Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 35 Cause of Death

Chapter 35 Cause of Death
The police officers at the front and rear came to their senses, and quickly pulled out their pistols one by one, pointing their black muzzles at Ye Wentian, and went into a state of full alert.

"What's going on?" Xiao Li walked in at this moment, and when he saw the shattered glass and Ye Wentian standing motionless in the middle, he understood instantly.

"Put down your guns," Xiao Li said.

"What's going on here?" Zhou Xiaotong rushed over after hearing the news.

"Captain, here!" Xiao Li pointed at Ye Wentian and smiled helplessly.

Seeing Ye Wentian's face sinking like water, full of worries, for some reason, Zhou Xiaotong felt that his heart had been stabbed severely.

"Ye Wentian, come here." Zhou Xiaotong's tone was soft, as if he was a different person.

Ye Wentian raised his head, looked at Zhou Xiaotong, remained silent for a while, and jumped over lightly.

"Come with me." Zhou Xiaotong said lightly, then turned and walked out.

Zhou Xiaotong walked very slowly, and finally heaved a sigh of relief seeing Ye Wentian following up.

"Can you tell me what happened just now?" Zhou Xiaotong asked.

"Don't you know?" Ye Wentian frowned and replied unhappily.

"You! Well, I don't care about you today." Zhou Xiaotong paused, seeing Ye Wentian's heavy face, but couldn't get angry: "I really don't know what happened just now. If you tell me, maybe I will can help you out.”

After being silent for a while, Ye Wentian still chose to speak. After all, it is really difficult for him to solve this matter alone. With Zhou Xiaotong, this matter may really be resolved satisfactorily.

"Tie Long came looking for me just now..." Ye Wentian explained in detail what Tie Long was looking for him just now.

"Ye Wentian, don't worry, these days I will send people to keep an eye on the movements of the Black Dragon Gang. Once they take any action, I will notify you as soon as possible. At that time, I will easily eradicate this gang of villains without your hands. tumor." Zhou Xiaotong said seriously.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Ye Wentian said gratefully.

At this moment, it seemed that there was no longer so much hostility between the two of them, and a strange emotion quietly poured into the hearts of the two of them.

"This seems to be the first time I've heard you say thank you to me." Zhou Xiaotong looked at Ye Wentian with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Ye Wentian was taken aback, looked at Zhou Xiaotong and said with a smile: "It seems to be the first time I've seen you look like a lady."

"Hmph~~ Didn't I look like a lady before?" Zhou Xiaotong glared at Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian shook his head, saw Zhou Xiaotong ready to shake his fist, and said with a smile: "You used to be like a heroine!"

"It's more or less the same." Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Zhou Xiaotong's heart was as sweet as honey.

Zhou Xiaotong took Ye Wentian into a basement, extending inside, the temperature gradually dropped, but the change was not very big.

"Officer Zhou..."

"Call me Miss Xiaotong from now on." Zhou Xiaotong said.

Ye Wentian smiled and nodded: "Sister Xiaotong, what I want to ask is, how are the levels of cultivators in this world divided?"

"Don't you know?" Zhou Xiaotong was taken aback, looking at Ye Wentian with a puzzled expression.

"I really don't know about this." Ye Wentian spread his hands and said.

Zhou Xiaotong looked into Ye Wentian's eyes and stared a little, knowing that he had his own secret, otherwise he wouldn't suddenly increase in strength and tend to catch up with her.

"Cultivators on the earth are divided into inner and outer cultivators. Of course, there are also those who practice both internal and external. According to the levels of strong and weak cultivators, they are yellow level, mysterious level, earth level, and heaven level. Each level is divided into Early, mid and late, if I'm not mistaken, you're at mid yellow level right now, and I'm a level above you.

However, the exercises I practice are different from those practitioners. I practice Neijiaquan, which was taught to me by an old senior. When I was dark, I had the strength of the early Xuan level or even the middle Xuan level.Of course, the practitioners in this world are more than that, they are very complicated, and you will definitely come into contact with them when you have the opportunity in the future, and I don’t know much about them now. "Zhou Xiaotong said.

"I see." Ye Wentian nodded: "It seems that your internal boxing is not comparable to ordinary skills."

"Of course, the senior who taught me this set of exercises said that once I can cultivate Neijiaquan to the highest level, then I will have the power of all phenomena to break through the void with one force." Zhou Xiaotong said proudly, but thinking of practicing Neijiaquan The difficulty is unavoidably frustrating: "The difficulty of practicing Neijiaquan is not comparable to that of ordinary exercises."

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, difficulties and hardships depend on each other, sister Xiaotong, you can be content." Ye Wentian laughed.

Before they knew it, the relationship between the two quickly heated up. Zhou Xiaotong looked at Ye Wentian and said with a smile, "Let's go."

"This...isn't this the morgue?" Ye Wentian looked around and said in shock.

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward." Zhou Xiaotong took Ye Wentian's hand and opened a door. Inside, there were several forensic doctors who were still checking the condition of the deceased.

"Captain Zhou." Seeing Zhou Xiaotong coming in, the two forensic doctors greeted each other.

"Any new discoveries?" Zhou Xiaotong asked.

The two forensic doctors looked guilty and shook their heads helplessly.

"It's hard work, you go down and rest." Zhou Xiaotong said.

"Okay." The two nodded, glanced at Ye Wentian, and then walked out.

"Wen Tian, ​​come here and take a look at their wounds, can you think of anything?" Zhou Xiaotong said.

Ye Wentian walked over and looked at the bodies of Tie Nan and the others. They all died with their throats cut, and they were fatally stabbed. Their expressions remained the same, as if they were not frightened. Other wounds on their bodies It was Ye Wentian who left them, but these wounds are not serious.

"It seems that the person who shot was decisive and ruthless, and was able to kill several people at the same time without any reaction. This kind of strength can only be achieved by at least the strength of Huang level or above. The person who shot must be A cultivator." Ye Wentian said.

"You are very right, but this makes it more difficult for our police to solve the case. It is good for ordinary people to say that once practitioners are involved, it is difficult for the police to find out the other party, and even if they are found, they may not be able to catch them. " Zhou Xiaotong said helplessly.

Ye Wentian pondered for a long time, and a thought flashed through his mind, but then he shook it off.

This possibility is very high, but Ye Wentian will not tell Zhou Xiaotong.

"The few of them deserve to die, and they will only harm more people if they live. Sister Xiaotong, I think you should put this case aside. I believe this is what most people in Jiangling City think." Ye Wentian said.

"Why, you want me to cover criminals." Zhou Xiaotong shook his head and said, "Maybe what you said is right, but we are the people's police and must act according to the law. Once we police personnel bend the law for personal gain, then there is no need for us to exist. "

Ye Wentian nodded. He knew what Zhou Xiaotong said was right, but he didn't have to worry. In this case, the perpetrator was clean and tidy. As long as she didn't turn herself in, no one would be able to catch her.

(End of this chapter)

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