Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 500 The Interpretation of Love

Chapter 500 The Interpretation of Love
"You... hello..." The five girls cleaned the bodies of the dead and looked at Ye Wentian weakly.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded, stretched out his hand, and put several female corpses into the pit. With a big wave of his hand, a large piece of soil covered it.

Looking at the new grave in front of him, Ye Wentian stood still for a while, then bowed three times, and the women also bowed three times.

"Let's go." With a thought in Ye Wentian's mind, the seven women flew up without any warning, and they were startled.

Ye Wentian frowned slightly. Although there were silver needles to help him, it was too much for Ye Wentian to control seven silver needles at the same time and each of them could bear the weight of a person. But at this moment, Ye Wentian had no choice but to Had no choice but to hold back abruptly.

"Don't be afraid, with me here, just relax. If you are really afraid, then close your eyes." Ye Wentian sent a voice transmission to a few women, and with both hands condensed the Dao seal, he rushed towards Jintian Village.

Fortunately, for Ye Wentian, Jintian Village is not too far away, and the group of people arrived in Jintian Village soon.

A few people fell down, Ye Wentian took back the silver needle, his whole body was already sweating profusely and panting.

"You all open your eyes." Ye Wentian looked at the five women and said, as for the other two women, except for the fear at the beginning, their eyes were open from the beginning to the end.

Looking at the tombs in front of them, although they didn't know whose one belonged to them, they knew that one of them had their close relatives.

Tears, rustling down, slid over the corners of the mouth, slapped, and fell to the ground, and the broken flowers were like their broken hearts at the moment.

"Brother Tian! How are you?" Dongfang Ning leaped forward, holding Ye Wentian's pulse and checking carefully, for fear that something might happen to Ye Wentian.

"Brother Tian, ​​have you avenged Xiao Huang?" Xiaofeng sobbed, looking at Ye Wentian and said with snot and tears.

"Don't worry, the enemy is already dead." Ye Wentian patted Xiaofeng's head: "Remember, you must become a strong person in the future, so that you can protect the people around you, you know?"

"Well, Xiaofeng will definitely become as powerful as Brother Tian and kill those bad guys!" Xiaofeng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes flashing with determination.

In front, the two women knelt down first, and then the five women also knelt down, looking at the grave in front of them, the seven women did not say a word, but Ye Wentian knew that they had already uttered thousands of words in their hearts .

"Get up, the dead are gone! I believe that if your relatives are still alive, I don't want you to live in pain forever!" Ye Wentian walked up to the two women and patted them gently. woman's shoulders.

Dongfang Ning and the others helped up the other five girls.

"Pack up your things and follow us." Ye Wentian continued.

The two women looked at each other, looked at Ye Wentian's sincere face, and nodded.

Soon, Seventh Girl packed up some of her belongings and came out.

"It's getting late, let's go quickly." Ye Wentian said, and walked out first.

Jintian Village is only six or seven miles away from Shanhua Village. The roads are paved with some bricks and stones, and the roads are easy to walk when the weather is fine.

Along the way, no one spoke, and everyone was thinking about their own concerns.

Half an hour later, I finally saw oil lamps lit in some houses in Shanhua Village.

Here, fortunately, there was no catastrophe!
Ye Wentian's consciousness spread out, and soon all the scenes in the village were imprinted in his mind.
There is already a school here, but it has not been built. It was built by Hu Xiaoxiao with money.

There are forty or fifty miles of roads leading to the outside world, so the cost of building a school is very high, and even if it is built, there may not be people who are willing to come to teach, which is also a big problem.

But all this is a big problem for Xiao Feng and the others, but it is not a problem for Ye Wentian.

"Brother Tian, ​​our Shanhua Village is ahead." Xiaofeng pointed to the village.

When he came close, Xiaofeng trotted forward lightly, looking at the direction, Xiaofeng was going to run to the first earthen house at the entrance of the village.

"That should be Xiaodie's home." Ye Wentian smiled.


"Grandpa, is your health better?" A seven or eight-year-old girl looked slim, but was very thin due to malnutrition.The little girl put down the bowl of soup and medicine in her hand, and squeezed the shoulder of the old man lying on the bed.

"Xiaodie, seeing you, Grandpa's health is much better!" The old man showed a kind smile on his wrinkled face.

"Grandpa, Xiaodie will be by Grandpa's side every day." The little girl smiled sweetly, turned around and brought over a bowl of rice filled with braised pork.

"Grandpa, today the village chief killed a big wild boar, and the village chief gave me a catty of meat. You can taste it quickly and see how Xiaodie's cooking skills are?" Xiaodie picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in the old man's mouth with a smile. side.

"Xiaodie, you can eat. Grandpa is old and has a small appetite and can't eat. I believe that the food made by my family Xiaodie is the best." The old man gently touched the little girl's head.

"Grandpa, I've already eaten it. Eat it while it's hot, or it won't taste good when it's cold." The little girl stubbornly put the braised pork in the old man's mouth.

The old man couldn't help it, he opened his mouth to eat, and praised his granddaughter's craftsmanship again and again.

"Grandpa, eat more if it tastes good." The little girl was overjoyed, and put another piece of braised pork into the old man's mouth.

"Xiaodie, you can eat, you silly girl, seeing your flat stomach, you must be still hungry." As soon as the old man finished speaking, Xiaodie's stomach growled uncontrollably.

"Grandpa, I..." Xiaodie was embarrassed, and looked at the old man embarrassedly.

"You!" The old man touched Xiaodie's head helplessly, his eyes were full of distress: "Xiaodie, grandpa is going into the coffin soon, from now on, grandpa is not here, you have to take good care of yourself Yes, in the future you can try to go out and have a look, maybe there is more suitable for you to grow up, the village is very backward, staying here will be useless for the rest of your life.”

"Grandpa, Xiaodie will accompany you forever." The little girl sobbed slightly, her face was covered with tears.

"I'm old, and it's useless for you to stay with me. You have to earn enough money to contribute to your hometown like you Xiaoxiao, you know?" the old man said earnestly.

"Well, Xiaodie remembers, Grandpa, you will be fine too, I don't want Grandpa to leave me." The little girl sobbed slightly.

"Don't worry, Xiaodie, if brother Tian is here, grandpa will definitely not leave us." At this time, Xiaofeng who had been eavesdropping for a long time ran in.

Seeing Xiaofeng coming in, Xiaodie was startled, all the bowls in her hands fell to the ground, and the braised pork was covered with dust.

(End of this chapter)

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