Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 42 Teaching

Chapter 42 Teaching
Hu Tiequan narrated the experience of himself and his younger sister Hu Xiaoxiao in the past: their family originally lived in Hushi, their parents were businessmen, and the family lived a happy life. There was friction with someone, and he was murdered by the other party. The other party originally wanted to kill the grass, but let him escape, but when he went back to find his hidden sister, he found that she was no longer there.

Over the years, he has been looking for his sister, but the world is so big that it is really difficult to find someone.Originally wanted to help him find his sister through the police system, but found that both himself and his sister had become missing persons.

Later, Hu Tiequan wandered to the southern borderland alone, where he lived a cruel and bloody life, and also developed skills beyond ordinary people there.

A year ago, when Hu Tiequan came to Jiangling City, he met a group of people bullying a young woman in an alley, maybe he was too sensitive to his sister, so he chose to take action, but at that time I completely forgot that I was no longer on the border of the country , It is not allowed to kill casually here, the strike was too heavy, the leader was killed, and the rest of the people almost died.

Ye Wentian nodded, and gave the photo to Hu Tiequan. Relying on his memory to remember a person's appearance is simply a child's play. What's more, this is probably the only photo of Hu Tiequan's younger sister, which means a lot to him. Fan Fei then asked: "Didn't you choose to escape at that time? With your skill and acumen for tracking, it should be a breeze to escape from the police, right?"

Hu Tiequan shook his head, and said helplessly: "You should know who is the most powerful in the Jiangling City Police Station!"

"Did you meet that tigress Zhou Xiaotong?" Ye Wentian looked at Hu Tiequan with a strange expression.

"En!" Hu Tiequan nodded.

"That makes sense!" Ye Wentian patted Hu Tiequan on the shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.

When meeting that tigress Zhou Xiaotong, unless she is a master of Xuan level or above, it is really difficult to escape from her palm, not to mention that Hu Tiequan is still weak alone, how can he escape the layers of the tigress? means.

"I heard that you were imprisoned in the serious criminal area before, why are you transferred here now?" Ye Wentian asked curiously.

"Maybe I was lucky. The guy I beat to death has been doing drug trafficking. According to the criminal law, he can be sentenced to death, so I was transferred here after being imprisoned there for a year. After another two years, I You can go out." Hu Tiequan said.

"So that's the case." Ye Wentian nodded.

"By the way, I'm curious, why were you locked in?" Hu Tiequan asked.

Ye Wentian felt a little helpless, so he told Hu Tiequan about the ins and outs.

"According to my guess, Police Officer Zhou should need your help at any time for something important. According to her character, she will not lose her mind and bend the law for personal gain." Hu Tiequan said.

"Brother Hu, why are you so sure?" Ye Wentian asked curiously.

"Although I don't have much contact with her, I have a little understanding of her character." Hu Tiequan said.

"I hope that's the case, otherwise one day I will have to take her...uh..." Suddenly remembering Hu Tiequan beside him, Ye Wentian quickly shut up.

Hu Tiequan glanced at Ye Wentian with a strange expression, shook his head, and then said: "Wentian, I don't think you have learned any moves. Didn't your master teach you?"

Hearing this, Ye Wentian was stunned: "Actually, I learned all my skills by myself, and I didn't have any teacher to teach me, so I don't know what moves are not. Those so-called moves are all my experience from fighting since I was a child. .”

"So that's it." Hu Tiequan nodded, although he didn't quite believe what Ye Wentian said in his heart, but he didn't point it out: "Wentian, since you are willing to help me find my sister, then I will teach you and me for so many years in return. learned.

However, these moves of mine are used to kill people, so be careful when making moves, but I believe that it should not be difficult for your ability to do this. "

"Yeah!" Ye Wentian immediately became excited. What he lacks now is experience and moves, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive a move in front of Zhou Xiaotong. Although there is a reason for the gap in cultivation, it is more about experience. the above reasons.

"Wentian, if I'm not mistaken, you should be an internal cultivator, and your cultivation base should still be higher than mine. I'm an external cultivator, and the battle between you and me should be more conducive to your cultivation." Hu Tiequan suggested.

"Okay." Ye Wentian had this in mind, and then said: "The place here is too small, why don't we go to the football field?"

"En." Hu Tiequan nodded, and then the two walked to the football field. There is a lawn here, and it won't hurt too much if you fall on the ground.

"It's started." Hu Tiequan said, and before Ye Wentian was ready, he turned around and punched out extremely fast.

Ye Wentian was taken aback, he clasped his palms together to block Hu Tiequan's fist, because he was not mentally prepared, the force of this punch directly sent him flying five meters away, but fortunately, Ye Wentian's physical strength surpassed his own by a level , or else this will be painful to death.

"It's amazing!" Ye Wentian was not angry but happy, with luck in his hands, the pain disappeared instantly.

"The next ones are even more powerful. Although I am only at the early stage of the yellow class, I have killed two masters in the middle stage of the yellow class, and even successfully killed a master in the late stage of the yellow class. I almost died. If you want to improve your strength, you can go to that place, but the risk factor is very high, and there is a possibility of death at any time. Okay, let's come again!" After Hu Tiequan finished speaking, there was a murderous look In an instant.

This momentary change startled Ye Wentian. Murderous aura is not fun, and if you are not careful, you will kill someone. It is obvious that Hu Tiequan is going to make a real move.

At this time, Hu Tiequan was like a cold killing machine, his eyes flashed with brilliance, cold-blooded and wise, almost raising his potential to the highest point.

Pushing hard with both feet, Hu Tiequan left the ground in an instant, leaving a pair of clear shoe prints on the ground, and kicked Ye Wentian's head with a flying kick.

Ye Wentian's fighting spirit was aroused by Hu Tiequan, and he used his arms to mobilize the original divine power in his body to run rapidly, and punched out, ready to fight against Hu Tiequan's iron legs.

Unexpectedly, Hu Tiequan actually controlled his body in the air, flipped over, one hand was already firmly pinching Ye Wentian's right arm, and at the same time he kicked Ye Wentian's chest with his right leg.

With this kick, if you don't die, you will be seriously injured. Ye Wentian was shocked. He quickly punched Hu Tiequan's right leg with his left hand, but when Ye Wentian threw his left fist, Hu Tiequan's left leg had already swung out. .

After a kick, Ye Wentian only felt that the hair on the top of his head seemed to have been blown by a hair dryer, his eyes could hardly be opened, and his face was so painful as if it had been blown by the severe winter wind.

Ye Wentian only felt his scalp go numb, and his heart was already in his throat.

The strong wind had passed, Ye Wentian opened his eyes wide, swallowed his saliva subconsciously, in front of him, a foot was only a centimeter away from his seal, and it was impossible not to burst his head when he stepped on it.

(End of this chapter)

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