Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 444 Bracelet Protector

Chapter 444 Bracelet Protector
Ye Wentian estimated that the cultivation of the King of Thieves has at least half a step of the innate realm, or even stronger, but Ye Wentian has some doubts. After all, after the cultivation base has reached the innate realm, few people will come out Do these thankless things, unless it is a pain in the ass.

"Elisa, do you know the name of the king of thieves?" Ye Wentian asked.

"It is said that his name is Yan Suifeng, but the credibility rate is very small, because no one has ever seen the real king of robbers." Eliza said.

"Oh." Ye Wentian nodded.

"City H is still a long way from here, and it will take at least eight or nine hours by car. We will leave tomorrow morning, and we should be able to reach City H by noon by plane." It has grown a lot, but the injury has not healed yet, if you want to help you win the holy sword this time, I'm afraid you will have to help Ning'er."

"Your fiancée Dongfang Ning!" Eliza asked.

"Yeah." Ye Wentian nodded: "Ning'er's strength is much higher than mine. With Ning'er, she has no opponent in the innate realm. I thought that when you auctioned the holy sword, no one should be able to Take the holy sword from us, not even the King of Thieves."

"I didn't expect Dongfang Ning to be so powerful!" Elisa looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief: "What realm have you reached now?"

"Just broke through the prefecture-level realm." Ye Wentian said.

"Earth-level realm!" Elisa's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Ye Wentian like a monster: "Your cultivation base has improved too fast!"

"It's not bad." Ye Wentian shook his head. For him, it's nothing to raise his cultivation base to the prefectural level. If it wasn't for fear of unstable foundation, he doesn't know where his cultivation base has reached at this moment. the point.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Elisa was speechless, and stared at Ye Wentian with her beautiful eyes.

"I remember that when we first met, your cultivation was lower than mine, but in a blink of an eye you surpassed me by so much. I have to say that the heterogeneous system is extraordinary." Thinking of Ye Wentian's extraordinary physique, There was a strangeness in Eliza's eyes.

"Ahem~~ Elisa, don't look at me like this, I'm not used to it." From Elisa's eyes, Ye Wentian felt like he had become a delicacy, and he wanted to eat himself It's good.

"Young man, can we have a discussion." Elisa looked at Ye Wentian softly, with a hint of temptation.

Feeling Eliza's naked eyes, Ye Wentian couldn't help tightening his body: "It's agreed, except for dedication, everything else is negotiable."

"Heck~~ young man, are you really smart! I was about to make this proposal, but you stopped my thoughts first." Elisa covered her mouth and chuckled: "But I just think about it , I know that it is difficult for us to bond, if I use force, I'm afraid your fiancée will tear me apart, I want to live a few more years, but I don't want to just go like this."

"That's good." Ye Wentian patted his chest in fear.

"Young man, if the matter is successfully completed this time, I think..." Elisa was afraid that others would hear it, so she whispered it in Ye Wentian's ear.

"That's no problem." After hearing Elisa's request, Ye Wentian nodded.

"Then thank you in advance, but I won't let you suffer at that time." Elisa said.

"We have a sincere relationship, and I don't want to have any interest relationship, so if you don't suffer, I hope you don't say it." Ye Wentian said seriously.

"Thanks to you young man, you think highly of me, and being able to meet you is the luckiest thing in my life, Elisa. But after the matter is done, those things will be regarded as gifts from friends." Elisa said.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

The two chatted for a while, and after having a perfect lunch, Ye Wentian began to concentrate on his cultivation.

Huang Xiangling and Xiao Yuxin finally went to school at Ye Wentian's request, but Dongfang Ning did not go, and Ye Wentian didn't say anything about it.

For Ye Wentian, Dongfang Ning's safety is only guaranteed here. People from the four major families will definitely not stop there, and will definitely send more powerful people to try to snatch the two people's inheritance secrets, but those guys don't know at all, How can the peerless skills of the two be so easy to plunder.


Soon, as the evening approached, Ye Wentian opened his eyes and went downstairs. At this moment, Wang Ma was sorting out the ingredients for tonight's dishes.

"Wang Ma, leave the rest to me, you go to rest." Ye Wentian stopped Wang Ma's movement and smiled slightly.

"This... not yet... okay." Seeing Ye Wentian's firm eyes, Wang Ma had no choice but to leave everything to Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian was in charge of the cook, and soon, a table of delicious food came out. After a while, Hu Tiequan carried Xuanyuan Xiaoyu back to the villa, Xiao Yuxin, Ye Xue and others also came.

Yenching University, inside the teacher's office.

Zhang Jing has not prepared enough lessons for the past two days. She is currently preparing lessons in the office. Although she has a wealth of knowledge, she is not very clear about medical terminology and some meanings, and she needs to study further. The matter of the day was delayed.Just as Zhang Jing was entering the state, the phone rang.Zhang Jing picked it up and saw that it was Ye Wentian calling, pursed her delicate lips, and quickly connected.

"Jing'er, where are you?" Ye Wentian asked.

"I'm still preparing lessons at school." Zhang Jing replied.

"I've cooked a lot of dishes, I'll pick you up." Ye Wentian said.

"Wentian, no need, you guys eat first, I'll go to see you later." Zhang Jing said.

"This... well, I'll save some good food for you." Ye Wentian thought for a while and agreed.

"Well, eat more happily." Zhang Jing said.

The two hung up the phone, and Zhang Jing continued to prepare lessons. It was not until eight o'clock in the evening, when the moon rose, that Zhang Jing put down her textbooks and walked out of the office.

Zhang Jing drove a red BMW towards Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's house. Soon, the car drove into the suburbs. At this moment, four figures suddenly appeared, blocking Zhang Jing's front.

Zhang Jing was startled, and immediately stepped on the brakes and backed up to stop the car. Looking at the four people in front, Zhang Jing felt a little uneasy. She picked up her phone and was about to dial Ye Wentian's number.


With a bang, the window glass burst open instantly, and the aroused glass shards shot towards Zhang Jing's face in an instant. At the same time, a hand quickly grabbed Zhang Jing's cell phone.

But what the man didn't expect was that when the glass shards were about to hit Zhang Jing's face fiercely, an invisible defensive air shield appeared, and all the glass shards that were about to hit Zhang Jing's face were thrown away. .

"Body protection!" The man was very surprised, and at the same time looked at Zhang Jing who was trembling with some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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