Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 386 Beaten

Chapter 386 Beaten
"Chu Guanzhong!" Xiao Yuxin and Wang Hu were taken aback at the same time, Ye Xue looked around, wondering, "Who is Chu Guanzhong?"

"Student in high school, just sit next to me during the college entrance examination." Ye Wentian smiled meaningfully.

"Brother Tian, ​​I think Chu Guanzhong must have relied on your blessing to perform at a super-level in the college entrance examination." Wang Hu looked at Ye Wentian and smiled, and then said: "But what is Chu Guanzhong doing here? Could it be because he can't get a part-time job?"

"Well, it looks like this." Ye Wentian nodded: "Let's go to the sixth floor."

A good sound insulation layer is set between the sixth and seventh floors to facilitate the office environment on the sixth floor.

Ye Wentian and his team came to the sixth floor. This floor is where the employees work and the deputy manager works. The environment is elegant and the air is very good. There are many potted plants inside to purify the air and improve the air quality. The feeling of being in nature, obviously, the designer has spent a lot of effort here.

There were also two security guards at the entrance of the elevator, and their skills were even stronger, already at the level of the yellow class. When they saw Ye Wentian and his party, they were stunned for a while, and then frowned.

"Guys, who are you?" The two security guards didn't ask why the security guards downstairs let Ye Wentian come up, but immediately blocked the way of Ye Wentian and his party.

Seeing the vigilance of the two security guards, Ye Wentian nodded secretly.

"Well, now that I'm here, it seems like I can't hide my identity anymore." Ye Wentian glanced at Ye Xue with a smile, then took out a diamond card and handed it to one of the security guards: "You guys check Let's go.

The security guard took a glance at the diamond card, frowned slightly, looked at Ye Wentian in surprise, and immediately notified Ye Wentian to verify the authenticity of Ye Wentian's identity. Respectfully handed the diamond card to Ye Wentian with both hands.

"Hello President!" The security guard gave Ye Wentian a military salute.

"Hello President!" The other security guard was taken aback when he saw this, but he also saluted Ye Wentian in an instant.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Ye Wentian returned a military salute to the two of them.

"President, this is what we should do." The two security guards replied at the same time.

Ye Wentian looked at the two of them and smiled slightly. After thinking for a while, he couldn't help asking: "You two uncles, it seems that you have good skills, why did you choose to retire?"

"President, I don't think you know. Although our skills are good, and our official rank is not low, but we have survived in the hail of bullets for a long time, and one day we will die because of it. In the past, we were young and energetic, and maybe we were not afraid of death, but since After getting married and having children, as a father, we must choose to live well, because we shoulder a due responsibility, for the happiness of the family, we cannot sacrifice, and retiring is the best choice. A few days ago I heard that Wentian Pharmaceutical is recruiting security guards, and the salary is good, so I came here to work as a security guard." One of the security guards said.

"Well, Liu Gang and I have the same thoughts." Another security guard said.

"Brother Chen, Brother Liu, who are they?" At this time, a man and a woman walked over. The man was a bit fat and had a big belly. The woman was wearing a professional suit, very capable and sexy, holding a document in her hand, like The secretary of the middle-aged man was the woman who spoke just now.

"Manager Guo, Secretary Liu, this is..." Liu Gang pointed at Ye Wentian, and was about to introduce him, but was interrupted by the middle-aged man.

"Let me guess!" The middle-aged man glanced at the special staircase, turned his head, looked at Ye Wentian and smiled slightly, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and then stretched out his hands towards Ye Wentian, his face full of enthusiasm Said: "President, I have seen you Guo Xiaodong."

Hearing Guo Xiaodong's words, everyone was taken aback. Ye Wentian looked at Guo Xiaodong with many thoughts flashing through his eyes.

"President!" Hearing Guo Xiaodong's address to Ye Wentian, Liu Yun looked at Ye Wentian with sparkle in his eyes.

"Manager Guo, I'm very curious. How did you know that I am the president of Xianyun?" Hearing Liu Yun's surprised voice, Ye Wentian looked at Liu Yun with a slight smile, nodded, and said hello. Looking at Guo Xiaodong.

"President, in fact, don't think that I am so smart. Not long ago, I was a sales manager under Xiao Dong's subordinates. Although my performance was not the best, I still had some experience and insights over the years. Director Xiao heard that Wentian Pharmaceuticals is planning to develop in Yanjing and urgently needs people, so he recommended to Manager Wang that I be appointed as the branch manager of Wentian Pharmaceuticals." Guo Xiaodong said slightly.

"Oh, that's how it is. Unexpectedly, Uncle Guo is still an effective leader of Uncle Xiao. In the future, with the joint efforts of Uncle Guo and all the employees in Wentian Pharmaceutical, I believe that we will soon promote Wentian Pharmaceutical to the world. "Ye Wentian held Guo Xiaodong's hands tightly, feeling a little excited. Of course, this excitement was not only because of Guo Xiaodong, but also because Xiao Yuquan had done him such a big favor.

After all, Wentian Pharmaceutical has just started. Although the momentum is fierce, the experience is still insufficient. Many things need experienced people to lead and command, otherwise Wentian Pharmaceutical will not be able to develop steadily and safely.

"President, I have been looking forward to meeting you in person. Although I have been prepared for a long time, my heart was shocked to the point where I saw it today. It is hard to imagine that the president created a company like Wentian Pharmaceutical at such a young age. Big company!" Guo Xiaodong said excitedly.

"Uncle Guo, you can call me Wentian from now on, what kind of president and president, it's too much." Ye Wentian looked at Guo Xiaodong and smiled, and then said: "Actually, I am only suitable for being a hands-off shopkeeper. I have a terrible headache for things like this, you just need to discuss with Uncle Wang and the others about important matters, I believe Uncle Wang should have explained what I mean."

Guo Xiaodong looked at Ye Wentian meaningfully, and nodded: "Boss... oh, Wentian, you are a person who does big things, so naturally you don't have to do these management matters yourself. We get the company's salary, so naturally we have to do our best for the company. Do things, ask God, you can rest assured."

"I believe in Uncle Guo's ability." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

Several people chatted for a while, Liu Yun stood quietly and listened, at this time Guo Xiaodong suddenly remembered something, and said quickly: "Wentian, look at me, I was so happy that I forgot, something happened downstairs .”

"Ah... yes, President, Manager Guo, it's all my fault. Seeing you coming, President, I forgot all of a sudden." Hearing Guo Xiaodong's words, Liu Yun also reacted.

"Something happened?" Ye Wentian frowned slightly, and glanced away with his spiritual sense, he glanced at Dongfang Ging: "Something really happened."

At this moment, Chu Guanzhong, who had come downstairs not long ago, was lying on the ground, kicked by two dog legs, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, his body was covered with scars, curled up, enduring the beatings of the two.

(End of this chapter)

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