At this moment, the young man walked out of the cafeteria without making a sound, and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight among.

Seeing the dazed expressions of Dazhu Gang, Nie Bai and his group immediately became proud.

"You just wait to be cleaned up by our elder brother! Brothers, let's go and see the elder brother!" Nie Bai stretched out his thumb and made a gesture of contempt downward.

"Fuck your white mouse, what's the big deal!" Da Zhu helped the group of younger brothers and spat at Nie Bai's group who were going away, very angry.

But they know that if there is a real fight, they are not enough for others to see. In the past, their Dazhu Gang has always suppressed the head of the Bai Gang, but now, it is obvious that with the new boss, their strong days can be regarded as It's over.

Wang Dazhu came to Ye Wentian's side, saw the worried looks of the younger brothers, and laughed loudly: "Don't be afraid, from now on, with our Brother Ye, no matter whether he is the Bai Gang or the Iron Fist Gang, he has to be courteous to our Dazhu Gang." Three points, no, from now on our Dazhu Gang will be changed to Wentian Gang, why don't you hurry up and meet Big Brother."


Hearing this, you look at me and I look at you one by one, but they don't know whether this handsome guy who is harmless to humans and animals has real skills, but they still choose to believe in Wang Dazhu's vision. Wang Dazhu's eyes never missed it.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"


With the first one at the beginning, other people immediately came forward to salute one after another, and each of them looked at Ye Wentian in front of them curiously again.

Ye Wentian was not hypocritical, and nodded towards everyone: "Let's go, I'm hungry, let's eat."

As soon as Ye Wentian's words fell, he immediately approached him with some wit and inquired about his preferences, and introduced the delicious food in the cafeteria.

Simply ate some breakfast and rested for a while.

Wang Dazhu introduced the situation in the prison to Ye Wentian, as well as the number of his brothers and the number of the Iron Fist Gang, and the analysis of the two forces...

It has to be said that Wang Dazhu, the boss, is quite dedicated, and he knows everything about his situation and the situation of the other party.

The previous young man was named Hu Tiequan, 25 years old. It is said that he came from the detention area for serious criminals. He was transferred here for unknown reasons a week ago. All the prisoners here were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than ten years. , not death row.

After such an analysis, Hu Tiequan was imprisoned here, obviously his sentence was commuted.

Thinking of Hu Tiequan's performance, Ye Wentian felt that this was an interesting person, and thought that he would have time to get in touch with him.Now, what he lacks is combat experience. Wang Dazhu's martial arts are really bad, and only Hu Tiequan is just right for him.

"Who is Ye Wentian? Come out!" At this moment, a guard at the entrance of the cafeteria shouted.

"I am!" Ye Wentian was stunned, and stood up: "What's the matter?"

"Follow me, someone is looking for you." The guard said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, Ye Wentian followed the guards out, and the others followed curiously, but they were blocked by an iron gate.

Ye Wentian walked in, and when he saw the person coming, he was taken aback for a moment. There were four people who came, and they all had a faint murderous look on them. Tie Long, the boss of the Black Dragon Gang.

There was a thick soundproof glass between Ye Wentian and them. Tie Long picked up the phone and gestured to Ye Wentian. Ye Wentian stepped forward and picked up the phone too.

"Ye Wentian, you should know why I came to see you today, right?" Tie Long's face was gloomy and his tone was very cold.

Seeing Tie Long's unkind expression, he knew that Tie Long might have murderous intentions towards him. After all, even if he didn't kill his younger brother, he still caused great harm to his own younger brother.

Ye Wentian nodded, but did not speak.

"Well, let me ask you, did you cause the injury on my brother's hand?" Tie Long asked.

"I think you already know the answer, don't you?" Ye Wentian said neither humble nor overbearing.

"I know that the murderer of my brother was not you, but you must give me an explanation, otherwise, you should know my method." Tie Long said in a deep voice.

"Are you threatening me?" Ye Wentian said lightly.

"You can understand it that way!" Tie Long said.

"What if I say 'no'?" Ye Wentian sneered.

"'No'? Hmph~~Ye Wentian, those who dare to answer me like that in Jiangling City will not end well, do you believe it?" Tie Long said coldly.

"I believe." Ye Wentian nodded, and continued: "But I am not included among these people."

"It seems that you are very confident." Tie Long said: "You are very courageous, and I really want to train you to be my right-hand man, but in this matter, you are the one who indirectly killed my own brother. You have to live with the consequences."

Tie Long narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "If you find the murderer, I don't have to punish you, but if you can't find the murderer, then I can only say sorry, I will decide your life, oh~~ Forget it, your skills seem to have improved a lot, it may be a bit difficult for me to catch you, but don't forget where you live!"

Hearing this, Ye Wentian immediately cooled down, clenched his fists tightly, and the phone in his hand was instantly crushed by his tremendous force, exposing thin lines.

"If you dare to do this, believe it or not, I will completely wipe out your Black Dragon Gang?" Ye Wentian said with a gloomy face, every word.

Seeing Ye Wentian's aura, Tie Long's eyes froze immediately: "You are actually a master in the middle of the yellow rank!"

Ye Wentian was taken aback when he first heard the classification of cultivators in this world, but then put it behind him: "I warn you, don't regret it when the time comes!"

"Hmph~~ I didn't expect you to learn how to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but even if you are a master in the middle of the yellow class, it's like playing in front of me, killing you, don't take my words as wind, I I'll give you a week, and when it expires, you can wait to clean up for your brothers and sisters."

"How dare you!" Ye Wentian roared.

"Dare you, just wait and see!" Tie Long smiled coldly, hung up the phone, and walked out with the three younger brothers.

"Iron dragon!" Ye Wentian roared in hatred, and punched the ultra-thick soundproof glass with all his strength. In an instant, along Ye Wentian's fist, spider webs spread around in the blink of an eye.

Ye Wentian put away his fists, and the ultra-thick soundproof glass in front of him shattered to the ground in an instant. The loud noise attracted the police officers from outside. Seeing the scene in front of them, they all widened their eyes, looking like monsters. Looking at the gloomy Ye Wentian.

(End of this chapter)

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