Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 410 Doomed to Miss

Chapter 410 Doomed to Miss

"Xuerou, are you feeling alright with the military training these days?" A voice from afar reached the ears of Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning, breaking their good relationship.

Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning frowned at the same time, annoyed at the guy who disturbed them.

"What's the matter, Xuerou." Suddenly, the young man who was talking stopped, and followed Ling Xuerou's gaze in surprise. After a while, he yelled in his heart: "How could I meet this evil star!"

Ever since Zhao Guiyang learned that Ye Wentian was more capable than his uncle Zhao Yu, he had no intention of taking revenge on Ye Wentian, because there was no match for Ye Wentian below the heavenly level, and Heaven-level masters generally don't move out easily, especially in Yanjing, where there are Yanhuang warriors guarding, which sky-level powerhouse with no eyesight dares to be presumptuous here.

"Ning'er, it seems that we can't afford to think about the two-person world, let's go." Ye Wentian stretched out his hand and pulled Dongfang Ning up.

"En." Dongfang Ning glanced at Ling Xuerou, then looked at Ye Wentian and nodded.

Looking at Ling Xuerou's eyes, Zhao Guiyang felt a little strange, he actually felt a trace of nostalgia in Ling Xuerou's eyes.

"Brother Tian!" Seeing the backs of Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning preparing to leave, Ling Xuerou finally couldn't help but yelled out.

Hearing Ling Xuerou's yell, Ye Wentian's heart trembled, and his raised footsteps stopped, his thoughts inadvertently recalled the unforgettable and innocent memory of the two of them when they were children.

Dongfang Ning held Ye Wentian's hand tightly, and gave Ye Wentian a sweet smile.

Ye Wentian lightly touched Dongfang Ning's face, Dongfang Ning at this moment made Ye Wentian feel more at ease, less fierce than before, and became more caring.

"Is there something wrong?" Ye Wentian turned his head and looked at Ling Xuerou who had changed greatly both in appearance and temperament.

"How have you been all these years?" Ling Xuerou asked softly.

"It's not bad, especially now, with Ning'er by my side, I'm very satisfied." Ye Wentian said.

"Then... that's good." A sense of loss flashed across Ling Xuerou's eyes, as if something precious had been lost, but her complexion was still the same, always with a hint of coldness, a look of refusal to be thousands of miles away a feeling of.

"If there is nothing else, then I will leave." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he turned around and took Dongfang Ning's hand and walked into the distance.

Looking at the backs of the two, Ling Xuerou felt a twinge of pain in her heart, and inadvertently recalled the scene when the two were parting again in her mind:
"Brother Tian, ​​I will marry you when I grow up, okay?" A little girl in seven or eight years old, with a pair of sparkling eyes, is extremely cute, looking at the boy who is about her age in front of her, Said very seriously.

"You are so ugly, and you often have a runny nose. I don't like you. You wouldn't even take it if you gave it to me." The little man turned his little head to one side, with a look of indifference.

"Xuerou, we should go!" At this moment, a young couple walked over and looked at the little girl in front of them lovingly.

"Brother Tian, ​​I've identified you in this life!" The little girl said solemnly, and before the little boy could react, she smacked, and the two's little mouths separated instantly when they touched each other.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is my first kiss! I'm leaving, remember to think of me, when we grow up, Xuerou will be your most beautiful bride!" The little girl blushed and ran to the place. Beside a young couple, they made faces at the little boy.

The little boy stared blankly at the little girl who was drifting away. At this moment, he was completely stunned. He never imagined that the little girl who had lived with him for eight years would suddenly disappear from his life one day. .

"Xuerou, don't go! Don't leave me~~don't~~" the little boy shouted hoarsely, but the car carrying the little girl had already disappeared from his sight...

That period of time is so unforgettable, but everything can't go back to the past.Originally, when she came back, she planned to find Ye Wentian. If she could, she would marry the brother Tian whom she had secretly promised, but now, everything has changed!

Ling Xuerou felt a coldness rushing all over her body, that chilly air was hitting her heart, Ling Xuerou's eyes turned cold, she clenched her fists tightly, trying to force out that chilly air, but it was inevitable that it would cause a burst of blood Not smooth.

"Xuerou, you just now..." Seeing what happened to Ling Xuerou just now, Zhao Guiyang broke into a cold sweat, because he knew that Ling Xuerou almost lost his temper just now, but fortunately Ling Xuerou was strong and strong-willed, so he forcibly restrained himself Devil.

"Let's go, find a woman you can love, don't waste time on me, in this life, I have nothing but martial arts." Ling Xuerou said lightly, turned and left quickly.

"Brother Tian, ​​it can be seen that that Ling Xuerou still has affection for you." After a long time, Dongfang Ning couldn't help but speak.

"The past is in the past, she and I are destined to miss each other." Ye Wentian shook his head.Although he didn't know what Ling Xuerou had experienced in these years, he felt that she was no longer the one he liked.

"Brother Tian, ​​no matter what, Ning'er will always be by your side to support you and be your most solid backing." Dongfang Ning said seriously.

"It's enough to have your words." Ye Wentian scratched Dongfang Ning's small nose, and Dongfang Ning wrinkled Xiaoqiong's nose cutely. The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.


"Do you want to pursue beautiful girls? Do you want to attract handsome boys? Do you want to become a god from a dick? Now, why are you hesitating, hurry up and join our Charming music club!"


Not far ahead, some club recruitment advertisements have appeared, and those seniors are trying their best to promote their clubs, hoping to win more people to join them.

"Young Master Ye, seeing how good your body is, why don't you join our basketball club? I believe that with the joining of Young Master Ye, our basketball club will shine immediately and defeat the invincible opponents in the world." At this time, a second-year senior ran He came over and wanted Ye Wentian to join their basketball club with sweet talk.

"Go, go, what's so good about the basketball club? If you want to join Ye Gongzi, you also join our martial arts club, and our martial arts club also welcomes girls. If Dongfang Xuemei joins our martial arts club, not only can you develop a more perfect and moving figure, but also in the martial arts club. This year's martial arts competition may even shine brightly and become the focus of national fame."


The two argued endlessly and then someone came to invite him and Dongfang Ning. Both Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning had to wave their hands, rejecting their kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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