Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 446 5 Old

Chapter 446 Five Elders

The gap between a heaven-level powerhouse and an earth-level powerhouse is too great, let alone comparing with a super heaven-level powerhouse like Dongfang Ning.

Now Dongfang Ning has broken through to the late stage of the heavenly level, and it is only a matter of time to break through to the peak of the late stage of the heavenly level. If it is not for laying a good foundation, it is not a problem for Dongfang Ning to break through to the half-step innate state at this moment.

"What do you want to do?" Ling Yang looked at Dongfang Ning with a face full of horror. Although she had already sensed Dongfang Ning's strength, she never thought that Dongfang Ning's strength was so strong that the four of them were in her hands. There is no resistance at all.

"What are you doing?" Dongfang Ning smiled coldly: "The background of your four major families is really good. First, you dispatched four guys who were at the peak of the late prefecture level. , Today, some of you guys who are at the peak of the late prefecture level are dispatched, I think this should not be the highlight of tonight."

" did you know?" Zhao Zhongxiang was terrified, looking at the demon-like Dongfang Ning in front of him in horror.

"It's not difficult to guess. Since it's useless for you to dispatch so many strong people at the prefecture level, you will definitely have someone to spare if you attack again. Although you originally planned to blackmail Jing'er, I don't think you are fully sure to take it. I escaped safely after learning my inheritance secret method, do you think my reasoning is correct?" Ye Wentian glanced at Dongfang Ning, then spoke.

"Huh~~ You guessed right, we do have a backup, the heavenly powerhouses of our four major families will come at any time, you'd better let us go, otherwise, you will be unable to eat and walk around. "Long Peng rolled his eyes and said in a cold voice.

"Heaven-level powerhouse!" Dongfang Ning showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and was about to speak when suddenly she frowned and turned her head to look into the distance.

Ye Wentian was stunned for a moment, his consciousness dispersed, and soon a figure appeared within the range of perception.

"A congenital powerhouse!" Ye Wentian was startled.

In an instant, an old man appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you?" Dongfang Ning frowned, her face was a little dignified, and she moved her feet to block Ye Wentian and Zhang Jing.

"Huh!" Seeing Dongfang Ning's incomparably fast speed and mysterious footwork, the visitor couldn't help but look at Dongfang Ning deeply, and suddenly there was a huge wave in his heart!

"You must be Dongfang Ning." The old man forced himself to suppress the horror in his heart, looked at Ye Wentian kindly and said, "Then you should be Ye Wentian!"

"I am." Dongfang Ning and Ye Wentian nodded.

"You don't need to be so nervous, I am the last elder of Yanhuang Warrior, you can just call me the fifth elder." The fifth elder smiled slightly, with a hint of self-deprecation.

When everyone in Ling Yang heard that they were General Yanhuang, their eyes lit up immediately, as if they had grasped a life-saving straw, they hurriedly asked for help: "Five seniors! Help us!"

"Hmph~~" Dongfang Ning glanced at the four of them coldly, and immediately made the four of them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, swallowing their begging for mercy.

"Ms. Dongfang, young man Wentian, I'll let them go today because of my face." The five elders cupped their hands at Dongfang Ning. He knew that Dongfang Ning's strength might not be inferior to his.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'll listen to you." Dongfang Ning turned her head and said to Ye Wentian.

"Five seniors, I know that you are acting impartially, but please don't interfere in this matter. Their four big families are greedy, and they can't deal with me, so they turned around and shot at my woman. It is unbearable, Ning'er , Find out who is behind them, and kill them!" Ye Wentian's eyes flashed a chill, and there was no room for change.

"Bold!" The fifth elder didn't expect that his good words of persuasion would be dismissed by these juniors, and he was quite annoyed in his heart. Anyway, he is also a majestic innate-level powerhouse.

"What? Five elders, are you going to rescue them?" A cold light flashed in Dongfang Ning's eyes.

"That's right, it looks like I have to ask you, a junior, for some advice!" The fifth elder had a pair of sleeves, ready to strike.

"No one can stop the person I want to kill!" Dongfang Ning's eyes flashed brightly, and afterimages flashed, he was behind the five of them in an instant.

"This speed!"

The five elders were terrified. Just now when he found Dongfang Ning moving, he was about to use his strength. Who knew that a soft force slowed him down first, and he could only watch Dongfang Ning jump to the rear.

Seeing Dongfang Ning standing beside them, the four of Ling Yang's eyes were about to pop out, and they almost visited the eighteen generations of Wu Lao's ancestors, thinking that Wu Lao was deliberately releasing water.

"Five elders, I advise you to not meddle in my affairs, otherwise, I will inevitably attack you today." Dongfang Ning looked at the five elders indifferently.

"No matter what, I will protect the four of them!" The five elders didn't dare to be careless, and suddenly there was a cold sword in their hands.

"Hmph~~ Then it depends on whether you have the ability!" Dongfang Ning quickly squeezed a formula with both hands, and a mysterious power around her quickly gathered in the palm of her hand.

"Handprints! So mysterious!" The five elders were shocked once again. He never expected to see such mysterious handprints with his own eyes. In these handprints, he seemed to have a little understanding. A little loose.

The five elders have been promoted to the innate realm for several years, but they have never realized that kind of mysterious and mysterious things, so their cultivation base has been improving very slowly.But in an instant, he realized that this was not the time for comprehension.

"Look at me breaking your handprint!" Wulao Yunjian shook, and a powerful sword energy swept towards Dongfang Ning. The sword light passed, and a shallow sword mark could be seen flowing in the air .

"The powerhouse in the innate realm is really not built!" Ye Wentian took a deep breath in his heart.

"Ning!" Dongfang Ning shouted, and pushed towards the five elders with all his strength. The powerful and mysterious handprints immediately emitted a strong chill.

With a crisp sound, Wu Lao's cold light sword paused when it met Dongfang Ning Xuan'ao's handprint, Wu Lao was startled, and at the moment his mind fluctuated, Dongfang Ning flicked his fingers repeatedly, and icy air directed towards Wu Lao shot to the acupoint.

The five elders reacted quickly, and the body-protecting qi quickly circulated around the body, but Dongfang Ning had already expected this, so all the icy qi was directed in one direction.

Wu Lao held the cold light sword tightly in his right hand, unwilling to let go, but the mysterious handprint firmly fixed the cold light sword, and the cold air gradually extended from the sword to the handle.

Just when Wu Lao was about to let go, under the fluctuating mind, a burst of icy air broke through his defense and sealed his acupuncture points.

(End of this chapter)

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