Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 36 God-like opponent

Chapter 36 God-like opponent
Zhou Xiaotong felt a headache about this case, and the investigation was fruitless, so he had to walk out with Ye Wentian.

"Sister Xiaotong, can I go out?" Ye Wentian asked.

"No!" Zhou Xiaotong replied immediately.

"Why?" Ye Wentian was a little speechless.

"Let's talk about it in a few days." Seeing Ye Wentian's listless look, Zhou Xiaotong said with a smile: "Seeing that you used to be mean, this is your punishment. You can enjoy it in prison for a few days. I'll let you out in a few days."

"Sister Xiaotong, you are a people's policeman, and you actually use the public as favoritism!" Ye Wentian immediately quit.

"Do I have it? Show me the evidence. Don't forget, you destroyed the valuables of the Yunxi Hotel, and today you also destroyed the public property of the police station. These charges add up, let alone imprison you for a year or so." , I was just going to lock you up for a few days, but you are not satisfied, do you plan to let me lock you up for a year before you are satisfied!" Zhou Xiaotong said proudly.

"Okay, I was wrong, Sister Xiaotong, but it's okay, just lock me up for a few days. It's uncomfortable to live in this cell for a long time. Also, I won't be recorded in the file, will I?" Ye Wentian asked hastily.

"Don't worry, you can sit in your prison with peace of mind." Zhou Xiaotong rolled Ye Wentian's eyes.

Seeing Ye Wentian turn his head three times and finally walked into the door of the cell, Zhou Xiaotong felt strange and empty, as if something was missing.

"Brother, how are you? Are you okay?" Seeing Ye Wentian finally come back, Wang Dazhu and his party rushed over immediately.

"Do you think I seem to have something to do?" Ye Wentian said.

"Hey~~ Big brother is so awesome, there must be nothing wrong, but big brother, there was such a big commotion just now, did something happen?" Ma Tao asked curiously.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that I was upset with that piece of glass and smashed it with a punch." Ye Wentian rubbed his fists and said calmly.

"Glass! Broken! One punch!"

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, the group immediately lost their composure, their eyes were as big as a bull's-eye, looking at Ye Wentian's moderately big fist, it was hard to imagine how powerful this punch was.

"Brother, your fist is really... really powerful!" Fang Cheng touched it curiously.

"Okay, what's so strange." Ye Wentian slapped Fang Cheng's hand off, and then said, "What do you usually do in prison?"

"Most of the time we are working as coolies, working for the police station, and playing cards and basketball in our spare time." A boy replied.

"By the way, big brother, those guys from the Iron Fist Gang are playing basketball, should we join in the fun?" said a younger brother.

"Let's go." Ye Wentian nodded.

A group of people came to the basketball court in a mighty manner, with Ye Wentian leading the way, followed by forty or fifty younger brothers, this pomp and momentum, Ye Wentian felt that it was really special.

Seeing Ye Wentian and his group, Nie Bai caught the basketball in his hand and stopped, showing disdain.

"Boy, do you dare to make gestures with your brother?" Nie Bai had a provocative look on his face.

"White Mouse, you want to make gestures with our boss, but you are not qualified yet, so let's go through our level first."

"Yes, White Mouse, with your three-legged cat's skills, you still want to challenge our boss. It's like lighting a lamp in the toilet—you're courting death!"


"A group of cowards, come with us if you have the guts, what's the use of talking!" a boy from the Iron Fist Gang yelled.

"That's right, your Dazhu gang is a group of sissies who talk but don't practice!"


Seeing the shrews swearing at the two parties, Ye Wentian suddenly felt that there were countless crows flying over his head. It was like nothing. He looked around, but he didn't see the existence of Hu Tiequan.

"Stop!" Wang Dazhu couldn't take it any longer: "Nie Bai, each of us will select five players for half an hour. If the side scores more goals, the side will win, and the side that loses, hehe~~ How about taking off all your clothes and running around the basketball court ten laps? Do you dare to compete?"

"Okay, this is what you said, don't lose the debt when the time comes." Nie Bai smiled triumphantly.

"Who is afraid of whom!" Wang Dazhu said immediately.

The two sides each selected five people, and they were ready. The referee was a guard who was obviously very familiar with them.

As soon as the whistle sounded, Wang Dazhu and Nie Bai immediately jumped up to grab the ball. They were evenly matched and slapped the ball together.

Wang Dazhu moved his right hand, trying to pick the ball to his side, but Nie Bai's strike was faster, he pushed his right hand upwards, and the ball flew again, but the direction was Nie Bai's side.

Seeing that the ball had been taken by his side, Nie Bai immediately became proud and made a contemptuous gesture towards Wang Dazhu.

"Hmph~~ It's just the beginning! You're a fart!" Wang Dazhu glared at Nie Bai, and made a move to guard against Nie Bai.

"Wang Dazhu, you are doomed!" Nie Bai said, moving his feet, ready to rush out of Wang Dazhu's defense.

Wang Dazhu stretched out his hand to block Nie Bai's movement, but Nie Bai turned out to be bluffing.

"Damn it, fake it!" Wang Dazhu cursed.

If a master makes a move, if he misses by a tiny bit, he will make a mistake by a thousand miles.

Seeing the opportunity, Nie Bai immediately rushed out of Wang Dazhu's defense, and shouted at the surrounded younger brother, "Pass the ball!"

Hearing that, the little boy threw the ball towards his crotch. Nie Bai was very fast, caught it, and then stepped hard, over the head of the person in front of him, and threw the ball towards the basket.


"Three points!"

"Good job!" Nie Bai's side immediately boiled up, and each of them moved towards Wang Dazhu's side with disdain.

Playing basketball is not only a skill, but also a test of one's psychological endurance. Nie Bai and the others do this to make Wang Dazhu and the others feel impetuous, so that it will be easier for them to defeat their opponents.

The second time, Wang Dazhu didn't make such a mistake again, Fang Cheng scored a two-pointer, and Nie Bai's side scored another three-pointer...

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, there were only 3 minutes left in the game. At this time, the score difference between the two sides was nine points. Nie Bai and the others won by nine points. If the game continues like this, the chance of Wang Dazhu and the others winning is very small .

Losing means losing face, and running ten laps on the basketball court naked in front of so many people.

Wang Dazhu and the others couldn't afford to lose face. Facing the pressure brought by this gap, their condition became worse and worse.

"Three points!"


The gap widened again, and the difference was already 16 points, and the time was only [-] minutes and [-] seconds.

Wang Dazhu and the others were very anxious, but the state of this side was really terrible, while Nie Bai's side was getting more and more aggressive. If the fight continued like this, there would be only one result, and that would be to lose.


Ye Wentian let out a loud roar, mixed with internal force, which made the hearts of the people around him tremble.

"Wang Dazhu, you all come down, I'll take care of it later." Ye Wentian walked to the basketball court and said lightly.

"It's all over, this kid doesn't want to deal with Nie Bai and the five of them alone, does he?"

"With such a strong tone, I'm not afraid of flashing my waist!"

"Brother, you don't understand this, right? This kid thinks that their side is doomed to lose, and he wants to punish him alone when he wants to wait for the punishment."

"Heh~~ It's a beautiful idea, we don't agree!"


"Brother, you are alone..."

"You all end up, I'm enough alone." Before Wang Dazhu could finish speaking, Ye Wentian waved his hand and said.

"Okay, let's go down." Wang Dazhu couldn't help it. Although he knew that Ye Wentian was very powerful, he didn't dare to imagine that he could beat Nie Bai and the other five by himself.

"This..." Fang Cheng's group looked at Ye Wentian and then at Wang Dazhu, but they couldn't help it. The boss gave an order and had to listen.

"Boy, you have the guts!" Nie Bai laughed.

"I don't like nonsense, let's start!" Ye Wentian said to the referee.

The referee nodded, the whistle blew, and the basketball was thrown up. Looking at the trajectory of the basketball's rise and fall, Ye Wentian's mouth could not help showing a curve.

Nie Bai didn't move, neither did Ye Wentian. In the blink of an eye, the basketball was close to the top of their heads.

At this time, Nie Bai moved, jumping up very fast, followed by Ye Wentian, jumping up even faster, like a rocket, coming from behind.

Before Nie Bai understood what was going on, the basketball that was close at hand had disappeared. Looking intently, Ye Wentian was looking at him with a smile, but Ye Wentian didn't even have a ball in his hand.

"Where did the ball go?" This was a question that flashed across Nie Bai's mind.

"Go in! Three points!"

"Oh~~ Brother, you are awesome!"

"Brother, you are my idol!"

"Brother, accept me as an apprentice!"

"What is this for?"

"In the future, the script will have to be changed: Don't be afraid of teammates who are like pigs, but opponents who are like gods!"


(End of this chapter)

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