Chapter 41
Thinking of Xiao Yuxin's affectionate eyes, Ye Wentian couldn't help but feel warm, but he still couldn't figure out why from the first time the two met, he felt that Xiao Yuxin looked at him differently, and he thought about it carefully , still can't figure it out, because he felt that he had never seen her before.

For the next two days, Ye Wentian and Wang Dazhu and his team played basketball and chatted endlessly, but after discovering that there was a small library in the prison, Ye Wentian seemed to be possessed by a demon, and spent the whole day Stay in the library and gnaw at the knowledge in the books.

There are four or five computers in the library, but they are generally not used by anyone, because except for the computer of the administrator who is connected to the Internet, there are books in the other computers, and there are very few books with colors. The content described in the color book is also very conservative, so most people choose to stay away from the library directly, but there are still some people who read books and study here seriously, supplement their brain nutrition, and prepare to show off after going out.

On the third night in the prison, Ye Wentian ran into the library just after eating, when he saw a familiar figure.

"Hu Tiequan!" Ye Wentian was taken aback, a little surprised.

Hu Tiequan's ears were very sensitive. Although Ye Wentian's voice was very low, the library itself was not big, so he could still hear it.

Hu Tiequan turned his head, glanced at Ye Wentian, his expression did not change at all, and continued to look at his book.

Ye Wentian didn't bother him, and went to the place where he read before and continued to read his books.

The books that Ye Wentian read are basically related to medicines and plants, which are conducive to his further understanding of medicine.

Some things are quite esoteric, Ye Wentian chooses to memorize them forcibly and prepare to digest these knowledge later.

Ye Wentian's reading speed is very fast, and it only takes two to three seconds to memorize a page of [-] to [-] words. Therefore, in the library, he is basically flipping through books. This phenomenon has attracted many people. Few people pay attention to him, but basically everyone in the prison knows him, knowing that he is a new generation of big brothers in the prison, and they are a little timid, so no one dares to strike up a conversation.

Who knows what kind of personality the harmless kid in front of him has, maybe it would be a bad idea to make him a crippled man.

It was nearly midnight, the moon was rising high, and there was a slight cold wind in the library. At this time, the human body's immunity was greatly reduced, and the ability to keep out the cold was weakened. Some people had already chosen to leave for sleep, even the librarian.

There are surveillance videos in the library, so I am not afraid of someone stealing books.

At one o'clock in the morning, there was no other sound in the entire library except for the sound of flipping books quickly.

Two young people, as if in a competition, to see who can stay up all night longer and have more endurance than who.

After another hour flew by, Hu Tiequan put down the book and walked to the place where the sound of turning the pages came from. When he saw Ye Wentian under the bookshelf, he was taken aback for a moment.

At this time, Ye Wentian was sitting on a book, and there were three small piles of books neatly placed in front of him, two piles each had seven or eight books, and there was a thick medical book left on the other pile.

Hu Tiequan didn't disturb Ye Wentian, just watched quietly.Ye Wentian is like a book-turning machine, turning a page rhythmically every two or three seconds. Hu Tiequan has to admire this memory ability.

Noticing the look in Ye Wentian's eyes from time to time, Hu Tiequan knew that Ye Wentian was a genius-level figure, which further confirmed that he was not boringly flipping through books.

Hu Tiequan stood for an entire hour. Finally, Ye Wentian finished reading the thick medical book in his hand, and was about to pick up the last medical book. Feeling someone watching him, Ye Wentian's outstretched hand froze. , and then looked up, seeing that it was Hu Tiequan, the corners of his mouth were slightly opened, and he smiled friendly.

"Is something wrong? Ye Wentian asked.

"I can't believe it, I want to test you." Hu Tiequan had a rare smile on his face.

"You look much more handsome when you smile." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"That's right!" Hu Tiequan shook his head with a sad expression, but then he put it behind him: "I don't know how long I haven't laughed."

Ye Wentian stared at Hu Tiequan, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Hu Tiequan picked up a book at random, opened it, read a sentence, and asked Ye Wentian to say the next sentence.

Ye Wentian blurted out without thinking, as if he had read it a hundred times.

Hu Tiequan didn't believe in evil, and took out a book again, and this book was pressed at the bottom. It was obviously the book Ye Wentian read first. This time, Hu Tiequan didn't say anything, but asked Ye Wen directly. The first few sentences of a certain page of the day.

Ye Wentian was full of confidence, his thoughts turned quickly, and he answered quickly in an instant.

"How is it? It's okay." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"It's hard to imagine that there are perverts like you in this world." Hu Tiequan was completely defeated. This super memory ability is far better than that of a computer.

"There are many wonders in the world. There are many people who are better than me. It's just that real people don't show their faces, so few people know about it." Ye Wentian said noncommittally.

"I agree with this sentence." Hu Tiequan nodded.

"You are older than me, how about I call you Brother Hu?" Ye Wentian said.

"I can't ask for it." Hu Tiequan said immediately.

Ye Wentian smiled, took out a thick medical book and put it on the opposite side, motioning for him to sit down and chat, Hu Tiequan nodded and sat down.

"Brother Hu, I'm curious, how did you end up in jail?" Ye Wentian asked.

"It's a long story, so let's not talk about it." Hu Tiequan shook his head, and continued, "If I'm not wrong, you should have a good relationship with the police station, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Wentian was taken aback: "Brother Hu, what do you want to say?"

"Okay, I won't beat around the bush, I just want to say that you should be able to go out at any time, right?" Hu Tiequan said.

"Almost." Ye Wentian nodded.

"Sure enough, as I expected." Hu Tiequan nodded, and then said: "I want to trouble you with something, I don't know if you agree or not?"

"Don't worry, as long as you promise to do it, I will definitely not treat you badly." Hu Tiequan added.

"Although you and I have known each other not long ago, I have a crush on you. Tell me, if I can help you, I will definitely help you." Ye Wentian said.

"Okay, thank you!" Hu Tiequan was very excited in his heart, stretched out his hand to hold Ye Wentian tightly, released it for a long time, then took out a small photo from his clothes and handed it to Ye Wentian: "This is mine. My dear sister, we have been separated for ten years, if she is still alive, she will be 22 years old now, she should be a big girl!"

Thinking of all the past, Hu Tiequan, who is like a tough guy, has moments of tenderness.

From his eyes, Ye Wentian knew that he must love his sister very much, but he didn't know why the two separated, and what happened to their parents.

The little girl in the photo is very handsome, with shofar braids, and a cute smile. There is a faint tendency to become a big beauty. According to Hu Tiequan, if she is still alive, she must be a big beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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