Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 462 Sneak Attack

Chapter 462 Sneak Attack
"I would like to advise everyone, don't rely on numbers to bully the weak. Today, I, Ding Buhui, will take care of this little brother Ye." Ding Buhui looked at the crowd opposite him coldly.

"I believe everyone understands the strength of our Three Absolute Sect. I hope you don't overestimate your capabilities." One of Ding Buhui's juniors interjected.

"Hmph~~ Three Absolute Sects! Ding Buhui, your Three Absolute Sects are indeed powerful, I cannot deny this, but, don't forget, in the face of our many powerful sects, your Three Absolute Sects may not be able to stand alone, let alone What's more, just by you, can you represent your Three Absolute Sects? You have committed public anger by opposing us like this, I think even if what happens to us, your Three Absolute Sects will not be able to do anything to us!" Yang Buxiu doubled his eyes. Squinting slightly, said in a deep voice.

"Yang Buxiu, I can't imagine that you, an old thing who has been practicing for nearly a hundred years, would still do such brazen things, stealing things from a young man who is not as weak as the crown, I think your cultivation has been cultivated to a dog! "Ding Buhui's other junior scolded fiercely.

"You!" Hearing these words, Yang Buxiu was also so angry that his face turned blue and white, and he really wanted to grab the other party and give him a good blow.

"Brother Yang, Brother Ding is already the embodiment of justice. Why do we evil people care about those bullshit things like face? For us, strength is the most important thing, isn't it?" At this time, the Japanese The teacher's elder, Wu Zheng, came over.

Originally, the people of the Japanese religion were planning to win over Ye Wentian, but since they learned that Ye Wentian was carrying an inheritance, they also came up with the idea of ​​Ye Wentian inheriting the secret method.

Wu Zheng earlier planned to capture Ye Wentian in the name of wooing Ye Wentian and then force him to find out the secret method of inheritance, but things happened too fast and turned into what it is now. It is obvious that the secret method of inheritance wants to be monopolized It was impossible, so he became one of the characters who attacked Ye Wentian this time.

"People from the Japanese religion!" Seeing the logo on Wu Zheng's clothes, Ye Wentian's expression was shocked, and he sighed secretly: "Sure enough, they are a group of greedy people."

"These Chinese warriors are really long-winded!" Oda Kazaka snorted coldly, his eyes signaled the people of the Yagyu family and the Yamaguchi-gumi, and soon, someone quietly arranged among the three forces had already made a move.

There were a lot of people around, and it was hard to notice that one or two would move occasionally, but all this fell into the eyes of Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning, but they always pretended not to know anything.


The three Japanese warriors who jumped into the rear saw Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning leave their backs for them. The three of them didn't wait any longer and immediately threw a dozen darts. At the same time, Dr. Yamamoto, Yagyu Tankaze and Oda He Zhong accompanied the three warriors behind and rushed towards Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning in a flanking attack.

At such a "crisis" moment, Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning remained calm, as if they were watching a monkey show.

When the incident happened, the three of Ding Buhui reacted quickly, the two juniors rushed towards the three Japanese warriors behind, and at the same time, Zhao Zhibin, the elder of Liufeng Sect, suddenly rushed out, towards another Japanese warrior. The warrior rushed forward.

In front, three half-step innate-level Japanese warriors rushed over quickly, Ding Buhui took a step across, and was in the center of Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning, quickly mobilizing his whole body's power.

"Three points to one!" Ding Buhui let out a loud roar, and a powerful cyclone condensed in his hands.

Standing in the center of the cyclone, one can deeply feel the power of this energy. The powerful force made Ding Buhui's clothes rattle, and the dust on the cement road was removed layer after layer.

"Use all your strength!" Doctor Yamaguchi's complexion was heavy and he quickly changed his move, drawing a saber aura in the air. At the same time, Yagyu Tankaze and Oda Kazuka also sensed Ding Buhui's strength, so they stopped holding back and attacked quickly.

"Boom!" The four qi energies met in the air, with a loud noise, the original night was illuminated like day, and the brilliance flowed, and Doctor Yamaguchi and the three began to compare their internal strength with Ding Buhui.

Ding Buhui's three-point return to one is already his bottom move, and he still can't exert the most powerful power of this move. Facing three masters who are only slightly inferior to himself, he will soon fall into a trap. a one-sided trend.

"I never thought that Ding Buhui would be so powerful!" Xing Peng's heart trembled.

"The martial arts of the Sanjue Sect are really extraordinary. How powerful the Sanjue old man who created four kinds of martial arts must have been!" Wu Zheng was also shocked by Ding Buhui's strength. Unable to withstand the full blow of the three.

"Sanjuemen, Sanjuemen~~" Seeing the scene in front of him, Yang Buxiu's eyes flickered for a while.

At this moment, no one else made a move, because after seeing the strength of the Sanjue Sect, they were unwilling to offend this sect. Who knows how powerful this legendary sect is hiding. I can't get rid of the responsibility, even if I get the inheritance of Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning, so what, becoming stronger depends on a process, not a day's work.

"Damn it!" Ding Buhui was anxious, cold sweat dripped down his face, he felt that the internal energy in his body was being sucked away like water from a water pump, and soon, he was going to be the last of his strength.

Behind them, although the three of Zhao Zhibin had the upper hand, they couldn't defeat the enemy within a few moves, and they couldn't rescue Ding Buhui at all.

"Hey~~ why bother!" Ye Wentian shook his head with a smile, moved his fingers lightly, and the six darts on the ground quickly jumped into the palm of his hand. The master lased away.

"Bastard!" Dr. Yamaguchi, Yagyu Tankaze, and Oda Kazuchu blurted out curses when they saw the darts shooting towards them, but they couldn't just watch the darts shoot and kill themselves, so they quickly withdrew their hands to resist.

"bang bang bang~~"

Just when the three of them were repelled by Ye Wentian within three breaths, Zhao Zhibin and the others also repelled the three Japanese warriors and returned to Ye Wentian's side.

"Senior brother, are you alright?" Ding Buhui's two junior brothers hurriedly asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but I won't be able to deal with the enemy for a while!" Ding Buhui shook his head, and glanced at Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning who had been calm and composed, which made him quite surprised.

"Senior Ding, the two seniors, and Senior Zhao, my son, Ye Wentian, thank you for your help." Ye Wentian bowed and cupped his fists to salute them one by one.

"Boy, you don't need to thank you." Zhao Zhibin reached out and grabbed Ye Wentian's hands, and suddenly grabbed Ye Wentian's neck with force, and at the same time the long sword in his right hand rested on Ye Wentian's neck.

This turn of events surprised everyone, even Yang Buxiu and the others did not think that Zhao Zhibin was just pretending to help Ye Wentian, and his real intention was to catch Ye Wentian and obtain the inheritance secret method.

(End of this chapter)

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