Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 387 Kneeling in Public

Chapter 387 Kneeling in Public
Sensing what happened below, Ye Wentian frowned. Those people were so rampant, they bullied a group of ordinary people just because they were cultivators.

In the lobby on the first floor, a dozen or so security guards had already been knocked to the ground, broken bones or passed out. Although the ones who beat Chu Guanzhong were two ordinary people, the series of beatings inevitably left the thin and weak Chu Guanzhong with bruises all over his body.

Looking at the situation, Ye Wentian knew that this matter might have something to do with Lin Yao, because the group of leading young people were looking at Lin Yao with triumphant smiles.

"Let's go down." Ye Wentian said, opened the elevator, and a group of people went downstairs quickly. When they reached the first floor, the elevator stopped and opened, and Ye Wentian and his group came out.

"What's going on?" Ye Wentian had just stepped out of the elevator when a voice came from not far away.

Ye Wentian followed the reputation, and the person who spoke was a middle-aged security guard, who was about the same age as Liu Gang and Chen Long, but his strength was stronger, and the blood in this person was somewhat similar to Ye Wentian.

"I didn't expect it to be from my Ye family." Ye Wentian was slightly taken aback.

"What's going on? Heh~~ You tell him what's going on?" A man next to the young man pointed to a younger brother and said.

"Okay, sir." The younger brother nodded at the young man's order, turned his head to look at the security guard and said domineeringly: "Tell you, these people don't know the rules, so we will help you with this bullshit pharmaceutical industry." Let’s teach our subordinates a lesson, how about it, we are very kind!”

"Isn't it too much for you to do this?" Hearing what the younger brother said, the security guard frowned.

"Too much? Hehe~~Are we too much?" The younger brother smiled disdainfully.

The security guard clenched his fist, wanting to beat up the guys in front of him, he turned to look at the security guard beside him and said, "Did you call the police?"

"The police have been called, and the ambulance will arrive immediately." Another security guard said.

"Call the police! Hey~~ Do you think it's useful?" one of the young men said.

"We are members of the Ling family, do you think calling the police is useful for us?" the younger brother said triumphantly.

"Ling's family!" Hearing the word Ling's family, the security guard was also surprised. He didn't expect that Wentian Pharmaceutical had only opened for a few days, and people from the Ling's family came to the door. This is not a good thing.

The security guard knew that Ye Wentian, the third son of his family, had offended the Ling family, and guessed that it was probably because of Ye Wentian that the Ling family came to make trouble today, and he became worried about the future development of Wentian Pharmaceutical.

"Why? I'm scared." The other younger brother was good at observing words and expressions, saw the security guard's expression, and said immediately, "If you're afraid, it's right. If you offend our Ling family, this shitty pharmaceutical company will be closed tomorrow."

"Close the door! What did you say?" At this moment, Ye Wentian's voice came out.

"That's what I said, what's the matter?" Xun Sheng said disdainfully when he saw Ye Wentian.

"Then I'm sorry, today you have to apologize to Wentian Pharmaceutical, otherwise, I will let you people know what not to mess with!" Ye Wentian's eyes froze, and a cold light radiated from his eyes.

The people on the opposite side saw Ye Wentian's eyes and their hearts trembled. Even the young man with the highest cultivation level was surprised, but he didn't regard Ye Wentian as his opponent.

Lin Yao hugged the injured and weak Chu Guanzhong, her eyes were full of concern, seeing the imposing Ye Wentian at this moment, her heart was shocked.

"My lord!" Seeing Ye Wentian, the security guard was overjoyed and quickly walked over from the opposite side.

"Hello, Uncle Ye," Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"My lord knows me?" Ye Rongcheng asked in surprise.

"Uncle Ye, don't you have your identity on your body?" Ye Wentian pointed to the work card hanging on Ye Rongcheng's chest, cleverly avoiding the real answer.

"Oh, yes, I actually forgot." Ye Rongcheng smiled awkwardly.

"Uncle Ye, let's talk later." Ye Wentian nodded towards Ye Rongcheng, and then walked to Ling's house.

"If my guess is correct, you are Ye Wentian, right?" said the young man in the lead.

"You guessed right, I am Ye Wentian, and Wentian Pharmaceutical is my business!" Ye Wentian said seriously.

"Hehe~~ This really surprised me, but your achievements are nothing more than that. Compared to me, you are inferior to this!" The young man stretched out his little finger and looked at Ye Wentian contemptuously.

"You seem to like talking about your dog's paw!" Ye Wentian laughed jokingly.

"Hmph~~Ye family kid, if you dare to insult the second genius of our hidden Ling family, you just wait to be beaten into a cripple!" Another young man looked at Ye Wentian and said angrily.

"Really?" Ye Wentian smiled slightly: "I don't think so that you have this ability, oh, don't forget, you are the second, not the first, don't come out to embarrass yourself, okay?"

"Ye Wentian, I wasn't going to trouble you today, but since you insist on courting death, you can't blame me. Remember, my name is Ling Yunzhi. Except for Ling Xuerou, there is no one in the entire Ling family who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me. It is your blessing that I beat you into a cripple today!" Ling Yunzhi looked at Ye Wentian and smiled coldly.

"Uh..." Hearing Ling Yunzhi's words, Ye Wentian almost rolled his eyes. Being beaten emotionally can also be called a blessing.

"I said the surname is Ling, is your brain sick? Is it a great honor for me to depose you today?" Ye Wentian laughed jokingly.

"Hmph~~ That depends on your ability!" Ling Yun's eyes were fixed, his feet moved lightly, and he had just gathered some strength to punch Ye Wentian, but in an instant, he felt his legs go numb, and then, in Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ling Yunzhi did an incredible thing.

"I'll go! What's the situation? Why did this arrogant young master of the Ling family kneel down to this young master!"

"Brother, what's the situation? It's popular for rich sons to kneel down these days!"

"Who knows if the arrogant young master of the Ling family was frightened by the domineering young master of the Ye family." "Hurry up and take a picture of this scene, it's a big news, maybe you can sell it for a fortune today. "Someone whispered cleverly.


"Fuck me, what's going on here?" Everyone in the Ling family was dumbfounded, just now Ling Yunzhi was planning to teach Ye Wentian a lesson, why did Ye Wentian kneel down all of a sudden? Science!
"Ah~~ I said that the second genius of the Ling family, what are you doing! Could it be that you admit that I am the first genius, or that you have a deep understanding of your mistakes and apologized to me. Actually, you Sincerely say a word of humility, just give my employees a million dollars, I am easy to talk..." The corner of Ye Wentian's mouth curled up, pretending to be very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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