Chapter 445
Dongfang Ning and Ye Wentian were in the same room instructing Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, Hu Tiequan, Xiao Yuxin... They were practicing. At this moment, Dongfang Ning fixed her eyes and turned her head to look into the distance. Treasure sword.

"Ning'er, what's wrong?" Ye Wentian looked at Dongfang Ning suspiciously.

Dongfang Ning didn't answer, and quickly glanced at Ye Xue and the others, then turned to look at Ye Wentian and said, "Something happened to Zhang Jing!"

"What!" Ye Wentian was startled: "Where did the accident happen?"

"It's not far away, in that direction!" Dongfang Ning said, pointing to the direction where Zhang Jing's accident happened.

"Let's hurry up to rescue Jing'er, Xue'er, Xiangling, you continue to practice, don't be lazy." Ye Wentian said.

"Yes." Ye Xue and the others nodded.

"Be careful." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded, and Dongfang Ning quickly got up, jumped out of the balcony, and disappeared in an instant.


"Zhao Zhongxiang, what's going on?" Seeing the scene just now, the three strong men from the Qin family, Ling family, and Long family walked over suspiciously.

"If I'm not wrong, this woman has a secret treasure." Zhao Zhongxiang couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. He originally wanted to steal the treasure from Zhang Jing, but he knew it was impossible according to the situation, so he had to speak out his thoughts .

"Treasure!" Hearing Zhao Zhongxiang's words, the three of them were startled, excitement and excitement surged into their hearts instantly.

"Girl, come out." Zhao Zhongxiang said.

Zhang Jing trembled when she heard this, and turned her head weakly to look at the four middle-aged men in front of her.

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Jing took a deep breath and summoned up her courage to ask.

"What are you doing? It's very simple, first hand over the treasure on your body." Long Peng of the Long family said.

"I don't have any treasures." Zhang Jing was a little puzzled, but turned around in an instant, and subconsciously glanced at the bracelet on her hand.

"The treasures are these beads!" Zhao Zhongxiang and the others followed Zhang Jing's gaze and saw those extraordinary jade beads, their eyes lit up immediately.

Zhao Zhongxiang and Long Peng, who were closest to Zhang Jing, reacted very quickly and quickly grabbed Zhang Jing's wrist.

However, what people didn't expect was that when their hands were still a few centimeters away from Zhang Jing, a mysterious force emerged instantly.



Almost at the same time, Zhao Zhongxiang and Long Peng were knocked out by this force at the same time. Fortunately, the force they used was not very strong, otherwise their hands would have been destroyed by this force.

"What a powerful treasure!" Seeing this situation, the strong men of the Ling family and the Qin family shuddered, but the fire in their eyes became deeper and deeper.

"It's unimaginable that this treasure has an independent protective function." Ling Yang of the Ling family grinned: "If I guessed correctly, this bracelet is the legendary defensive spirit weapon!"

Hearing Ling Yang's words, the hearts of the three were shocked. Zhao Zhongxiang and Long Peng slapped the ground with their palms and stood up instantly.

"Miss Zhang, if you hand over the bracelet in your hand to us, we won't embarrass you, how about it?" Ling Yang looked at Zhang Jing and smiled slightly, very kindly, those who didn't know thought the man in front of him was Zhang Jing a relative of

"Huh~~ This is a gift from Brother Tian, ​​and I will never give it to anyone." Zhang Jing looked at these people coldly, thinking of the magical power of the bracelet, they could not hurt herself at all, and she felt confident. a lot.

"Miss Zhang, I advise you to be good, otherwise don't say we didn't remind you when you suffer a lot." Long Peng poked his hand and threatened.

"Hmph~~ I have a bracelet to protect me, you can't hurt me at all." Zhang Jing didn't accept their tricks.

"You!" The four of Zhao Zhongxiang were out of breath for a while, but Zhang Jing was quite smart and was not frightened.

"Miss Zhang, you are right, we really can't hurt you in a head-on confrontation, but don't forget, once we blow up your car, hehe~~ I am afraid that even if you have a defense bracelet, it will be useless! "A trace of cruelty flashed in Ling Yang's eyes.

"You... you dare to do this, Brother Tian will not let you go." Zhang Jing couldn't help becoming nervous. Although the defense bracelet is very powerful, it is still unknown whether it can withstand the power of the car explosion.

"What? I'm scared, hehe~~ To tell you the truth, the purpose of our coming here is to deal with Ye Wentian, and his coming is just a dead end." At this point, Long Peng rolled his eyes and continued: " But, if you obediently give me the defense bracelet, I promise you not to hurt Ye Wentian, how about it? You think about it!"

"Hmph~~ You are no match for Brother Tian at all. Even if you can defeat Brother Tian, ​​you still cannot defeat Dongfang Ning." Zhang Jing would not believe that they could hurt Ye Wentian. She knew how powerful Dongfang Ning was, like Yanhuang People as powerful as the leader of the warrior are not her opponents, and these people are even less likely to be her opponents.

"Dongfang Ning?" Long Peng was taken aback, but did not respond: "Who is it?"

"This name is somewhat familiar." Zhao Zhongxiang said.

"How do you look like a member of the Dongfang family in the secular world?" Qin Hong wondered.

"What? Your four major families haven't even investigated my information!" At this moment, a voice sounded from behind the four of them.

Hearing this sudden voice, the four of them trembled. They felt cold sweat protruding from their backs and their scalps were numb. They turned around immediately, and the two of them were looking at them coldly.

"Ye...Ye Wentian!" Ling Yang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he exchanged glances with the other three, feeling that things far exceeded their expectations.

"Brother Tian, ​​Dongfang Ning!" Seeing the two of them, Zhang Jing immediately opened the car door and ran towards them.

Seeing this, the four of them did not act rashly, allowing Zhang Jing to run to Ye Wentian's side.Ye Wentian patted Zhang Jing's little hand to comfort Zhang Jing.

"The ghosts of your four major families are really lingering, and you will never die until you reach the Yellow River!" Dongfang Ning said coldly.

Feeling the aura of Dongfang Ning, Zhao Zhongxiang and the others changed their complexions drastically, and each of them became active.

36 counts, running is the best count!
A figure flashed past, and Ling Yang suddenly appeared on the other side of Zhang Jing's red BMW, with both palms concentrated.

There was a loud noise, and the whole red BMW flew towards Dongfang Ning in an instant, and at the same time, Ling Yang ran out in a hurry.

"Damn it!" The three of Long Peng didn't expect Ling Yang to make a move first, and the three of them quickly dodged to avoid the flying red BMW, and at the same time chased Ling Yang closely.

"If you want to run, can you still run!" Dongfang Ning smiled coldly, and pushed out with the palm of his left hand, and the flying red BMW was instantly blocked by her powerful strength.

At the same time, Dongfang Ning gently pulled her right hand to the ground, and eight stones jumped into her hand in an instant, flicking with her fingers.


With a few crisp sounds, the leg meridians of the four people's legs were instantly broken, and their feet were weak, and they fell to the ground in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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