Chapter 461
"Huh~~ You can actually see me!" The woman looked at Ye Wentian in surprise.

This time, the woman's voice had already told everyone where she was.

Yang Buxiu felt a little trembling all over, because it was obvious that the voice was less than two meters away from him. At this moment, the faint scent of a woman coming from the tip of his nose proved that he was right.

"Senior, you're joking. You're standing in front of me. Can I still not see you?" Ye Wentian still had a vague smile on his lips.

"Ye Wentian, you are really extraordinary. It seems that the inheritance you carry is not as powerful as usual. No wonder so many people are staring at you." As soon as the words fell, the figure of a middle-aged woman appeared.

Yang Buxiu and the others were shocked again. The woman who jumped into the eyes was wearing a red robe. Although her appearance was not as good as Dongfang Ning's, she was full of feminine charm, which made people feel more like wanting to kiss Fangze. love.

The woman in front of her looks only about 40 years old, but Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning can perceive that she has already passed a hundred years old, and the reason why her appearance is still about 40 years old is completely different from her previous appearance. Cultivation is related.

"Senior, Ding Buhui, the elder of the Xia San Jue Sect, came here today just because he couldn't see how many people were planning on these two young people. Now that there is a senior here, I am too worried." Ding Buhui looked at the man in front of him. The woman clasped her fists, her tone was pertinent, and she didn't seem to be lying.

After Ding Buhui finished speaking, the two heavenly masters beside him also expressed their intention to come.

"Senior, Zhao Zhibin, the elder of the Despicable School, my purpose is the same as Senior Ding's. It is really a junior's honor to see you again today." Zhao Zhibin smiled kindly, bowed and clasped his fists.

Soon, some people came out from the dark, including foreign warriors. Some people said that they just had a look and had no other intentions.

Ye Wentian watched the scene in front of him quietly. These people may be telling the truth, but I can't guarantee that none of them will be greedy.

The eyes of the woman in front of her were on Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning, and she didn't pay attention to what the people behind her said.

"Ye Wentian, what did you think about what I said earlier?" the woman said softly.

"Senior, I appreciate your kindness, but unfortunately I already have a master." Ye Wentian replied indifferently.

"There is a master!" The woman pondered for a while, and said again: "Based on what I know about you, it seems that your master has never appeared."

"My master is a little special, he is everywhere." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wentian's mouth, as if he was a little unfathomable.

"Everywhere!" The woman was stunned: "Interesting, I am really more and more interested in you. Looking at you, I don't think you should be the kind of stubborn person, maybe you should understand, but those who have Those who are extremely capable do not only have a master, or they really have a teacher, or only in name, these people can avoid detours and comprehend those profound supernatural powers under the guidance of a famous teacher."

"Senior, thank you for your kindness, but it's a pity that I have no intention of being a teacher." Ye Wentian shook his head.

"Unintentionally apprentice!" The woman raised her eyebrows lightly, as if she had become angry after being repeatedly pushed back by Ye Wentian: "Ye Wentian, based on your current situation, once you lose my suppression, these people will most likely be defeated. Hands on you."

"Senior, you worry too much, these juniors don't pay attention to them." Ye Wentian grinned, and there seemed to be a hint of ridicule in this smile.

"Okay, it seems that I wasted too much time. Since you are so obsessed, I don't need to untie your siege. Let me go. I hope I can see you tomorrow." The woman took a deep look at the station Dongfang Ning, who was beside Ye Wentian, disappeared instantly in a flash.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, they didn't expect this woman to fail to accept her apprentice, so she left as soon as she said it.However, they are not yet fully sure whether she has left or not. After all, the opponent is too strong, and they have no way of checking.

"You don't need to look, that senior has gone far away, it's time to do it quickly, or get out!" Ye Wentian was a little speechless to these guys who are soft and afraid of hard work, if he was afraid of offending them one by one It's not good for people, so he won't spend so long with these guys.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Yang Buxiu and the others were still a little hesitant. After all, who knew if that woman was hiding somewhere. Once she shot Ye Wentian, would that woman come out to trouble them? They couldn't help but There is also a tendency to retreat, but they don't want to give up halfway when faced with the temptation of inheriting the secret method.

However, just when everyone was hesitating, another three forces rushed out of the forest.

"It's another Japanese warrior!" Seeing the person coming, Ding Buhui and his group frowned.

"This auction is really a gathering of heroes from all over the world!" An old man beside Ding Buhui mused.

"Miss Youlan, if I guessed correctly about the frame-up last time, it must have been your idea." Dr. Yamaguchi from the Yamaguchi-gumi smiled coldly: "Drive us away, and then use the genius of the Ye family beside you You have to admit that your strategy is good, but unfortunately, you have misjudged the ability of the Yanhuang generals in China."

"Hmph~~" Muto Youlan snorted coldly, without further explanation.

"Miss Youlan, now that Naoki is seriously injured, he is no longer my all-in-one enemy. Relying on the strength of this genius from the Ye family, he seems to be much weaker." Liu Shengdanfeng stroked the hair in the middle, very proud smiled.

"You are so confident that you can beat me... the beautiful woman around you!" Ye Wentian communicated with the other party in Japanese, paused, and pointed to Dongfang Ning.

"Genius boy of the Ye family, don't worry, I will love your little lady well after I kill you, haha~~" Oda Kazaka laughed presumptuously.

Dongfang Ning raised her eyebrows and was about to make a move, but Ye Wentian told her it was not the time yet.

"It seems that you have forgotten that we are still there!" At this time, three figures appeared in front of Ye Wentian and the others.

"Ding Buhui!" Xing Peng spat out three words heavily.

"Senior Ding of the Sanjue Sect!" The expressions of the others changed one after another, and their complexions became heavy.

The strength of the Sanjue Sect is well known, especially the rumors that a congenital-level master appeared in the Sanjue Sect decades ago. After so many years, no one knows how many congenital-level masters are hidden in the sect. unknown.

The addition of Sanjuemen made the group feel the pressure. They didn't expect that what Ding Buhui said in front of the woman was true, and they thought he was just a stopgap measure.

(End of this chapter)

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