Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 363 Father's Love

Chapter 363 Father's Love
A person's soul and body have formed a whole since birth. Once they are separated, there are only two situations; the first is death, and the second is the current situation of middle-aged men, forcibly stripped by external forces. The pain is unimaginable.

Dongfang Ning is only a little reluctant to use this method now, and she can't last long, but she believes that it is enough to deal with the person in front of her.

The middle-aged man only felt that something in his body was about to be forcibly pulled out. The heart-piercing pain was really unimaginable.

Because this is not physical pain, but the torment of the soul!

"Ah~~ I can't take it anymore, don't torture me anymore!" The middle-aged man yelled, and the loud voice was transmitted to a long distance.

"Then we can talk about it now." Dongfang Ning said calmly, but he didn't stop.

"I said I said, please stop! Ah~~" the middle-aged man begged for mercy.

The zhenqi in Dongfang Ning's body was consumed too quickly, and he felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. Hearing that the other party had compromised, he stopped immediately.

"Let's talk." Dongfang Ning said calmly, pretending not to feel uncomfortable at all.

"I... I am a member of the Blood Brake Alliance." The middle-aged man said.

"Blood Brake Alliance!" Dongfang Ning was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, it looks like it should have some strength."

"Our Blood Brake Alliance is known as the world's number one killer organization. There are not a few earth-level powerhouses, and there are many sky-level powerhouses, and the strength of our leader Xie Aotian is even more unfathomable!" said the middle-aged man.

"It really sounds like that!" Dongfang Ning smiled slightly, and continued, "Since you are an assassin organization, who is your employer?"

"I don't know about the employer." The middle-aged man shook his head. Seeing Dongfang Ning's disbelieving eyes, he was taken aback, and quickly said, "I really don't know. Only a few elders know about the employer. Those who perform the task must complete the task, otherwise they will be severely punished, and of course the degree of punishment is also related to their usual credit."

The middle-aged man only said some things, and he would not reveal more things to Dongfang Ning, such as this time the blood brake alliance arranged two killers as usual.

"Where is the Blood Brave Alliance?" Dongfang Ning asked.

"This... this..." The middle-aged man looked at Dongfang Ning weakly, hesitated for a while but still didn't say a word.

"It seems that you want to continue to taste the experience just now." Dongfang Ning said coldly.

"Don't!" The middle-aged man was taken aback. He would rather die than go through the experience just now. It was really inhuman torture.

"Then let's talk about it, stop whining!" Dongfang Ning said.

"Yes yes yes!" The middle-aged man nodded again and again: "The Blood Brave Alliance is on the mountain range where the ancient forest meets the sea."

"It's there!" Dongfang Ning smiled slightly, and then said, "For the sake of what you're telling the truth, I'll give you a happy one."

Hearing Dongfang Ning's words, the middle-aged man finally felt at ease. He had no intention of living any longer. Even if Dongfang Ning let him go, the Blood Brave Alliance would hunt him down from all corners of the world, and in the end he would die.

Dongfang Ning stretched his fingers and spit out, and a burst of energy in the air instantly broke the heart of the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man died immediately.

Looking at the fallen middle-aged man, Dongfang Ning looked indifferent, without the slightest aftermath of the murder, as if he had trampled an ant to death, and then a fireball was thrown on the middle-aged man, instantly destroying it.

When Dongfang Ning returned home, Dongfang Yang was walking back and forth in front of Dongfang Ning's door, like an ant on a hot pot, running around in a hurry!
"Brother, do you want to be so impatient!" Dongfang Ning was speechless to Dongfang Yang.

"Ha~~ Ning'er, you are finally back, hurry up and teach me a few tricks!" Dongfang Yang said flatteringly.

"Forget it, come in." Dongfang Ning was a little speechless, opened the door, and Dongfang Yang followed him in.

In the past, when Dongfang Yang was at home, he would come to Dongfang Ning's room to sit and chat from time to time, but these days, today was the first time he entered Dongfang Ning's room.

"Ning'er, your room seems to be more comfortable and tidy than before." Dongfang Yang carefully looked at the brand-new furniture, and it felt like it was all new. What's more, the air was filled with a very comfortable atmosphere. .

"Okay, let's start!" Dongfang Ning said.

"Okay, okay, let's start." Dongfang Yang nodded again and again, but was stunned for a moment: "Ning'er, how to start? What do I need to do!"

"Today I will open up the meridians of your whole body, and I will talk about teaching martial arts after you get used to it for two days!" Dongfang Ning said.

"This... alright." Dongfang Yang had no choice but to agree, in order not to be afraid that his sister would not even be willing to teach martial arts.

Now Dongfang Yang has not realized the benefits of opening up the meridians of the whole body, so the interest is not high. If those practitioners know that there is such a good thing as opening the meridians of the whole body, they must kowtow to thank them.


Early the next morning, Ye Wentian drove Xuanyuan Xiaoyu to the downstairs of Liu Xin's house instead of going to Xianyun first. After parking the car, Ye Wentian and Xuanyuan Xiaoyu arrived in front of Liu Xin's house together.

Ye Wentian drove Liu Xin here last night, so Liu Xin didn't drive back, so Ye Wentian was going to pick her up early in the morning to see the situation.

Ye Wentian's spiritual consciousness stretched over, and he found that Liu Muhua, the father, was really much better. It seemed that he had figured out a lot of things after being beaten by Ye Wentian last night, and even his knots seemed to be gone.

"Perhaps Liu Muhua is really thinking about it. After all, he is Liu Xin's biological father, and he should be proud of his successful daughter!" Ye Wentian thought of this, and he was also sincerely happy for Liu Xin.

"Daughter, Dad hasn't cooked for a long time, this breakfast is not good, you better not eat it." Liu Muhua looked at the noodles he cooked with some embarrassment. , although I can barely drink it, but I'm afraid I need to drink a little more water today.

"Dad, as long as it's made by you, I like to eat it!" Liu Xin looked at Liu Muhua very moved, no matter whether it was good or not, no matter whether it was poisonous or not, he ate it with big mouthfuls.

For the first time, she really felt her father's love. For so many years, Liu Muhua only beat and scolded her and rolled her eyes. How could she really feel the true father's love like today.

This kind of love is a unique family affection, a bond of blood relationship, which cannot be replaced by other things.

"Dad, this is my bank card. There should be 10,000+ in it. You should pay off those gambling debts. From now on, you can watch TV at home or go for a walk. Don't go to the construction site to talk to those people. Stay together." After eating the noodles, Liu Xin took a sip of water, took out the bank card from his pocket and handed it to Liu Muhua, and told Liu Muhua the password of the bank card.

Liu Muhua was taken aback, looking at his beautiful and sensible daughter, the corners of his eyes couldn't help getting wet, but as a man, he still held back and took the bank card Liu Xin gave him.

(End of this chapter)

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