Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 364 Liu Xin's suitor

Chapter 364 Liu Xin's suitor

Last night, Ye Wentian called Liu Xin 100 million. Liu Xin was in a bad mood, so she hadn't checked the transfer information. She didn't know that there were already more than 100 million in her card, but so much money seemed Still not enough.

Ye Wentian and Xuanyuan Xiaoyu stood downstairs and didn't go up, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was a little puzzled, seeing Ye Wentian's expression made her even more puzzled.

"Wentian, aren't we going up?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu couldn't help but ask.

"No need, let's wait in the car." Ye Wentian looked at Xuanyuan Xiaoyu and smiled, and the two got into the car.

"Dad, I'm leaving. I'll cook you a delicious meal when I come back from shopping in the evening." Liu Xin said.

"Well, good! Be careful on the road." Liu Muhua nodded.

"En." Liu Xin nodded, opened the door with her good things and walked out.

Liu Xin closed the door and stood at the door, the cloud in her heart disappeared, she was in a good mood, she really wanted to stand on a high place, and shouted to the sky to show the joy in her heart.

She knew that if it wasn't for Ye Wentian, she might never have enjoyed her father's love and the warmth of home that many people have.

After drying the corners of her eyes and calming down her mood, Liu Xin walked downstairs. Just as she went downstairs, she saw a familiar Bentley not far away, and then the doors and windows opened, revealing two familiar faces.

"Sister Xin, get in the car!" Ye Wentian looked at Liu Xin and smiled slightly.

"En." Liu Xin looked at Ye Wentian gratefully and nodded. If Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was not present, she would really like to embrace Ye Wentian's arms at this moment, leaning on his chest, quietly Quietly listened to his heart.

Liu Xin got in the car and said hello to Xuanyuan Xiaoyu. They didn't talk much because there was only one reason, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, the light bulb, was present.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyu also found out the embarrassment in this, because Liu Xin obviously had a lot to say to Ye Wentian, but because of her presence, she had no choice but to hold back, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Soon, the car arrived at Xianyun, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu got out of the car first, bid farewell to the two, and then entered Xianyun, leaving Ye Wentian and Liu Xin in the parking lot.

Without Xuanyuan Xiaoyu present, Liu Xin relaxed physically and mentally, and her affection for Ye Wentian gradually increased. The two of them didn't speak for a while, and looked at each other.

In fact, Ye Wentian only regards Liu Xin as an older sister, and has no extra thoughts, but Liu Xin's love for Ye Wentian is gradually deepening.

"Sister Xin, congratulations!" Ye Wentian looked at Liu Xin and smiled slightly.

"Thank you, God!" Liu Xin said gratefully.

"Why do we need to talk about the word thank you, well, I'm leaving too, goodbye, call me if you have anything to do." Ye Wentian said.

"Wentian." As soon as Ye Wentian turned around, Liu Xin immediately stopped Ye Wentian.

"What's wrong?" Ye Wentian came back to his senses and asked.

At this time, Liu Xin had already run over quickly, and threw herself into Ye Wentian's arms.

Feeling the softness of Liu Xin's body and the frequency of her heartbeat, Ye Wentian was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do, and then thinking about how to minimize the damage to this kind of thing.

Ye Wentian stretched out his hand to gently hug Liu Xin, feeling the warmth from Ye Wentian's hands, Liu Xin felt much more comfortable in his heart, listening to Ye Wentian's heartbeat quietly, smelling Ye Wentian's heartbeat. With the unique and fresh breath on her body, she really wanted to just hug the man in front of her forever like this, and never separate.

"Sister Xin, someone is here." Ye Wentian sensed a large number of black Audi cars approaching, and quickly patted Liu Xin on the shoulder.

Although Liu Xin was reluctant, she had no choice but to let go of Ye Wentian.The two had just separated when the black Audi drove in.

The driver was a rather handsome, handsome and sunny man. He was not very old, and looked younger than Liu Xin. Seeing Ye Wentian and Liu Xin in the president's private parking space was nothing at first, but seeing Liu Xin Xin's hand was still on Ye Wentian's, and he almost accidentally bumped the car into a thick pillar, but fortunately, his speed was relatively slow and his reaction was timely, so no tragedy happened.

"Sister Xin, who is he?" Ye Wentian looked at the young man thoughtfully.

"His name is Xin Fangping, he is my deputy, and he is capable." Liu Xin said.

"Oh, that's it!" Ye Wentian nodded, and continued: "Okay, sister Xin, I really have to go, goodbye."

"By the way, are you free tonight?" Liu Xin asked quickly.

"There should be, but I'm not sure." Ye Wentian said.

"I want to invite you to my house for dinner, is that okay?" Liu Xin looked at Ye Wentian expectantly.

"Okay." Ye Wentian nodded: "But we have to see if there is time. You know, I have a lot of personnel."

Ye Wentian looked at Liu Xin and smiled, and then drove away. His spiritual sense sensed that the young man in the black Audi car not far away was obviously a little restless, perhaps more precisely, he was a little jealous.

At this moment, the young man named Xin Fangping had obviously parked the car, but he had no intention of getting down, and was quietly watching the two of them with the rearview mirror, almost like a thief.

"It seems that someone is secretly pursuing Sister Xin, but it seems that this kid is still young and tender!" Ye Wentian was still very happy for Liu Xin, after all, he had to think about Liu Xin's lifelong affairs.

After thinking about it, Ye Wentian took out his mobile phone while driving, found Qin Guohua's number and dialed it.

"Young Master Ye, do you need my help for calling me so early in the morning?" Qin Guohua's hearty voice came from the phone.

"Captain Qin, just ask me to ask for help. I do need your help today, but it's not a big deal." Ye Wentian said.

"Oh, Wentian, come and listen to me." Qin Guohua said.

"It's like this. I want to investigate a person's information. He is currently working in Xianyun, and his name is Xin Fangping." Ye Wentian said.

"Oh, Xianyun's worker, okay, just wait a while!" Qin Guohua said and searched immediately. Since the scope was determined, Xianyun only had one person named Xin Fangping, so he searched in less than a minute. Arrived at Xin Fangping's relevant information.

"Wentian, I'll send you Xin Fangping's information." Qin Guohua said.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Ye Wentian said.

"Wentian, if you say that, you're outrageous." Qin Guohua smiled, and then said: "However, Wentian, this information will be deleted after reading it, and it cannot be leaked at will."


After the two chatted, they hung up the phone, and soon Ye Wentian received the information from Qin Guohua, glanced at it with his spiritual sense, fully understood the information about Xin Fangping, and then deleted it.

Xin Fangping's family background is ordinary, he was born in an ordinary family in Yanjing, thanks to his hard work, he went to Yanjing University, he is the junior of Liu Xin and Xuanyuan Xiaoyu...

Seeing these materials, Ye Wentian had a general understanding of Xin Fangping, and he felt pretty good. If his character was good, Ye Wentian really planned to match the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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