Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 409 memory, cherish

Chapter 409 memory, cherish

Qin Guohua didn't expect such a thing to happen, and felt that it was a bit tricky. After all, these people died under his nose, and more importantly, not one died.

"Who is the other party?" Ye Wentian asked.

"It's a small criminal gang, but the organization behind them is one of the underground tycoons in H City, the Wild Wolf." Qin Guohua said.

"Dire Wolf!" Hearing this familiar name again, Ye Wentian's eyes were fixed, and a trace of gloom flashed: "How is the strength of the Dire Wolf organization?"

"Very strong! Our people don't know the specific strength of the gang of Dire Wolf. City H is huge, the water is deep, and there are many undercurrents. It is difficult for our people to penetrate into it." Qin Guohua said.

"Oh." Ye Wentian nodded, paused, and then said, "Brother Qin, what do you need me to do?"

"No, I'm just telling you the situation here, and find someone to complain to, you won't blame me, will you?" Qin Guohua smiled wryly.

"Hehe~~ It's rare that Brother Qin thinks of me. I'm very happy to hear your complaint, but it's not a complaint. It makes me understand the situation in City H more clearly." Ye Wentian smiled.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, goodbye!" Qin Guohua said and hung up the phone.

Ye Wentian hung up the phone, when the phone rang again, and it was Dongfang Ning calling.

"It seems that there will be another questioning." Ye Wentian shook his head with a wry smile, and quickly connected the phone.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you okay?" To Ye Wentian's surprise, Dongfang Ning's first sentence was not an interrogation, but an expression of concern for Ye Wentian.

Hearing Dongfang Ning's words, Ye Wen's heart warmed up: "Ning'er, don't you know what Brother Tian is capable of? How can those little bastards be my opponents."

"That's good." After a pause, Dongfang Ning continued, "I'll be right back, let's have lunch later."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the school gate." Ye Wentian said warmly.

"En." Dongfang Ning responded softly, then hung up the phone.

Soon, Dongfang Ning arrived at the school by car alone, saw Ye Wentian, and threw herself into Ye Wentian's arms.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wentian looked at Dongfang Ning suspiciously, feeling that Dongfang Ning's expression was a little weird, which was quite different from his usual behavior, which made it difficult for him to adapt, thinking that Dongfang Ning in front of him was pretending to be another person.

"Brother Tian, ​​have you met someone from the Yamaguchi-gumi?" Dongfang Ning asked.

"Yes." Ye Wentian nodded, seeing Dongfang staring at himself, Ye Wentian immediately knew the whole story, and Dongfang Ning was afraid that he would think of sad things, so he came to comfort himself, and he didn't understand. Dongfang Ning was grateful for a while.

"Ning'er, let's go eat." Ye Wentian took Dongfang Ning's hand and walked towards the hotel ahead.

The two chose a small box, which was more romantic and quiet.

"Ning'er, what do you want to eat?" Ye Wentian asked.

Dongfang Ning looked at the menu, turned page after page, shook her head, looked at Ye Wentian and said, "I want to eat your cooking."

"This... okay." Ye Wentian took the menu in Dongfang Ning's hand and returned it to the waiter, "Take me to your kitchen."

"Young master Ye, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. No one else is allowed to enter or leave the kitchen." The waiter wondered.

"Ning'er, why don't we go to the cafeteria and I'll make it for you." Ye Wentian didn't want to embarrass the waiter, after all, he was just a part-time worker.

"Forget it, brother Tian, ​​anyway, it will be a long time, so just order two dishes at random, it's up to you to decide." Dongfang Ning said.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded, ordered two dishes and one soup, and all the dishes were served soon.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you going to seek revenge from the Yamaguchi-gumi?" Dongfang Ning asked suddenly after the two had almost eaten.

"Revenge must be avenged, but don't rush it for a while, you don't have to worry about me doing something stupid." Ye Wentian took a bite of food for Dongfang Ning.

"That's good." Dongfang Ning felt relieved, paused for a while, but couldn't help but ask, "How about Guan Xinling?"

"She is out of danger, but I still have to heal her." Ye Wentian said.

"If you need my help, come to me." Dongfang Ning said, put down her chopsticks, and spread her palms. There was a small bottle with a light blue liquid in her palms.

"This is holy water!" Ye Wentian was startled, but Dongfang Ning was willing to take out the holy water to treat Guan Xinling.

With the holy water, Ye Wentian believed that coupled with the catalysis of the original divine power, Guan Xinling's injury would heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this time Guan Xinling would be blessed by misfortune. Under the joint transformation of the holy water and the original divine power, It was difficult for Guan Xinling's strength to improve.

"I don't have much holy water essence, and I haven't used it in normal times. This time, I've spent a lot of money. The holy water in it has been diluted by me, so I can give it to her directly, but I need your help. After all, this It is the essence of holy water, even if the energy is diluted, it is not so big." Dongfang Ning said.

"Well, I know." Ye Wentian nodded, took the small bottle and put it away.

The two of them finished their lunch and walked quietly on the tree-lined path in the campus holding hands. The students passing by looked at the two handsome men and beautiful women, and all of them envied and hated them.

Passing by a meadow, Ye Wentian held Dongfang Ning's hand and stopped, hiding under the shade of a tree. The two lay quietly on the grass, Dongfang Ning leaning against Ye Wentian's chest. The hearts are closely connected, there is me in you and you in me, enjoying the rare warmth of this moment.

The wind is gentle; the grass is soft; the sun is warm.

After a little silence, Ye Wentian broke the tranquility of this moment, and began to tell what Zhou Xin said to him in the morning.

Dongfang Ning leaned against Ye Wentian's chest, her pair of shining bright eyes moved slightly, blinked her beautiful eyes, and quietly listened to Ye Wentian's words.

It wasn't until Ye Wentian finished speaking that Dongfang Ning raised her head and hugged Ye Wentian's neck, her charming and tender face was pressed against Ye Wentian's.

"Brother Zhou can understand that the person he loves the most is considered to have completed his merits and virtues. Sister Ye Yu has paid so much for him and finally obtained her own happiness. We should bless them well." Dongfang Ning said slightly.

"Yes, we should bless them." Ye Wentian nodded, looking at the blue sky, unconsciously, his mood improved further.

"Some people are just a memory; while others need to be cherished!"

Ye Wentian turned her head, looked at Dongfang Ning's glamorous face, and gently pressed it against it. Dongfang Ning felt that the relationship between the two of them was getting closer invisibly at this moment. The unhappiness also passed away quietly because of Ye Wentian's last sentence.

Yes, some people are just a memory after all; while some people need to cherish it, because the opportunity is never to be missed, and the time will never come again!
If you miss it, you may be hurt forever!
(End of this chapter)

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